
Cornus-circinata [Corn]

Dysentery with INACTIVITY OF THE LIVER; stools dark, bilious, very offensive, bearing down pains in rectum and bowels, with urgent desire to go to stool; ulceration of mucous membrane of rectum.

Crot. [Crot-h]

Dysentery of septic origin, from foul water, food, etc., excessive flow of dark fluid blood or involuntary evacuations; great debility and faintness.

Cubeba [Cub]

Discharges colorless, transparent mucus mixed with bright blood and PLENTIFULLY INTERSPERSED WITH SHINING WHITE BODIES THE SHAPE OF RICE KERNELS; before stool severe griping in bowels with backache, during stool the same urging to stool and to micturate, after stool long-lasting tenesmus. followed by relief of pains, except heavy, dull pain in back and bowels; tongue flabby, white, furred; throat dry, little thirst; (<) from food or drink.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Severe retching with the stool; camps in abdomen. upper and lower extremities, finer sand toes; paralytic sensations in arms and feet sweet taste in mouth with sweet stringy saliva; hard abdomen, sensitive to pressure;hiccough, comatose sleep after vomiting;stools watery, bloody, frequent, but not very copious; urine scanty or suppressed; excessive thirst for cold water which relieves.

Dioscorea [Dios]

Just before and during stool severe pain in sacral region and bowels, of a writhing drawing character; the pains radiate upward and downward, until the whole body and extremities, even the fingers and toes, become involved with spasms, eliciting shrieks from the patient; spasmodic pains in the bowels, with unusually severe tenesmus; tools like abdomen, but lumpy, with straining and burning in rectum, and SENSATION AS IF THE FAECES WERE HOT; during the stool nearly fainting.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Dysentery from cold damp weather; increased flow of saliva;burning itching of rectum; heat of skin; thirst; retention of urine; Strangury from a cold, or from cold drinks; great straining at stool;violent cutting around navel; rectum protrudes; stools very slimy.

Erigeron [Erig]

Dysentery, with burning in any part of the alimentary canal. Extreme tenesmus with frequent small stools, streaked with blood or bloody, and great irritation of the urinary; URINATION PAINFUL OR suppressed.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Stools pure blood, bloody mucus, bloody scum-yellowish, whitish brown stools, with blood, like blood fish brine; green, watery or green mucus, with blood; NO PAIN; blood dark or light; dysentery from checked perspiration in hot weather.

Gamboge [Gamb]

(Gummi gutt). Chill and pain in back; bitter taste in the mouth,. burning of the tongue; soreness all over; watery stools attended with colic or green mixed mucus, with burning tenesmus and prolapsus ani;offensive, frequent and copious stools, COMING OUT ALL AT ONCE, giving great relief. (Tromb, no relief).

Hamamelis [Ham]

When the amount of blood in the stools is unusually large in quantity, amounting to an ACTUAL HAEMORRHAGE; blood dark, in small clots or patches, scattered through the mucus.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Suitable for all dysenteries, with violent colic and tenesmus; tongue moist, yellowish or white;stools dark, almost black and fermented like frothy molasses, worse in the evening; tenesmus after stool’; constant nausea and vomiting.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Dysentery, when the patient is cold, skin blue, vomiting with prostration; bilious dysentery stools of blood mucus passed with great straining; pains in the umbilical region and loud rumbling in the bowels; burning in anus and rectum after stool.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Blackish, watery, bloody, jellylike, stringy discharges, with urgent pressure to stool driving one out of bed in the morning; tenesmus during and after stool, with much debility and desire to lie down; dryness of mouth and lips; TONGUE DRY, RED, SMOOTH AND CRACKED; much thirst, vomiting of bitter, sour, glairy fluids. Pericardial return of DYSENTERY IN SPRING OR EARLY PART OF SUMMER (After Canth)

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Intense pain in abdomen, cutting as if from knives;call to stool every few minutes with tenesmus, extorting cries, stool consisting only of a small quantity of blood, or much blood passing with the slimy sanious stools.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Putrid stools and foetid urine, accompanied by vomiting; burning pain in bowels; palpitations with anxiety, small pulse, dry tongue humming in ears, nosebleed etc.

Lachesis [Lach]

Dark, chocolate-colored, CADAVEROUS-SMELLING STOOLS OF DECOMPOSED BLOOD, looking like charred straw, stools of mixed blood and slime; stools passed with painful straining and burning in the anus; cramplike pain in the abdomen, which feels very hot; coldness thirst tongue red and cracked at the tip, or black and bloody

Leptandra [Lept]

Black, tarry, bilious, undigested stools, followed by great distress in the liver; mushy with weak feeling in bowels; of mixed mucus, flocculent and watery, with yellow bile and blood; stools of pure blood; pain in bowels after stool;, but no tenesmus, (<) morning, as soon as he moves.

Lilium [Lil-t]

Bloody mucus stools every half hour; constant urging to stool and much backache; after stool a feeling as if more would pass, (<)from slightest motion;consent thirst for water; frequent desire to urinate; tenderness over left ovary;prolapsus uteri.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Chronic dysentery; stools shaggy, of reddish mucus, putrid; much flatulence;constant and distressing pressure in rectum;urgent straining, with shuddering and sense of insufficient evacuation.

Lyssin [Lyss]

(Hydrophobinum) Tenesmus during and after stool, renewed as soon as HE HEARS OR SEES THE WATER RUN; stools (<) at night, consisting of bloody, mucus, followed by terrible pain in rectum and small of back, which forces the patient to walk about in spite of great weakness.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Bloody mucus mixed with the green watery stool, sinking to the bottom of the vessel and adhering;l before stool cutting and pinching in abdomen, during stool urging and tenesmus, after stool tenesmus and burning at anus. Desire for fruit and acid drinks; milk causes pain in stomach.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Terrible pain in rectum with every stool, as if from a prolonged spasm of the muscles employed in defaecation, micturition, or in


Mercurius [Merc]

Excoriating discharges; cutting in the lower part of the abdomen, at night; the abdomen is externally cold to the touch;cutting stitch in the lower abdomen, from right to left, and aggravated by walking;l faecal putrid taste in the mouth; nausea; with vertigo obscured vision, and flashes of heat offensive perspiration; the pains are increased BEFORE THE STOOL AND DURING the stool, with violent tenesmus;l the PAINS ARE RATHER INCREASED AFTER A STOOL, and sometimes they extend to the back, during the stool hot sweat on the forehead, which soon becomes cold and sticky; frequent discharge of pure blood or bloody green mucus, like stirred eggs, screams during stool (in children). Aggravation during night till about 3 A.M.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

Almost constant cutting pains in abdomen and intolerable, almost ineffectual pressing, straining and tenesmus;; only frequent scanty discharges of blood slime, day and night;SEVERE PAINS IN RECTUM CONTINUE AFTER STOOL, with pressing downward in front of abdomen below the navel (Opunt).; faintness, weakness and shuddering, limbs feel bruised and trembling; cold face and ands, with small and feeble pulse; (<) in all, hot days and cool nights, after midnight; burning and tenesmus conjointly of rectum and bladder; suppression of secretion or retention of urine.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Dysenteric stools; BLOOD AND SLIME SEPARATED. As soon as he begins to move strong urging compels haste, stools profuse, dark brown, gelatinous; pressing, drawing tired pain in lumbar region; prostration and drowsiness, wants to lie down all day.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

DIPHTHERITIC DYSENTERY; burning in rectum towards perineum, with ineffectual urging; straining without stool; stools bloody, with tenesmus; putrid, mucous, after which the tenesmus continues, followed by headache; dryness of throat; violent thirst, intermittent pulse; anxiety and general uneasiness, exhaustion.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Stools, small, slimy, bloody, with urging., TENESMUS CEASING AFTER STOOL; like pitch with blood; pressing in loins and upper part of sacral region, with sensations if broken; longing for brandy; milky sours on stomach;l great debility with over sensitiveness of all the senses; hypochondriac mood.

Opuntia-vulg [Opun-v]

Excoriating sick feeling in LOWER \PART OF ABDOMINAL with

sensations if all the bowels settled down in lower apart of abdomen; bowels more offender with an natural with urgent desire for stool.

Petroleum [Petr]

Dysenteric diarrhoea, consisting of bloody mucus, followed by much pressing, as if large quantities were yet to be expelled;weak and dizzy after stool; (<) morning from urgent desire for stool (Taste)

Phosphorous [Phos]

PAINLESS discharges of blood and mucus, the anus remaining open;l desire for stools as often as she turns of her left side (Arn).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.