
Homeopathy treatment for Dysentery from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Dysentery…

Aconite [Acon]

WHEN THE DAYS ARE WARM AND THE NIGHTS COOL. Scanty, loose, frequent stools with tenesmus; smelling brown, painful, at last bloody, or pure blood passes without faeces;rheumatic pains in head, nape of neck and shoulder, s or violent chill, head and unquenchable thirst; fear and restlessness.

Aloe [Aloe]

Aggravation by acids; SHOOTING OF BORING pains in the region of the navel, INCREASED BY PRESSURE; the lower part of the abdomen swollen and sensitive of pressure the digestion and movements in the abdomen are more in the LEFT SIDE and along the track of the colon, INCREASED AFTER FOOD; FAINTING WHILST AT STOOL OR AFTER; frequent stools of bloody water; bloody, jellylike mucus involuntary while passing flatus, great repugnance to fresh air which, notwithstanding, ameliorates the suffering; hunger during the stool; cutting and pinching pains in the rectum and lions, heaviness, weariness and numbness in the thighs; with the stools escape large quantities of flatus; when urinating urging to stool; sickness of stomach and great prostration; constant headache and some nausea; dryness of the mouth; thirst discharge of a few drops of foul-smelling, bloody mucus, with violent tenesmus, which may continue after he dysentery.

Alstonia-const [Alst-c]

Dysentery complicated with symptoms of malaria or caused by DRINKING SWAMP-WATER IMPREGNATED WITH DECAYING VEGETABLE MATTER.

Alumen [Alumn]

PUTRID DYSENTERY; violent pains going from rectum down the thighs;during stool dyspnoea; pains in rectum, tenesmus; after stools scarcely endurable pain (scirrhus in rectum).

Apis-mell [Apis]

Chronic dysentery, frequent discharge of gelatinous mucus with slight tenesmus; general soreness of abdomen, especially over transverse and discarding colon more urging than actual pain, throbbing in rectum with sensation in anus as if it were stuffed full; rawness of anus; tongue dry, white; urine frequent, profuse, or strangury; skin hot, dry, yet little thirst; disturbed sleep, with muttering. Infantile dysentery with frequent, painless, bloody stools, (<) mornings; prolapsus ani.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Dysenteric stools consisting of masses of Epithelial substance, connected by muco-lymph, red or green, shreddy, frequent, with severe bearing down in the hypogastrium; CRAMP OF THE RECTUM; thin, unshapely strips pass in masses, with burning, constriction and soreness in left side of the abdomen; for an hour or two; frequent urging to stool, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen excessive pain and discharge of pure blood and mucus; dysentery with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging; pain in ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging; pain in anus as if it were bruised; offensive flatulence, like bad eggs; putrid breath; nausea with constant sense of fulness and satiety in stomach;hard swelling of right side of abdomen, with pain as if cutting into a wound when touched, (>) by escape of flatus; chill on back and front of thighs.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Watery stools at the beginning of the disease very offensive; involuntary discharges from BOWELS OF A FOETID FOUL SMELL, LIKE FOUL ULCERS, WITH GREAT PROSTRATION; stools containing more or less pus, sometimes fluid faecal matter, nearly always fluid or coagulated blood; evacuation of dark blood preceded by violent screaming; sensation as of the abdomen would burst before stool; sensation of contraction just above the anus, during stool; tenesmus and burning in rectum, with trembling of limbs, after stool. Great exhaustion after stool; face sunken, pale and features distorted; burning thirst and yet intolerance of water; foetid, greenish urine;sticky perspiration.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Dynamic dysenteria, PROSTRATION MUCH MORE PROFOUND THAN THE LOSS OF BLOOD OR PAIN WOULD JUSTIFY brown tongue, low fever, rigors, pain in limbs and small o back; stools small, all blood, not very dark, inflammation of lower part of bowels in hot weather or in the fall; rejects all solid food.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Stools of a jellylike appearance. with blood and NO PAIN whatever; discharge every 15 or 20 minutes; round and pinworms pass with the stool; dysentery after suppression of humid tetters; paleness and emaciation.

Belladonna [Bell]

TENESMUS so severe as to cause shuddering; cutting tearing pains; of anus; tongue dry, very red at the tip, or two white stripes in a red ground; urine profuse or suppressed; dry, hot skin or hot sweat stripes on a red ground; urine profuse or suppressed; dry, hot skin or hot sweat; yet averse to drink; starts in sleep; stupor; sensitiveness of the abdomen constant pressure to the anus and genitals, as if everything would be pushed out; pains of a constricting character, relieved by being forward and by pressure.

Bryonia [Bry]

Often after Aconite, especially during hot summer and from taking cold drinks; the least motion of the body, raising the arms, or even bending the toes, produces a disposition to stool.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Chronic dysentery; pressure r straining in rectum; constant desire for stool;heaviness and burning in lower portion of rectum; discharge of blood or bloody mucus from rectum.

Cantharis [Canth]

Colic, urging and pinching before stool; pressing outward pain in intestines and anus, extorting cries, with cutting and burning in anus during stool, tenesmus after stool, but alleviation of colic; passage of white or pale-red tongue mucus with stool, like scraping from intestines, with streaks of blood; passage of pure blood from anus and urethra; chilliness as through water were poured over one, with internal warmth; dryness as though water were poured over one,. with internal warmth; dryness of lips and thirst during pains and yet loathing of drinks; vesicles and cankers in mouth and throat; collapse, small pulse, coldness of hands and feet. TENESMUS ASSOCIATED WITH DYSURIA (Mercurius cor).

Capsicum [Caps]

DYSENTERY IN MOIST WEATHER, (<) from any current of air, even when warm; violent tenesmus of rectum and bladder at the same time (Merc cor) bloody mucus, shaggy stools, (>) at night. Cutting, flatulent colic, twisting pains about navel, before stool; cutting and twisting, tenesmus, during stool, tenesmus, burning at anus; drawing pains in back, after stool. Thirst, but drinking causes shuddering, stool after drinking suits stout, flabby persons best.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Frequently involuntary stools of PUTRID CADAVEROUS ODOR; burning pains deep in abdomen, usually in one or the other bend of the colon; abdomen tympanitic with much putrid flatus; fauces escape with flatus; abdomen tympanitic with much putrid Flatus;faeces escape with flatus collapse;l pulse weak and intermittent, cold breath.

Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]

Bloody and mucous discharge, appearing like scraping of mucous membrane (Canth) tenesmus;l tenderness over transverse colon; tongue dry and coated with thick, yellow fur; great thirst and high fever.

Chamomilla [Cham]

After Aconite Mental symptoms decide.

China [Chin]

DYSENTERY IN MARSHY DISTRICTS, with intermittent symptoms or when Arsenicum and Carb.v. fail to remove the putrid symptoms, stools become gradually more and more water, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation, (<) after eating and drinking, at night; cold hands and feet.

Cistus-canad [Cist]

CHRONIC DYSENTERY, desire for acid food and fruit, but they cause pain and cold feeling in stomach, with increase of stools.

Colchicum [Colch]

Very painful urging to stool, at first only a little faeces pass, afterwards transparent, gelatinous and very membranous mucous, with some relief of a pain in abdomen watery, jellylike mucus passes from anus with violent spasms in sphincter; bloody stools, with scrapings from intestines and protrusion of anus; forcing, pressing pain in rectum with frequent scanty discharge;long- lasting agonizing pain in rectum and anus after stool, causing screams and crying; BLOODY STOOL WITH DEATHLY NAUSEA FROM SMELLING COOKING; great weakness and exhaustion as after exertion, cannot move head from pillow without help; keeps legs bent on abdomen to avoid move head from pillow without help; keeps legs bent on abdomen to avoid distress when straightening them out; frequent shuddering down the back: cramps in calves of legs; burning or icy coldness of stomach. AUTUMNAL DYSENTERY.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Dysenteric diarrhoea, (<) after least food or drink, with compressive, griping pains, commencing at navel and passing down to rectum; stools bloody, full of mucus, passing even half hour, with great straining and burning of anus, TEMPORARILY CEASING AFTER STOOL AND BY WARMTH IN BED; weakness, paleness and prostration after stool; colicky cutting and squeezing pains (>) by bending forward and accompanied by disposition to stool; burning along urethra during stool; chills proceeding from abdomen.

Conium [Con]

CHRONIC DYSENTERY, slime mixed with greenish substances and containing blood specks; stools mall, offensive, e with tenesmus and discharge of flatus during the passage, followed, by weak, trembling feeling; no pain; (<) at night; appetite poor, craving for salt things.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.