Hearing Defective

Lobelia [Lob]

Sudden shutting up of the right ear, as if stopped by a plug, only (>) by boring with finger in ear; neuralgia of left side of face and temples during menses.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Impaired hearing from purulent ichorous otorrhoea after scarlatina; roaring, humming, whizzing in ears; sensation as if hot blood rushed into the ears; humid scurf in the ears; polypus of the ear (Calcarea).

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

(200th, R.T. Cooper). – Fits of absolute powerlessness on hearing unpleasant news, SUDDEN SEIZURE OF DEAFNESS AND VERTIGO OR TINNITUS; pains and numbness on top of head; (<) left ear; tendency to faint at the monthly illness; dark-haired people; dulness of hearing with fluttering and buzzing in right ear.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Hardness of hearing and deafness, as if something were lying before the ear; itching of old herpes behind ears.

Manganum [Mang]

Knobbed and thickened appearance of the malleus handle with an irregular and pitted surface of the membrane, dark-looking cerumen; post-nasal vegetations; PAINS CONCENTRATE IN EARS FROM OTHER PARTS; heartburn, anorexia, umbilical colic (R.T. Cooper); EUSTACHIAN DEAFNESS, (<) during cold and rainy weather, (>) by blowing nose; fulness of the ears with difficult hearing and cracking when blowing the nose or swallowing; whizzing and rushing in ears, especially after stooping.

Mercurius [Merc]

Hardness of hearing, sounds vibrate in the ears; obstruction momentarily better after swallowing or blowing nose; external meatus moist; constant cold sensation in the ears, rheumatic pains in head, ears and teeth.

Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r]

Hearing dull, (>) evenings, ears close for a few moments at a time; coryza; cerumen increased; swelling of parotid and

neighboring glands.

Mezereum [Mez]

VASCULAR DEAFNESS WITH CHRONIC ECZEMA OF THE MEMBRANA TYMPANI; ears feel as if too open, as if air were pouring in them or as if the tympanus were exposed to the cold air, with a desire to bore with the fingers in the ears.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Hardness of hearing; loud cracking sounds during night; no cerumen; dryness; peeling off in scales; (<) right ear; dark ear- wax; want of feeling in internal meatus.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Loss of hearing of right ear, sounds seem to come from left side; singing in right ear or noise like a bubble bursting in the air; feelings in right ear when eating or on swallowing as if something moved in right ear.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Hardness of hearing, painful cracking in ears when masticating; secretion from ears more watery than viscid; (<) in damp weather.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Hardness of hearing from induration and swelling of tonsils, after abuse of mercury; Eustachian tubes obstructed; terribly offensive, purulent otorrhoea; caries of mastoid process; stoppage of the ears, with roaring, beating and detonations; one’s speech echoes in ears.

Nitrum [Kali-n]

DEAFNESS FORM PARALYSIS OF AUDITORY NERVE; tingling and stitching in ear, worse at night and when lying on affected side.

Oleander [Olnd]

Hearing increased by noises; herpes and ulcers around the ears; cramplike drawing on the auricle.

Petroleum [Petr]

HARDNESS OF HEARING IN OLD PEOPLE; dryness and disagreeable sensation of dryness in the ears; Eustachian tubes affected, causing whizzing, roaring, cracking hardness of hearing; POLYPUS; herpes and soreness on or near the ears; frequent toothache, with

swollen cheek; bleeding of gums; pressing pain in occiput, from within outward. Deafness from paralysis of auditory nerves.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Deafness, with cold extremities; difficult hearing, especially of the HUMAN VOICE, with loud reverberation of the sounds, especially words in the ears, extending to the inner head; tendency of blood to the head, with beating and throbbing; polypi in ears; after typhus.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Hard hearing from mental or bodily exhaustion, after severe acute diseases (anac., Ambr.); he does not hear the tick of the watch when held at a moderate distance from the ear, when held close to the ear he hears only a hissing, no tick, he hears it more distinctly at a distance of a foot and a half.

Platina [Plat]

NERVOUS DEAFNESS; great variety of noises in the ear; reports in right ear like distant thunder.

Plumbum [Plb]

Hardness of hearing, often sudden deafness, stitches and tearing in the ears; buzzing in the ears; diminution of hearing and sight.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Deafness, as if the ears were stopped up, after suppressed measles, with otorrhoea, from cold after cutting hair (Ledum), with hard black cerumen; can hear better on the cars; roaring, humming, tingling in ears, better out-doors.

Rhododendron [Rhod]

Hard hearing; every pulsation felt in the ear, surring and noises in the ear; gouty dyspepsia; pain and numbness in extremities.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Hardness of hearing, especially of the human voice; bloody pus from ars; vesicular otitis, exuding a yellow watery serum.

Salicylic-acid [Sal-ac]

Confusion of head with slight vertigo; noise like the buzzing of a swarm of bees or of flies in the open air when there is great stillness (Meniere’s disease); blowing nose violently causes a crashing sound in the inflamed ear; ringing in ears.

Sepia [Sep]

Humming in ears followed by loss of hearing; discharge of thin matter from the ear, much itching in the affected ear; vertigo, numbness of extremities.

Silicea [Sil]

Difficult hearing, especially of human voice and during dull moon; stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a full report, or when blowing the nose; deafness, alternating with extreme sensitiveness to noises; crusts behind the ears; chronic suppuration of middle ear from perforated tympanum.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Hardness of hearing, with swelling of tonsils especially after abuse of mercury.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Deafness, especially to the human voice; frequent stoppage of ears, especially when eating, or blowing one’s nose, also on one side only; undulating feeling in ears as of water, or whizzing and roaring; rush of blood to head; disposition to catarrhs.

Tannic-acid [Tann-ac]

Deafness, difficulty of hearing distant sounds; nervous exhaustion; headache, flushings, dizziness.

Tellurium [Tell]

Membrana tympani permanently injured and hearing greatly diminished; sensation as if something suddenly closed up in the ear; sensation as if air whistled through the left Eustachian tube, when snuffing or belching air passes through it; dull throbbing pain day and night; thin, watery, excoriating discharge.

Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]

Deafness from moving quickly, with faintness, roaring in ears; congestion, nausea, vomiting; ears cold and pale.

Verbascum [Verb]

(Mullein oil in ear). – Deafness from getting wet, inflammation of ear with some discharge.

Viscum-alb [Visc]

Gouty and rheumatic deafness, tearing pains in ears, (<) by sharp cold winds in winter.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.

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