
Cedron [Cedr]

MENSTRUAL EPILEPSY; precursory symptoms precisely the same day that catamenia commenced; vertigo, tinnitus Aurum, irregular action of heart and pulse, followed by unconsciousness and falling with a distressing cry or risus sardonicus and slight foaming at the mouth; face timid, pupils dilated, sparks before eyes.

Chininum-ars [Chin-ar]

Without previous aura he feels it rushing through brain and down right side of neck into arm, which is distorted and wrenched so as to crack audibly, the facial muscles are convulsively drawn, sight and speech cease, consciousness gone and he falls to the ground, followed by cold sweat, loud eructations and a feeling of

utter prostration.

Cicuta-vir [Cic]

CONCUSSION OF BRAIN, congestion at the base of the brain and in the medulla oblongata. AT first the patient is rigid, opisthotonos or emprosthotonos, with fixed, staring eyes, bluish face and frothing at the mouth, followed by shocks passing from head through body; EXCESSIVELY VIOLENT CONVULSIONS, TONIC AND CLONIC, and continuous distortions of extremities, after the attacks profound exhaustion. Spasms from worms, and in some forms of puerperal spasms with unconsciousness, especially after emotions.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

HYSTERO-EPILEPSY AND PERIODICAL CONVULSIONS DURING UTERINE AFFECTIONS; heat in occiput and down the back during the fit great painfulness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders after it.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Epileptic convulsions with trembling of limbs, without foaming at the mouth; unconsciousness indifference; seems only half alive; paleness office, as in fainting sensation of tight constriction of throat.

Cuprum-acet [Cupr-acet]

Aura begins at knees, ascending until it reaches the hypogastric region, when unconsciousness occurs, foam at mouth and falling down confused. As soon as a patient goes in to a room with high ceiling, head reels and she loses her senses continuous protrusion and retraction of tongue like a sank (Lach); peevish before attack, awakes frightened.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

Nocturnal epilepsy, or when the FITS RETURN AT REGULAR INTERVALS (menses), beginning with a sudden scream; unconsciousness; loss of sensibility and throwing the body upward and forward; convulsions commencing at the fingers or toes or in the arms with coldness of the hands and feet, and pallor or lividity of face; clenching the thumbs; suffocative paroxysms,; frequent emotion of urine;l turbid urinal; piercing violent screaming; difficult comprehension or stupor; convulsions of children during dentition or from retrocession of an exanthema; extreme violence of the convulsions, with pale or livid face, slow pulse (often a sign of feeble muscular action of the heart), coldness of hands and feet; patient foretells the attack.

Cypripedium [Cypr]

EPILEPSY FROM NERVOUS IRRITATION, from exhaustion of nerve forces; from irritability of the brain in childre

Drosera [Dros]

Epileptic attacks; twitching of limbs; after the attack haemoptoe and sleep.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Hysterical epilepsy after suppressed menses preceded by dull feeling in head and vertex, and pain and fulness in region of medulla oblongata.

Glonoin [Glon]

Epileptic fits accumulate and return daily; Convulsions from cerebral congestion; stupidity and somnolence; alternate congestion of heart and head; throbbing;Pain in epigastrium; jerking of limbs; no foam at mouth; from scanty or suppressed menses, after mental or physical effort, followed by sleepiness and subsequent depression, loss of memory and aphasia, SUNSTROKE, or too much heat on head and face from any cause.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

RECENT CASES. Sudden complete loss of consciousness and sensation; extreme coma for several hours, only interrupted by occasional sudden convulsive movements confusion of the head and vertigo;jaws clenched, teeth firmly set, froth at the mouth, forming large bubbles; unable to swallow; involuntary discharge of urine and faeces;upper extremities contracted and the hands clenched; unusual stiffness of the legs; spasms commencing in the toes, followed by distortion of the eyes, towards the right and upward, afterwards general spasms; distortion of the limbs ad frightful distortion o the face; trunk spasmodically bent forward; heat buried between shoulders; great exhaustion, prostration and aversion to all work, mental and physical;aura feels like a shock in the brain and the fit is always preceded by a cry and laryngeal pain.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Epilepsy, before the fit, vertigo;sparks before eyes; ringing in ears hungry gnawing during the fit, face purple, twitching and

jerking, frothing at mouth, eyes projecting, shrieks, grinding teeth urination; after attack, sopor, snoring; from grief, after emotion, in consequence of drinking.

Hypericum [Hyper]

Traumatic epilepsy, hyperaesthesia of wounded surfaces.

Ignatia [Ign]

RECENT CASES. Convulsions return at the same hour in daytime or at night; silent stupid state, with jerking of body, partial spasms of the extremities, one limb or only certain muscles at a time. Emotional epilepsy; lassitude after the fit, morning and afternoon (Arsenicum, night).

Ind. [Indg]

Patient is of exceedingly timid and MELANCHOLIC (blues) character, tired of life, feels very gloomy; flushes of heat from ABDOMEN TO HEAD, WITH SENSATION AS IF THE head, with sensational s if the headache were tightly bandaged around the forehead; epileptic fit begins with dizziness; epilepsy originating from plexus solaris, WORMS (ascarides); children wake up at night scratching the anus, are sad, timid, low-spirited, afraid of strangers; aura from between shoulders, where there is a painful spot.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

THE GRAND REMEDY TO SUPPRESS BUT NOT TO CURE the disease; it lessens reflex excitation, hence its antipathic application to epilepsy and related affections. Mental habitude, slowness of expression, failure of memory from tuberculosis; confusion of heat in head with vertigo; dull, stupid expression, languor in extremities gait unsteady, reeling as if drunk, disinclined to talk, indifferent, sleepy, yet by a strong effort of the will can act as usual. In provings nothing of convulsions is said.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

jerking in head from behind, a drink of water recalls her though she feels weak and nauseated; debility bordering on paralysis; fits mostly in the early hour’s of the morning, (>) from eructations. Obesity and still anaemia.

Lachesis [Lach]

AURA BEGINS IN THE HEART (Calcarea ars);suddenly something runs up to neck and larynx and interrupts breathing entirely or a creeping sensation beginning at the nucha and morning slowly down the spinal column; patient awakes from sleep and is seized with he fit, foam at the heavy and painful head, palpitations;; left side chiefly affected; often cased by onanism or excessive sexual desire.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Spasms, stiffness of limbs, clenched fists or teeth; from local irritations of nerves, when overexcited, from vicious habits; spasmodic yawning.

Moschus [Mosch]

Epileptic fit, with rigors and shuddering, as if the patient was very cold; external chilliness with internal heat and great sense of oppression.

Naja-tripudians [Naja]

Epileptoid steel feels as if on a sudden somebody came behind him and struck a severe blow on head and neck, with oppression of chest, as if a hot iron were run in and a hundred-weight put on top of it.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

EPILEPSY FROM CONCUSSION OF BRAIN (Arnica, Cicuta, Op) after injuries on head photophobia great irritability and disgust of life; violent pain as if the base of brain were crushed in arise or as if a dog were gnawing there hot feeling on top of head; exhaustion a and prostration.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

FITS AFTER MIDNIGHT, biting tongue, mouth and head drawn to and from, snoring during sleep; excessive irritability with debility; aura begins in left arm. syphilis.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

EPILEPSY FROM INDIGESTION; aura starts in epigastrium and spreads upward; sensation like ants crawling over the face (Bufo, Sil); spinal epilepsy, with opisthotonos;trembling or convulsive twitchings of the limbs;rigidity of limbs;involuntary defaecation and urination; oversensitiveness to external impressions which are unbearable and affect him much; pressure on solar plexus renews the attack, (<) in open air (Platina, Sepia, Sulphur).

OEnanthe-croc [Oena]

Epileptiform convulsions, face twitching, livid, as if swollen, pulse accelerated, followed by deep sleep or coma; convulsions with vertigo, madness, nausea, vomiting heat and agony in stomach, followed by unconsciousness, eyes turned up, pupils dilated, lockjaw; convulsions with deathlike syncope. EPILEPSIA NOCTURNA.

Opium [Op]

Fright causes fit;nocturnal epilepsy, continued starters breathing; breathing deep, unequal;cyanotic face or red, bloated, distorted; deep, comatose sleep; suffocative paroxysms during convulsive state.

Platina [Plat]

Epilepsy from onanism;HYSTERO-EPILEPSY OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN; tetanic-like spasms with wild shrieks, alternating with catalepsy (Cann. ind.) spasms alternating with dyspnoea to suffocation, trembling, shivering, (<) at dawn; changing mood and indifference.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.