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Diabetes mellitus

Phosphorus [Phos]

GLYCOSURIA WITH PHTHISIS; urine profuse, pale, watery: or turbid, whitish, like curdled milk, with brickdust sediment and variegated cuticle on surface; gouty diathesis; cerebral disease; cheesy degeneration of lungs.

Picric-acid [Pic-ac]

Cortex of brain congested; urine contains sugar and albumen, dark red, of high specific gravity; great indifference, LACK OF WILL POWER TO DO ANYTHING; eyes feel dry, as if full of sand, sight dim and confused; saliva white, frothy and stringy; disgust for food; very great thirst for cold water; great sexual desire with emissions; excessive languor and prostration, it seemed difficult to move the limbs; feet cold, chilly, cannot get warm, followed by clammy sweat; chilly all over, except head and spine; throbbing, jerking of muscles with great pains between hips.

Plumbum [Plb]

Lowness of spirits, anguish and melancholy; diminution of sight; dryness of mouth; dry, cracked tongue; feeling of contraction and constriction in throat; fever with unquenchable thirst; dingy color of skin; gangrene; constipation, hectic fever with dry, hacking cough from suppuration of lungs; great exhaustion; impotence: excessive emaciation; great hunger; obstinate belching and vomiting. Chronic lead-poisoning produces a perfect picture of glycosuria and of morbus Brightii, and Hering considered it one of the most important drugs in this form of disease.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Chalky stools; profuse and frequent micturition immediately after drinking; excessive hepatic action; hot, sour flatus.

Ratanhia [Rat]

Considerable emaciation and weakness; limbs sore and aching; great appetite; insatiable thirst and constant dryness of the mouth; gums livid and swollen; soreness in the kidneys; severe pains in small of back, improved by motion; hard stool, with straining; frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge, or passes large quantities of light-colored urine.

Secale-corn [Sec]

Great general lassitude; heaviness of limbs; loss of strength; emaciation; gangrene; skin dry and withered; furuncles; petechiae; fever, with unquenchable thirst; diminished power of the senses; dryness of the mouth; morbidly great appetite; cardialgia; costiveness; diarrhoea; watery urine; increased quantity of urine.

Sizygium-jambol [Syzyg]

Diminishes the amount of urine secreted and causes sugar to disappear. No provings!

Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]

Lassitude; debility; despondency; dimness of mind and sight; itching over the whole body; flatulency upward and downward; stitches in hepatic region; skin completely inactive, cold and dry; large quantities of sugar in urine; typhoid condition.

Tarentula [Tarent]

Profound grief and anxiety; great prostration, and pain as if the whole body were bruised; loss of memory and dimness of sight; constant craving for raw articles; intense thirst; lips and mouth so dry that he wants to moisten them with his tongue; insatiable appetite; disgust for meat and general wasting away; constipation; polyuria, with violent pains in the lumbar region and paralysis of the lower extremities; miliary eruptions and furuncles.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Inability to concentrate the mind; dull, languid mind, relieved by frequent micturition; despondency; wearied of life; obscuration of sight; sunken features; lips cracked and slightly bleeding; epistaxis; spongy gums; tongue dry and red; foul breath; hunger and thirst, with debility; aversion to meat; rancid or acrid eructations; burning in stomach and hypochondria; tympanitis; albuminuria, with frequent micturition; SUGAR IS NOTICED IN URINE AFTER LARGE DOSES OF OL. TEREB.

Thuja [Thuj]

Glycosuria after a long-suppressed gonorrhoea, frequent desire to urinate day and night; craving alternates with want of appetite; longs for cold food and drink; urine contains sugar, foams, deposits a brown mucus; debility (<) mornings.

Uranium-nitrate [Uran-n]

DEFECTS OF DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION; HEPATOGENIC DIABETES. CAUSES SUGAR TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE URINE. General languor; debility; cold feeling; vertigo; purulent discharges from eyelids and nostrils, with ulceration of cheeks from the acrid discharge; copious salivation; vomiting, with great thirst; putrid eructations; urgent desire to evacuate bladder and rectum; frequent micturition; cough, with purulent discharge from nostril; lung infiltrated with gray tubercles; stiffness in loins; languor on rising from bed, with fishy smell of urine; prostration, somnolence, and shivering during the day; restless at night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.