Ovaries diseases of

Plumbum [Plb]

Patient wants to stretch upper and lower limbs during ovarian pains; feeling as if there was not room enough in the pelvis; atrophy and sterility.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Ovarian tumor, pain in ovarian region, especially right side, with heat, down thighs, better from pressure; cannot keep the feet still, and pains extending upward to the shoulder; prolapsus uteri or ani, from overlifting; leucorrhoea of thick transparent mucus; shooting pain in right ovary before and during menses; tired feeling in both ovaries, with external swelling in both limbs, both extending down below knees; ovarian pains in connection with hepatic affections.

Psorinum [Psor]

Left ovary indurated after a violent knock, followed by itching eruption on body and face; knotty lump above right groin, even a bandage hurts; lumpy leucorrhoea of unbearable odor.

Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]

Chronic neuralgic cases, always excited by every atmospheric (Rhus, Rhododendron, worse by rough, windy weather).

Rhododendron [Rhod]

Pain in ovaries, (<) from change of weather.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Ovaries with rheumatic affection; irritation and sensitiveness of right ovary, before and during menses; worse by changes of the weather.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Cutting lancinating pains in ovarian region, as if knives were stabbing; nymphomania from ascarides; menses flows by fits and starts, irregularly.

Sabina [Sabin]

Ovaritis, stitches in vagina deep from before backward.

Saccharum-lact [Sac-l]

(Swan). Neuralgic pains in ovarian region, extending over to uterine region (right); shooting neuralgic pains of short duration.

Sepia [Sep]

Congestion, stinging pains in ovarian region running around from the back over each hip, bearing-down pains from uterus; tenderness of female parts to touch.

Staphisagria [Staph]

OVARIAN AFFECTION FROM MASTURBATION, after disappointed love; from prolonged absence of husband; painful sensitiveness of sexual parts, especially when the mind has been dwelling too much on sexual gratification; sharp shooting pain in ovary, which is swollen and very sensitive to pressure, pains extending down into crural region and thighs; irritable mood about trifles.

Stramonium [Stram]

Ovarian neuralgia with hysterical convulsions; she shrinks back with fear on seeing any one; loquacity.

Sulphur [Sulph]

PAINS ALTERNATING BETWEEN OVARY AND EYES; pain from ovarian region to back; feeling of weakness in genital organs.

Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]

REFLEX OVARIAN NEURALGIA ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRICTIVE HEADACHE; burning pain in hypogastrium and hips, with sensation of great weight in pelvis; profuse menses followed by pruritus vulvae.

Theridion [Ther]

Ovaralgia with dysmenorrhoea in nervous anaemic women, with headache and hyperaesthesia of sight and hearing; hysteria during puberty or climaxis; scrofulo-tuberculosis.

Thuja [Thuj]

Inflammation, with pain in the left ovary, extending through the left iliac region into the and sometimes into the left leg, frequently worse from walking or riding, so that she has to lie down (during menses); burning pain in the ovary; ovarian affections and pains are worse during menses; affections connected with gonorrhoea or syphilis. Cysto-ovarium.

Ustilago [Ust]

Burning pain; pain in the ovaries shooting down the legs, intermittent, with swelling, worse in the left; severe ovarian and uterine irritation, with severe pain in the back; ovarian irritation with amenorrhoea; pain in the right ovary with metrorrhagia; neuralgic pains, especially suitable during climaxis and to tall, slim, fair-complexioned women.

Vespa [Vesp]

Tenderness of left ovary, with consciousness of trouble in those parts; frequent desire to urinate; indescribable pain in sacral region, sometimes extending to back; patient wants to be in a cold room.

Viburnum-opulus [Vib]

Irritability of the ovaries; spasmodic contraction of cervix uteri.

Xanthoxylum [Xan]

Pain during menses, which are scanty and retarded.

Zincum [Zinc]

Inflammation and boring pain in the left ovary, RELIEVED BY PRESSURE AND DURING MENSES, when all her complaints generally disappear, but return at their expiration; fidgety feeling in feet, especially after menses; restless unrefreshing sleep, mental and bodily exhaustion.

Zincum-val [Zinc-val]

Neuralgic pains with great nervousness, even sleeplessness, (<) during menses (Zincum met. met. (>)); hysterical symptoms; frequently, at the same time, severe neuralgic headache, often occipital, with sensation as if parts, would be pressed asunder.

Zizia-aurea [Ziz]

Intermittent neuralgia of left ovary.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.