
Pothos-foetida [Ictod]

HYSTERO-EPILEPSY; SPASMODIC AND ERRATIC PAINS IN HEAD AND ABDOMEN, now here now there; tension and inflation of abdomen; spells of bloating, with oppression rising from abdomen to chest, precede the fit.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Tensive, cutting pain in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch and during coitus; crampy condition of vagina; constriction in throat, felt something here impeding speech, especially at night in bed; tired worn-out feeling; constant change in her feelings and in her symptoms, flat slimy taste, especially in the morning, vomiting of mucus; gastric disturbance from rich, fat food, violent cardialgia in mild tearful women inclined to be fleshy with scanty menses; mucous diarrhoea; profuse watery urine, thirstlessness; a languid, pituitous state all through her system.

Sabina [Sabin]

Very nervous and hysterical; habitual threatening abortion in third month; music is tolerable to her; very tired and laxy; flushes of heat in face, with chilliness all over coldness of hands and feet; lustreless eyes.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

MIGRAINE; excessive irritability to odors, which make her faint; cannot bear sounds, the slightest jar annoys her; seeks a dark room for relief (>) from sleep.

Senecio [Senec]

Lowness of spirits, sleeplessness; globus hystericus; amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea.

Sepia [Sep]

Paroxysms of something twisting in her stomach and rising to throat; tongue stiff is sleepless and rigid, like a statue; painful sensation of emptiness in the pit of stomach; putrid urine; icy-cold hands and feet; sudden fainting with profuse sweats and undisturbed consciousness, without being able to stir or to speak; involuntary fits general coldness. convulsive twitching of rights side and difficult breathing; piercing boring throbbing headache.

Stannum [Stann]

Great sensation of faintness after going down-stairs, although she could go up-stairs well enough; she can hardly sit down, she must drop down suddenly she can get well enough; great exhaustion from talking or reading aloud; all pains gradually increase to their highest point and then gradually disappear.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Great sensitiveness to the least impression, feels easily offended; pushes things away indignantly; sound and decayed teeth painful to the touch of food or drink; teeth with black streaks.

Sticta-pulm [Stict]

HYSTERIA AFTER LOSS OF BLOOD; strange sensation about the heart, after which she felt as if floating in the air, cannot keep her legs quite; HYSTERICAL CHOREA; migraine, she has to lie down light and noise aggravate; nausea and vomiting with faintness.

Stramonium [Stram]

Full of strange and absurd fancies; full of fear, starts back and stares wildly, even at familiar objects; doses not wish to be left alone; great loquacity; puffed-up face; praying and imploring.

Sulphur [Sulph]

SHE COMES OUT OF HER SPASMS FEELING VERY HAPPY and everything seems beautiful to her; considers herself very rich, tears up her clothes, etc., or profound melancholy and listlessness with perfect indifference concerning others; copious discharge or watery urine at the end of the spasm; heat of top of head, flushes of heat, coldness of feet, cannot wait at he noon hour or before for her dinner, feels faint and hungry.

Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]

WHEN ALONE SHE NO HYSTERICAL ATTACK, as soon as attention is directed to her she begins to twitch; peripheral irritation,(<) by rubbing, motion or using the parts affected. Hystero-epileptic convulsions; anguish and oppression of chest, nearly amounting to suffocation; marked spinal irritation, the hands are kept in constant motion to work off this overexcitability; MUSIC SETS HER CRAZY; headache (>) from boring head into pillow; pain in sexual region with the constrictive headache; burning pain in hypogastrium and hips with sensation of great weight in pelvis; profuse menses followed by pruritus vulvae; she sore and bruised all over, (<) when moving about; great sleepiness, but her nervousness prevents her from falling asleep.

Theridion [Ther]

HYSTERICAL AFFECTIONS DURING PUBERTY AND CLIMAXIS; excessive pain in head, the least noise increased the headache; time passes too quickly, weakness, trembling coldness and anxiety; hilarity and talkativeness, feels as if her head did not belong to her and she could lift it off; luminous vibrations before eye; double vision; sensitive to light; faints after every exertion; anxiety

about heart, with sharp pains through left chest to left shoulder, bites of tongue during sleep; nausea and vanishing of thoughts, greatly intensified by closing eyes.

Valeriana [Valer]

Slightest exertion causes violent headache; sensation as if a string were hanging down the throat or as if something warm were rising from the stomach, arresting breathing, with tickling deep in throat and coughing, slighting those of rheumatism if limbs, (<) while sitting, (>) when walking;feels light, as if flying in the air. (Stict.)

Zincum [Zinc]

Incessant and powerful fidgety feeling in the feet and lower extremities (Stict, Tarent); she must move them constantly; variable mood, aversion to mental and bodily exertion; somnambulism, involuntary urination while walking, coughing or sneezing; SHE FEELS BETTER IN EVERY RESPECT DURING MENSTRUATION. (Zincum met. val.).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.