Ovaries diseases of

Homeopathy treatment for Ovaries diseases of from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Ovaries diseases of…

Abrotanum [Abrot]

Burning, tearing and darting pains in left ovary when Apis failed; suppression of menses in young girls, followed by nosebleed.

Aconite [Acon]

Ovaritis from checked perspiration or from sudden checking of menstrual flow, from fright or from riding in cold winds or from getting wet when overheated, with fear that she will not recover, accompanied by bitter vomiting and sweat; painful urging to urinate.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

Pain starts in right ovary and runs through the hip to back.

Aloe [Aloe]

Laborlike pains in groins and loins, with fulness and heaviness in uterine region, (<) while standing.

Alumen [Alumn]

Affections of left ovary with troublesome constipation; unbearable pain near left groin, towards region of ovary.

Ambra-gris [Ambr]

Stitches in ovarian region, when drawing in the abdomen or pressing upon it; discharge of bluish-white mucus from vagina; burning, smarting, itching and titillation of vulva and urethra during micturition.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Pain as from a sprain in ovarian region, obliging her to walk bent (Arnica, Apis), neuralgic pains in ovaries.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Nymphomania and tenderness over ovarian region, (<) from touch, after menses have been checked by a bath.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Ovaritis, stinging in ovaries after sexual intercourse; burning, stinging, after a sting of a bee; sharp, stinging, periodic pains in ovaries, (<) right one, numbness in side and limb; cutting in left, then in right ovary, (<) at intervals, extending down thigh, (<) while stretching; tightness in ovarian region, (<) on raising arms; PAIN IN RIGHT OVARY WITH PAIN IN PECTORAL REGION AND COUGH; lancinating pains in ovarian region and groins, extending down thighs, (<) right side, during menses; deep-seated tenderness, stinging and frequent micturition during menses; ovaritis with amenorrhoea; numbness and down the whole thigh, (>) when lying upon it; strained pain in left ovarian region, (<) when walking evenings, followed by bearing-down pain on right side and lame feeling in shoulder-blades, when walking she is compelled to bend forward; ovary enlarged, swollen and indurated; ovarian tumors; cysto-ovarium size of head; ovarian dropsy with an unusually white and transparent skin, pains (<) from touch and heat (Lilium tigrinum, (>) from rubbing with a warm hand), (>) by lying on right side; ovarian dropsy and anasarca. A STRICT MILK AND FRUIT DIET OUGHT TO BE OBSERVED IN TREATING OVARIAN TUMORS.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

Bruised pain in left ovary and subjective SENSATION AS IF THE OVARY WERE GROWING VERY LARGE, with prolapsus uteri, especially during menses.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Cutting pain in right ovarian region and back, radiating to thighs, with metrorrhagia; SUBJECTIVE SENSATION AS IF OVARY WERE OF IMMENSE SIZE; coition painful, followed by bleeding from vagina (ulcerated os uteri); vertigo, with general debility and trembling from nervous weakness; greasy, shining face (Natr. sulph., Thuja); sycotic ovaritis; emaciation from below upward.

Arnica [Arn]

Pain as from a sprain in ovaries and uterine region, obliging her to walk bent (Ammonium m.); affections from mechanical injuries.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Ovaritis with burning lancinating pains, is if hot coals were burning the part, accompanied by throbbing, (>) by hot applications, and much (<) by cold; restlessness, somewhat relieved by constantly moving the feet; burning pain in back while lying quietly on it; drawing, stitching pain from (right) ovary into thigh, which feels numb and lame., (<) from motion, bending or sitting bent; ovarian tumor with pain in leg; metrorrhagia; scirrhus induration; violent burning pain in ovary, with extensive anasarca and pale waxy skin; thin, whitish, offensive discharge instead of menses.

Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]

Right ovary sore to touch, (<) by exercise, nervous chlorosis,

with a very dry skin.

Aurum-met [Aur]

Enlargement of ovaries, ovarian dropsy; syphilis.

Aurum-mur-natr [Aur-m-n]

Enlargement of ovaries, ovarian dropsy; syphilis.

Baryta-mur [Bar-m]

Tumor, induration and ATROPHY OF OVARIES; squeezing pain in pelvis; sterility; amenorrhoea and chlorosis, especially of scrofulous constitutions.

Belladonna [Bell]

Ovarian neuralgia with lancinating pains; right ovary much enlarged, throbbing pains or burning in hard swollen ovary; pain in ovaries on appearance of menses, and great bearing down as if everything would come out from vulva, compelling her to keep her bed; cerebral disturbances and spasms; pains come and go suddenly.

Bovista [Bov]

OVARIAN CYST; soreness between labia and thighs; every few days a show between menses; after midnight painful urging towards genitals, with great heaviness in small of back, (>) next morning by a bloody discharge.

Brachyglottis-repens [Brach]

Sense of fluttering in ovarian region, sometimes with feeling as of something rolling about in abdomen; constant inclination to urinate, with pain in bladder and renewed desire after the act; sense of swashing in bladder.

Bromide-of-Ammonium [Am-br]

Ovarian neuralgia; dull, constant pain and hard swelling in left ovary; uterine haemorrhage from ovarian irritation or inflammation.

Bromium [Brom]

Chronic ovaritis in young women who are sterile; constant dull boring pain in left ovary; swelling and hardness of left ovary; pain and swelling of left ovary before and during menses (Apis); mild leucorrhoea; on thrill in coition; PAIN FLIES FROM OVARIES TO HEART; shooting pains from ends of fingers to throat and extend to back, (<) by walking; shooting pain from left ovary to hip; patient subject to glandular swellings.

Bryonia [Bry]

Soreness over right ovary, like a sore spot, causing irritation and dragging pains, which extend into the thighs while at rest, worse from touch; stinging pain or stitches in the ovary on taking a deep inspiration, cannot bear to have the parts touched; shooting pains extending towards the hip, ovaritis with rheumatic affections and in confinement.

Bufo [Bufo]

HYDATIDS. Swelling and great sensitiveness of ovarian region; burning heat and stitches in ovaries; violent cramps in the ovarian region extending into the groins.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

Pulsating pains in uterus and ovarian region, like an internal tumor suppurating; pain extends to thighs and becomes unbearable, OCCURS AGAIN AT THE SAME TIME ON NEXT DAY, and so on for many successive days.

Cantharis [Canth]

Cysto-ovarium; much tenderness and burning in ovarian region; dysuria, cutting burning in passing only a drop or two, which is often bloody, or strangury complete stitches in ovarian region, arresting breathing, or violent pinching pain, with bearing down towards genitals; sterility.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Pain in ovaries during menses; pressing towards genitals and passing of large quantities of colorless urine; cutting colic and drawing in thighs before menses; very irritable and fretful during menses.

China [Chin]

Ovaritis from sexual excess or haemorrhage, parts very sensitive to slight touch; pressing in groin an anus; dropsy of ovaries; menstrual colic.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Ovaritis or ovarian neuralgia, with irritable uterus; spasms of broad ligaments; ovarian pains shoot up to the side; suppressed, painful or profuse menstruation, with CHOREA, HYSTERIA OR MENTAL DISEASE: rheumatic dysmenorrhoea; distress and dulness of head; trembling sinking of stomach, frequent urination.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Cutting, cramping pains, particularly in region of uterus and ovaries, on appearance of menses; cramps deep in abdomen instead of menses, pressure in chest and anxiety; shivering over the mammae.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

OVARIAN NEURALGIA; cramplike pain in left ovarian region, as if the parts were squeezed in a vise; intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, CAUSING HER TO DRAW UP DOUBLE, with great restlessness; bilious vomiting during the paroxysms; extreme weakness and lassitude with trembling of legs, (<) from exercise and open air; sleeps badly, wakes tired. Ovaritis, supervening on abortion, stitches in ovaries. Ovarian cysts with pain in abdomen upon straightening up; WALKS BENT WITH HANDS PRESSED UPON PAINFUL SIDE. Ovarian tumor, occasionally sharp pain like a stab in right pelvic region, walks bent and presses her hand upon ovary; suppression of menses or lochia, and metritis from anger or indignation.

Conium-mac [Con]

Induration or enlargement of ovaries or womb, of scrofulous nature or following contusions, with lancinating pains; weight and lancinating pains in uterus and ovaries, extending through whole lower part of abdomen, hips and back; burning, sore aching pains; ovarian affections with amenorrhoea and ill-effects of suppressed sexual instinct, ATROPHY OF OVARIES WITH STERILITY.

Copaiva [Cop]

Throbbing in right ovarian region when standing; affections connected with gonorrhoea.

Crot. [Crot-h]

Ovaritis, in haemorrhagic constitutions, or connected with menorrhagia or puerperal septicaemia; ovarian abscess. Ovarian neuralgia, in from of pure neurosis and AT CLIMAXIS, with flushings and pressing pain in vertex; cardiac troubles, sudden palpitations, sinking at stomach, fainting at epigastrium.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.