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Atrophy of Children

Homeopathy treatment for Atrophy of Children from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Atrophy of Children…

Marasmus Infantum

Abrotanum [Abrot]

Marasmus with emaciation, sometimes only of lower extremities; voracious appetite, craves bread boiled in milk; weak, sinking feeling in bowels; frequent colicky pains; distended abdomen; hard lumps may be felt in different parts of the abdomen; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; food passed undigested; helminthiasis, especially ascarides; hydrocele; emaciation, mostly of legs; great weakness and prostration. with some hectic fever; FACE WRINKLED AS IF OLD, COLD AND DRY: comedones with emaciation; peevishness; child is cross and depressed, (<) from mental exertion.

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Anorexia; GREAT THIRST, much pain in stomach or abdomen; diarrhoea with undigested stools; sleepless nights; much

emaciation; abdomen and legs much swollen; excessive weakness with great irritability; face pale, waxen, emaciated; eye sunken and surrounded with dark rings.

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]

VIOLENT SUDDEN VOMITING OF THE MILK, immediately after nursing, followed by curdled milk and cheesy matter, then falls asleep as if from exhaustion, awakens and wants to nurse again. Milk disagrees and produces colic., constipation or diarrhoea; great general weakness, often coming suddenly; emaciation; want of power to hold the head up, cannot bear its weight upon its limbs, cannot stand up; great disposition to perspire from the slightest physical effort; after failure of other well selected remedies.

Aloe [Aloe]

Child passes substances looking like jelly-cakes, small or large, but adhering together like congealed mucus; green-colored or transparent; offensive flatulency passes and relieves colic; extreme prostration with perspiration; face sickly, sunken.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Vomiting of food and drink as soon as it is taken; after nursing the bowels move, stools watery, with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food or hard lumps of curd; tongue heavily coated, milky-white or yellow; great desire to eat, but gets no strength with sense of emptiness in pit of stomach and want of animal heat; CHILD IS FRETFUL AND PEEVISH, turns itself away and cries when touched; child emaciated to a skeleton; (<) from over hearing, during summer, from cold bathing or washing.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Nausea and retching with vomiting, sweat on forehead, followed by languor and sleep, with frequent jerks of the limbs during sleep; disgust for food; stools brown-yellow, faecal, watery, profuse, with sharp cutting pains in abdomen.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Diarrhoea of green foetid mucus, passing of with much flatulency, (<) at night and from drinking; INTENSE DESIRE FOR SWEETS; emaciation most marked on the legs, moving upward (Natr. m. downward); child looks old, sallow and withered; exhaustion, the results of rapid loss of fluid, as in cholera infantum, or of long-protracted diarrhoea and defective nourishment.

Arnica [Arn]

Forcible and painful distension of abdomen from foul flatulency;

lienteric stools; ANOREXIA DURING DAY WITH CANINE HUNGER IN FOREPART OF NIGHT, but eating bloats and causes colic; general prostration and drowsiness, but sleep does not refresh, with horrible dreams; capricious humor, repels caresses; face pale bloated or emaciated.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

Peaked, cadaverous face, with a purple, livid hue of skin; intense thirst with uncontrollable desire for cold water, which is almost immediately ejected; almost constant copious watery diarrhoea, and distressing nausea and vomiting; stools foul, irritating, excoriating the parts around anus; heaviness of the cold limbs, with weariness of the whole body and great vital prostration; rapid emaciation.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Stools painful, offensive, containing quantities of undigested food; pale and waxy look; dry, parchment-like skin; hollow eyes with blue margins; great restlessness at night; short sleep, broken by starts and convulsions; great debility, weariness, with constant desire to lie down; cold hands and feet; night-sweats; the child feels constantly chilly; food and drink cause instant vomiting and diarrhoea; burning thirst for iced drinks, which cause distress in stomach till they are ejected again; stools green, slimy, bloody, dark, watery, undigested, excoriating and intolerably offensive; urine suppressed; the child lies in stupor, hot and twitching, and when aroused is restless, demanding frequent change of position.

Arsenicum-sulph-flav [Ars-s-f]

Stools green, slimy, watery, offensive,(>) during day (Arsenicum alb., (<) after midnight).

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Swelling of cervical glands; great physical and mental debility, constant desire to sleep; face and abdomen bloated; potbellied- debility, constant desire to sleep; face and abdomen bloated; potbelliedness, with rest of body wasted; great laziness; crawling in the rectum; ascarides; scurfs on head, ears, nose; inflamed eyes; general emaciation; MENTAL POWERS NOT DEVELOPED, the child is dwarfish, cannot be taught, for it cannot remember; it does not want to play, but sits idly in a corner; child wants to eat all the time, but is averse to sweet things and fruit; a little food satiates.

Baryta-mur [Bar-m]

Induration of abdominal and of other glands; general muscular weakness, can hardly move a limb; emaciation of thighs; desire for dry wheat bread; much thirst with a dry tongue; nausea, vomiting with worms and colic; chronic, painless, watery, foetid diarrhoea; weak, husky voice; scrofulous eruptions and ulcers.

Belladonna [Bell]

For precocious children, with blue eyes and fair hair. The child does not sleep much, though appearing to be drowsy; it lies half sleeping and half waking; moaning; jerking of the muscles.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

Ammoniacal odor of the urine, which leaves a dark stain on the diaper; diaper; diarrhoea stools have an odor similar to that of the urine.

Borax [Bor]

Malnutrition and excessive nervousness. Child grows pale, relaxed, flabby, cries; loathes the breast and falls into a heavy sleep; head and palms of hands hot, face pale and clay-colored;

hot mouth and aphthae on tongue and cheeks from impaired nutrition, bleeding when rubbed; every attempts to nurse causes screaming; stools light yellow, slimy, green or painless, as if fermented, thin, brown, smelling like carrion; fear of downward motion; easily started by the slightest noise; sleeps badly and awakens with screams as if in a fright and clings to something as if afraid of falling.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Emaciation more marked in other than adipose tissue; atrophy of muscles, soft bones, retarded teeth (defective nutrition), with deceptive appearance of plumpness from excess of fat. When also the fat wastes, the body dwindles, the pale skin hangs in folds, but abdomen remains disproportionately enlarged; partial sweats; scalp covered with cold sweat, knees clammy, feet damp and cold; crusta lactea, crusts dry or filled with a mild thick pus; ringworms; glands engorged, especially the mesenteric; APPETITE VORACIOUS, YET EMACIATION PERSISTS: morbid appetite for indigestible articles of food; fever and thirst in afternoon; stools green, watery, SOUR, OR PUNGENT, or clay-like, and (<) in the afternoon, or creamy, foetid, frequent; urine strong, foetid, clear; vomiting of SOUR FOOD or of curdled milk; child obstinate, self-willed, cross before stool and faint after; growth retarded, spine weak, its sits stooped, legs curved and bones bent easily, though old enough will not put its feet to the ground; worse by bathing; CHILD CRAVES EGGS; THIRST AT NIGHT FOR COLD WATER.

Calcarea-iod [Calc-i]

Though looking plump and healthy, child shows well defined scrofulosis, with thick scabby eruptions, otorrhoea, engorged glands and tonsils.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

SCROFULOUS DISEASES OF CHILDREN AFFECTING THE BONES (Calcarea fluor.); general debility from malassimilation of even abundant food; child wants to nurse all the time; delayed dentition; anterior and posterior fontanelle large, bones of skull thin and soft; complexion sallow; abdomen shrunken and flabby; diarrhoea with much flatulence; stools watery, hot or green and slimy, often very offensive; child peevish and fretful ears and point of nose cold; short breathing, with anxious look when lifting; pains after eating; sense of emptiness in epigastrium; child craves salt food, bacon.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Vital powers failing, and no reaction to well-chosen remedies; skin cold, pale or blue, the face having a greenish hue; feet and legs to the knees cold; anxious look, but too lifeless to move or to exhibit much restlessness; breath cold, pulse weak and rapid; stools dark, thin, cadaverous looking: USEFUL ALSO IN PROTRACTED SULTRY WEATHER, WHEN THE DAYS ARE HOT AND DAMP.

Causticum [Caust]

Adapted to children who grow tardily and who seem to suffer form a sort of paresis; abdomen swollen and hard, but body wasted and feet diminutive; they walk unsteadily and fall easily; weakness of brain; children timid, fear going to bed in the dark; weak memory; intertrigo during dentition; eczema in occiput (Barytac.)

China [Chin]

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.