
Mercurius-sol [Merc]

Visible swelling of penis; burning between micturition; yellow, green or purulent discharge; (<) from cold air coming in contact with exposed parts, as from exposure in out-door water closets. Phimosis; chancroid.

Millefolium [Mill]

Severe cases of haematuria, with great swelling of penis.

Naphthalin [Naphtin]

GLEET; slight burning in urinating, orifice glued up in the morning with discharge of a drop; slight redness of meatus and still very disagreeable pains during urination.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]


CHRONIC GONORRHOEA in spite of injections with nitrate of silver; gleet; discharge of yellow pus or clear; cutting in urethra after urinating; Blennorrhoea urethrae, caused from acrid leucorrhoea or menstrual discharge, with painless discharge of yellow pus or thin mucus, leaving transparent spots on linen; urine deposits brickdust sediment; aching in testicles.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Chronic loss of sensitiveness in penis; yellowish, thick greenish discharge.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

GONORRHOEA WITH CHANCRES AND WARTS; small blisters on orifice of urethra and inner surface of prepuce, forming chancre-like ulcers, while urinating smarting; burning in urethra, discharge sometimes bloody; ammoniacal odor of urine, fine stitches through glans penis; herpes-like eruption or condylomata about genitals and anus; horrible pains, much swelling and tenderness in testicles; patient irritable and vindictive.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Gonorrhoea has nearly stopped. but patient still complains of irritation far back in urethra, probably in prostata, causing an uncomfortable feeling at the root of penis, with the urging to urinate there is also urging to stool, especially after abuse of Copaiva or Cubeb.; orchitis, with stinging and spasmodic contraction extending into the cords, testicles being hard and retraced; constipation, haemorrhoids, hypochondriasis.

Petroleum [Petr]

Itching of urethra in chronic cases, accompanying strictures; chronic inflammation of prostatic part of urethra, with frequent emissions and imperfect erections; itching and humid herpes of scrotum, perineum, thighs. GLEET OF OLD PEOPLE, WITH MILKY DISCHARGE.

Petroselinum [Petros]

Sudden urging and strangury, if not gratified, severe pain follows and can hardly retain urine; inflammation (<) at the root of the penis.

Piper-meth [Pip-m]

Gonorrhoea in first stage with severe chordee; irritable urethra in old mismanaged cases, with nervous depression, so that he thinks constantly of his ailments.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Watery discharge; profuse, strong smelling urine, sometimes with greasy pellicle; URETHRA IS GLUED TOGETHER EVERY MORNING WITH A WATERY DROP; discharge only at night; painless watery diarrhoea from least exposure; tendency to cough; pale sickly persons.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

GONORRHOEAL RHEUMATISM, orchitis and prostatitis; discharge thick, muco-purulent, yellow or yellowish-green; pains across hypogastrium going from side to side; itching burning on inner and upper side of prepuce; scanty urine. Suppressed gonorrhoea causes epididymitis; testicle enlarged, retracted, dark-red, very sensitive to touch.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

Rheumatic from suppressed gonorrhoea or when it was checked by exposure to wet or cold weather.

Senecio [Senec]

ADVANCED STAGES; prostata enlarged, hard, feels swollen to the touch; dull, heavy pain in left spermatic cord down to testicle; lascivious dreams, with pollutions.

Sepia [Sep]

Chronic mucous discharges without pain or burning when urinating; milky or yellowish discharge; urine turbid and offensive; copious sweat on genitals; foetid sweat in axilla; pain in small of back; occipital headache, melancholia; gleet, the scanty discharge gluing up the meatus in the morning. All sexual desire gone; CONDYLOMATA FROM SUPPRESSING GONORRHOEA WITH ASTRINGENT INJECTIONS.

Silicea [Sil]

Cases of long standing with slight, shreddy discharge; gonorrhoea, with thick, foetid pus, especially after exertion; constant feeling of chilliness even during exercise. Scrofulosis.

Stillingia [Still]

Chordee, painful erections, with burning and itching during micturition; threatening cystitis.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Discharge thick and purulent or thin and watery, with burning and smarting during urination and bright redness of the lips of the meatus; PHIMOSIS, PREPUCE INFLAMED AND INDURATED (Digitalis, not indurated); much thickening along urethra, with itching in it; stitches and cutting pain during stool; coldness of feet and pain on top of head; weak, faint spells during the day.

Sulphur-iod [Sul-i]

Impending stricture after gonorrhoea, especially when chordee was present; urination painful; twisted stream; yellow discharge.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Burning in urethra while urinating; strangury; spasmodic retention of urine; painful urination every ten minutes,(>) by micturition; chordee; haematuria; gonorrhoeal rheumatism; gleet.

Thuja [Thuj]

Discharges thin and greenish, with scalding pain during urination and after it sensation as if a drop remained behind; continued desire to urinate, but feels as if a tape were preventing it; violent urging, but passes only a few drops of bloody urine, and if they fail to pass there is intense itching in urethra; stitches from rectum to bladder; drawing, burning, cutting pains, especially when walking, and stitches in urethra when not urinating; urethra swollen; URINAL STREAM FORKED and sensation as if drops were tickling down urethra after micturition; sweet, honey-like smelling sweat on genitals, especially on under part of penis; erosions on glands; warts; pointed condylomata. Checked gonorrhoea causes articular rheumatism, especially knee-joint, prostatitis, sycosis, impotence. Extreme mental depression; paretic-like weakness in extremities; sleeplessness; falling out of hair.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.