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Homeopathy treatment for Gangrene from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Gangrene…

Aconite [Acon]

Deathly paleness of face and shuddering; the part first swells and then assumes a blackish color; sleeplessness and restlessness; chilliness from least uncovering; sweat cool in palms of hands; coldness of feet up to malleoli, with sweat on toes and soles of feet.

Arnica [Arn]

Hard, hot and shining swelling of parts affected; gangrene follows contused wounds; thirst before fever; pain in periosteum of all the bones; pain in cartilage of ears, as if contused; swelling of nose, with feeling as if from ulceration of nostrils; tendency to boils and carbuncles.

Arsenicum [Ars]

SENILE GANGRENE; ulcers extremely painful or entirely insensible, with elevated edges, secreting a bad, watery foetid ichor; hard, shining, burning swelling with bluish- black, burning vesicles, filled with acrid ichor (<) from warmth, (<) from cold; extreme restlessness; gangrene accompanied by foetid diarrhoea; great weakness and emaciation; numbness, stiffness and insensibility of the feet; general coldness with parchment-like dryness of the skin, followed by heat.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Dark-red and hot swellings; bright-red appearance of the wounds which are sensitive to touch; coldness and dryness of skin with rapid pulse.

Aurum [Aur]

Gangrenous diseases with oedematous swelling of the parts; very sensitive to cold, (<) at night, disturbing sleep; low- spirited, with suicidal ideas.

Belladonna [Bell]

Fiery redness of swelling, even erysipelatous; dry, hot skin, thirst and headache, erysipelatous indurated swellings which mortify, accompanied by glandular swellings; secretions of bloody ichor.

Bromium [Brom]

HOSPITAL GANGRENE; death of the edges of the wound; cancerous ulcer in face; stony-hard swelling of glands, especially on lower jaw and throat; decayed teeth and gums; foul breath; much prostration and emaciation; psoric constitution (McFarlan recommends its internal use and applies the fuming destructive liquid externally to remove the sloughs).

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Senile gangrene, HUMID GANGRENE IN CACHECTIC PERSONS whose vital powers are exhausted; great foulness of the secretions; great prostration; sepsis; indifference; fainting after sleep, while yet in bed, morning; no restlessness.

China [Chin]

After profuse and frequently repeated haemorrhage, with coldness of the extremities or of the whole body, with pale and clammy face; the parts around the wound become soft, blue and swollen; bedsores in people who are much debilitated from excessive discharges.

Conium [Con]

Gangrene from contusions; glands swollen indurated; feeling of heat in the whole body; perspiration all over; depression of spirits.

Crot. [Crot-h]

Gangrene, skin separated from muscles by a foetid fluid; black

spots with red areola and dark, blackish redness of adjacent tissues; sluggish circulation, low fevers, CARDIAC DEBILITY, feeble pulse, faintness, torpor of mind and quiet indifference; traumatic gangrene; old scars open again.

Euphorbium [Euph]

GANGRENE FOLLOWING GASTRITIS OR ENTERITIS, temperature continually falling; inflammation and swelling, followed by cold gangrene; torpor; insensibility of parts affected; chilliness and shuddering over whole body; gangrene senilis.

Lachesis [Lach]

Gangrenous blisters, bluish or black-looking blisters; vesicles appearing here and there, increasing in size, with violent itching and burning, as if the flesh would be torn from the bones; swelling and inflammation of the part, with violent pains, dry mouth, dry skin, constant fever and thirst; tingling in the part, with heat and numbness, skin cracked and deep rhagades; coldness of the part, as if ice were in contact with it; itching pain and painful spots appearing after rubbing, with dark-blue borders and dry scurfs. GANGRENE INJURY (Crotal. has similar symptoms, which must be well differentiated.)

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Gangrene of the penis, internally and externally, swelling of the glands of the neck; pains aggravated by hot or cold applications.

Mezereum [Mez]

Burning of the internal parts, with external chilliness; sensitiveness to cold air; pulse full and hard.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Putrid gangrenous ulcers on the lower extremities; great sensitiveness to dampness; pulse weak and slow; chilliness and shuddering; oedema of the part.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Senile gangrene.

Secale [Sec]

DRY GANGRENE of the extremities, the parts are dry, cold, hard and insensible, of a uniform black color and free from foetor. Large ecchymoses, blood-blisters on the extremities, becoming gangrenous, black, suppurating blisters. The limbs become pale, cold and shrivelled, or cold and lead-colored, losing all sensibility; (<) from cold applications.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Bedsores, with gnawing pains; red, shining swelling of the toes; putrid ulcers, turning to gangrenous sores; sloughing phagedaena.

Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]

TRAUMATIC GANGRENE; blue spots like suggillations; bedsores; haemorrhages from wounds; dark pustules; deathly pale face; subjective sensation of trembling.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.