
Plumbum [Plb]

EPILEPSY FROM CEREBRAL SCLEROSIS OR TUMORS. Almost paralytic heaviness of the legs before the attacks and paralysis and prolonged snoring sleep afterwards; consciousness returns only slowly, earthy color of face, constipation; mind weak, morose and sad.

Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]

Epileptiform attacks the result of excesses in drink; delirium tremens; reflex epilepsy at the beginning of pneumonia or pleuritic affections.

Silicea [Sil]

Nocturnal epilepsy, especially ABOUT THE TIME OF THE NEW MOON; chronic cases (after Calc); before the attack; feeling of great coldness of the left side of the body, shaking of the left army; slumber with starting. The spasms spread, undulating from the solar plexus up towards the brain; violent screaming, groaning, tars drop out of his eyes foam before the mouth; afterwards warm

perspiration, slumber, paralysis of the right side. Exalted susceptibility to nervous stimuli, with an exhausted condition of the nerves; abdominal epilepsy; inveterate cases.

Stannum [Stann]

HELMINTHIASIS OF GENITAL ORGASM. Epilepsy, with tossing of the limbs; clenching of the thumbs; pale face, opisthotonos; unconsciousness; colic better by pressing firmly on abdomen, worse in evening.

Staphisagria [Staph]

EMOTIONAL EPILEPSY;chronic cases; great sensitiveness of mind and nervous system; vertigo; vanishing of ideas; anxiety with fearfulness; headache as if the brain were compressed; great weakness with spasmodic drawing and witching in muscles; tendency to paralysis; bad effects of masturbation and excessive sexual indulgence.

Stramonium [Stram]

Epileptiform spasms,-thrusting the head continually in quickly succession to the right; continual rotary motion with the left arm; pain in the pit of stomach; obstinate constipation; deep snoring sleep; RISUS SARDONICUS; pale, worn-out appearance, with a stupid friendly look; afraid of being alone; convulsions affecting the upper more than the lower extremities; also isolated groups of muscles; PETIT MAL;fixed gaze for one or two minutes, he does not seem to notice objects around him; vertigo with sudden loss of consciousness, while reading or while walking in the open air; erotic manifestations; constriction of throat, dilated pupils during attack of petit mal.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Whenever some dyscrasia lurks in the system, or its outward symptoms were suppressed. chronic epilepsy; before the spell crawling and running as from a mouse down the back and arms, or up the leg to the right side of the abdomen; after the convulsions soporous sleep and great exhaustion; onanism.

Tarentula [Tarent]

HYSTERO-EPILEPSY; sensation of dizziness before the fit, followed by convulsions and great praecordial anguish.

Viscum-alb [Visc]

Epilepsy, with constant vertigo, even when in bed, feeling as if the whole fault of the skull would be raised up; muscles of the face in constant agitation face pale; aura rises from feet to head.

Zincum [Zinc]

EPILEPSY FROM CEREBRAL EXHAUSTION (Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Kali br.); peevish, whining, hungry days before attack; symptoms felt mostly during rest, (<) after diner and towards evening; fainting fits left side cold; twitching in various muscles; the whole body jerks during sleep; fidgety feet;INFANTILE EPILEPSY.

Zizia-aurea [Ziz]

Spasms of the muscles of the face and extremities. Before spasms labor-pains cease and feels pain in epigastrium.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.