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Diabetes mellitus

Homeopathy treatment for Diabetes mellitus from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus…

Diabetes Mellitus

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Abundant sugar in urine, increased and light-colored, great thirst, but cold drink lies heavy on stomach; ascites and hydrothorax, oedema pedum; gangrenous ulcers; pale, waxen skin; extreme prostration; decomposition of animal matter.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

Profuse, turbid, sweetish urine; (<) at night, sometimes like whey, it distresses him at night, has to rise so often; emaciation and great weakness; face pale and sallow, scrotum and feet oedematous and itching; pruritus scroti seu vulvae; foetid taste in mouth; disposition to gangrene.

Arsenicum-brom [Ars-br]

Mineral spring of Ashe Co., N.C. (Liquor Arsenicum brom.). Needs proving, though highly recommended.

Asclepias-vincet [Ascl]

Arthritis, bleeding of gums, insatiable hunger; impotency; emaciation.

Berberis-vulg [Berb]

Constant urging, with pain in neck of bladder, urine very slow to flow, with pain in lumbar and renal region, (>) by rest; after urinating sensation in bladder as if one must go again soon or as if some urine remained behind; pale-yellow urine, with a gelatinous sediment; weakness of sexual organs; pale, sallow face, sunken cheeks; sickly expression; dryness and sticky

feeling in mouth and fauces; sticky, frothy saliva, like cotton; increased thirst and appetite, (>) by eating; pulse slow and weak; paralyzed, bruised sensation in back, (<) from slight exertion; skin sticky and scaling off; INTENSE COLDNESS OF KNEES.

Bovista [Bov]

Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urination, with emission of a few drops; urine bright-red or yellowish- green, becomes turbid; bright yellow, with slowly forming cloud; turbid, like loam-water, with violent sediment; general languor and enervation, particularly in joints; visible palpitation after exertion, as if the heart were working in water; backache, with stiffness after stooping; urticaria.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

GLYCOSURIA WHEN LUNGS ARE IMPLICATED, diminishing the quantity of urine and lowering its specific gravity, sore aching in bladder, (<) after urinating, involuntary sighing; chronic cough of consumptives, who suffer with cold feet; profuse sweat in phthisis.

Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]

Short, dry, hacking cough; excessive urination, the urine containing sugar; copious flow of limpid, colorless urine; diarrhoea or torpor of intestines; unusual appetite and thirst for stimulants; languor and profound prostration; cold skin, horripilations; OBESITY OR TENDENCY TO IT.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

Urine acid, straw-colored, turbid after standing, a reddish, thin sediment adhered to vessel, viscous, offensive, bloody, scanty or suppressed; great and slowly progressing emaciation; suppurating tuberculosis of lungs and evident signs of depression of brain; very great thirst; increased hunger; sweetish taste of mouth; increased urination, especially at night; dry very infrequent stool; decrease of sexual desire.

Curare [Cur]

DIABETES ACTISSIMUS, THREATENING LIFE; clear and frequent urine, with digging, crampy pains in kidneys; shooting in stomach; dry mouth; great thirst, especially evenings and at night; sugar in urine; great emaciation.

Hepar [Hep]

The slightest contradiction makes him break out into the greatest violence, he could kill somebody without hesitation; sight gets dim when reading; heaviness and pressure in stomach after a moderate meal, unusual hunger, much thirst; desire for acids and wine; sexual desire increased, erections feeble; urine acrid, burning, making the inner surface of the prepuce or of the pudenda sore and ulcerated; emission of much pale urine, with pressure on bladder; emission of pale, clear urine, which on standing becomes turbid, thick, and deposits a white sediment.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Emaciation, paleness, skin cold and dry, pulse rapid and feeble, tongue red and tender, gums spongy and bleeding; thirst excessive; appetite voracious; bowels constipated; urine pale, frequent, of great density, and loaded with sugar; liver tumid and tender (Arsenicum brom.).

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Excessive and sugary urine; itching in urethra; stomach and liver deranged; dry and light-colored stools; pain in kidneys; great weakness and somnolence.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Nervous weakness; breath peculiar, of haylike odor; thirst, voracious hunger, emaciation; hepatic troubles.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Perfect depression to the trophic nervous system. Heaviness all over, with drowsiness; depression of spirits; head feels confused and dull; dim-sightedness; flat, bitter taste; appetite, with sensation of fulness; intermittent, hard, dry stool; frequent and copious emission of hot, clear urine; bruised sensation in chest and all along the back; physical exhaustion, worse from rest; great itching of genitals during and after micturition.

Lachesis [Lach]

Despondency and peevishness; dimness of eyes; livid-gray complexion; readily bleeding gums; sweetish taste; constipation; violent urging to urinate, with copious discharge; impotence; difficult suffocative breathing; laming pain and weakness in back and extremities; gangrene; emaciation with muscular relaxation.

Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]

Excessive thirst; frequent and copious micturition; urine contains sugar, skin rough and dry; obstinate constipation; tongue dry, sticky; gastric ailments; debility and emaciation; feels constantly tired and exhausted from slightest exertion; rheumatic pains with profuse urination.

Lac-defloratum [Lac-d]

Excessive aching of back; enormous quantities of urine voided daily, with excessive lassitude and prostration; intense throbbing headache, especially in forehead, with nausea, vomiting and most obstinate constipation.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Very frequent urination, disturbing sleep; turbid urine, with much mucous deposit; dark reddish brown deposit in urine.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Peevish and depressed in mind; thirst and hunger constant, but worse at night; flatulence; faeces small in quantity; want of natural warmth; sexual desire and power gone; lithic acid gravel; pulmonary phthisis, pituitosa and purulenta, with hectic; great emaciation; mental, nervous and bodily exhaustion; GOUTY LITHAEMIA.

Lycopus-virg [Lycps]

Diabetes mellitus and insipidus from some derangement of the central nervous system or sympatheticus; morbus Basedowii; copious flow of clear urine of great density containing sugar; intense thirst; great emaciation, etc.; increased bronchial irritation, with sighing respiration; cardiac depression.

Magnesia-sulph [Mag-s]

Gloominess, especially morning, and disinclination for work; mouth and throat very dry, as if numb, with a sweetish-bitter taste, in the morning, disappearing after breakfast; aversion to all food; slight thirst which cant be resisted; urine copious, light-yellow, soon becomes turbid and deposits copious red sediment; erections without desire for an embrace; exhaustion and prostration, (>) by rest momentarily.

Magnesia-ust [Mag-u]

Sad mood; dryness of the eyes; dulness of hearing; pale, earthy complexion; looseness of the teeth, with swelling and bleeding of the gums; dryness of the mouth especially at night and in the morning; burning in the throat, with dryness and roughness; urine increased, pale, watery, with white sediment; itching and great dryness of the skin.

Moschus [Mosch]

Unquenchable thirst; great emaciation; costiveness; impotence; frequent passage of large quantities of saccharine urine; paralytic condition of the brain; dimness of sight; earthy complexion; great dryness of the mouth and putrid taste; great thirst for stimulants and aversion for food; prickling in the skin; general exhaustion, with coldness all over.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

(Carlsbad.). Depressed, irritable, taciturn, tired of life; dulness in head and weakness of sight; dryness and burning in the eyes nosebleed; dryness of mouth and throat; great thirst for very cold drinks; voracious appetite, with a boring pain; disgust while eating; foetid flatus; increased urination, especially at night; pains in small of back, with burning urine; haemoptoe; cough, with purulent expectoration.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Good livers and sedentary habits. Acidity, with dyspeptic troubles; constriction of the throat; dry cough; pains in the back; numbness; paretic condition of the lower extremities; after ineffectual desire to urinate, frequent and more copious urination than could be expected from the quantity of liquid taken, sexual desire strong; spinal lesions exciting cause.

Opium [Op]

After mental shocks or injuries. Dulness, sadness, weak memory; vision obscured as by a fog; face bloated, congested or sunken and pale; tongue thickly coated, dry; mouth and oesophagus dry; frothy sputa; ravenous hunger and unquenchable thirst; constipation more than diarrhoea; great pain and difficulty in expelling urine; no passage of urine or faeces; urine turbid, brown, with an iridescent film, scanty; weariness and numbness all over.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

NEUROGENIC GLYCOSURIA. Debility from loss of animal fluids; bad effects from grief, anguish, sorrow and care; all the joints feel bruised; very sensitive to fresh air; lassitude and heaviness; weakness of mind; falling out of the hair; dimness of eyes; excessive thirst; eructations from acids; pressure in stomach; hard, difficult stool; shortness of breathing; urine thick, LIKE MILK (CHYLURIA) or lime-water, with whitish curds, with stringy, bloody lumps, or clear, limpid, and containing much sugar; pain in back and kidneys; dull pressure in bladder; great weakness and emaciation; furunculosis.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.