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THUJA OCCIDENTALIS symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Homeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler. What are the symptoms of THUJA OCCIDENTALIS? Keynote indications and personality traits of THUJA OCCIDENTALIS…

      Arbor Vitae.


      Arbor vita!-indeed a “Tree of Life,. for the healing of the nations!” as we shall see.

Hahnemann says that no serious medical employment was made of this plant” before now”.

He says “the pure effects of this uncommonly powerful medicinal substances will be regarded by the Homoeopathic practitioner as a great addition to his medicinal treasury in some of the most serious disease of mankind, for which hitherto there has been no remedy.”: He specifies it as “the only efficacious remedy” for fig-warts and gonorrhoea. He used the 30th potency, and then found that in the 60th potency, :”it had not sunk to complete powerlessness *Hahnemann began with strong tinctures and only as experience led the way,. worked gradually up to “Potentization”: when he found, as here, that drugs in extreme sub-division, instead of becoming powerless, became more intensely charged with their healing virtue-ED, but on the contrary had rather become even more intensely charged with the medicinal virtue of Thuja”.

Thuja produces intense headaches and neuralgias. It affects especially the left temple. Its characteristic pain is” sensation of a nail being driven into head”.

Thuja occidentalis affects the kidneys, with frequent urination and all sorts of pathological urine including sugar; also urine like water (Ign). It has great action on anus and genitalia:-anus fissured, painful to touch, often with warts, “sometimes immense numbers of flat, moist, mucous tubercles or Condylomata around anus, especially in sycotic subjects.” Sweat about genitalia; offensive. Warty and cauliflower excrescences about genitalia; offensive. Warty and cauliflower excrescences about anus and genitalia. It has the severe backache of small-pox, for which it has proved a most useful remedy, being one of the drugs that produces and cures pustular eruptions,.

That Thuja can produce warts, we had a curious proof years ago. One of our horse had a few warts, and scars where warts, probably, had been cauterized at some time or other. The coachman was given a small bottle of Thuja O, with instructions to put some of this into water, to bathe the warts. He misunderstood, and put the lot into the horse’s drinking water, and presently there was a most extraordinary exemplification of the Thuja warts, their character, and their most typical situations.

One of Hahnemann’s black letter symptoms is, “On exposure of the body to warm air, shivering all over. Rigor with much yawning, the warm air feels cold to him, and the sun seems to have no power to warm him.”

Thuja has peculiar sweats, oily sweetish, fetid: and a unique condition of “profuse sweat only on uncovered parts. This has suggested the curative use of Thuja in diverse diseases and conditions, reported from time to time in our literature.

It was the determining symptom in a case of myositis ossificans: where it made an extraordinary change in the case and started de=-ossification.

Mentally, Thuja makes mistakes in reading and writing. Speaks slowly, as if at a loss for the words: has “prolonged thought fullness about the rest trifles”. Has fixed ideas, as if the body were brittle and would easily break; when walking, as if legs were made of wood; as if a live animal were in abdomen (Croc); as if under the influence of a superior power. Uneasy sleep with dreams:-of falling from a height-of head people,, etc. KENT describes the typical Thuja patient sickly-looking, with waxy face, that looks as if smeared over with grease.

The perspiration is peculiar, sweetish-strong-pungent.

He says that Arsenic is often the acute, and Thuja the chronic remedy, as in asthma; here cases i which Arsenic would seem to be the remedy, but it only palliates, thuja or Natrum sulph, will take. up the work and cure. And here they may do so by bringing back a primitive manifestations that has been Suppressed.

He describes the Thuja wart-like excrescences, soft and pulpy and very sensitive: burn, itch and bleed easily when rubbed by the clothing. Cauliflower excrescences in vagina, on cervix uteri, about anus and mucous membranes generally.

“Herpes everywhere, with excessive neuralgia pains…..

“Thuja leads all medicine for symptoms coming from suppressed fig-warts.

“It is a pre-eminently strong medicine for case where you have in the history snake-bite, small-pox, vaccination.`

But to Dr.James Compton BURNETT with his theory of “Vaccinosis: belongs the honour of having brought Thuja within the range of practical politics as regards our everyday needs. He used to say that Thuja was worth L200 a year to him.

CLARKE also acknowledges its very wide usefulness: “People are all vaccinated and drink tea, :”he used to say, “and Thuja is the great antidote to tea and vaccination.

Burnett, in the preface to his brilliant and epoch-making little monograph, Vaccinosis and Homoeoprophylaxis, writes, “Truth is not Truth save only to the Infinite; to the mind of mortal man. Truth is not necessarily Truth, but only that which appears to be true. Hence that which is a glorious truth to one man is inglorious nonsense to another, and both individuals may be equally honest of purpose and of like earnestness in their search after Truth. The idea of using Thuja occidentalis as here recommended is not new, nor is it peculiar to the writer, though it is but very little known in this country, and still less acted upon, and hence it is hoped that the publication of these pages may help to establish vaccinosis as a form of disease,. and Thuja as one of its chief remedies.:

Burnett concedes that vaccination does protect, to a very large extent, from small-pox; he is no anti-vaccinator: his aim is “to show (!) that there exists a diseased state of the constitution which is engendered by the vaccinial virus (the so-called lymph), which he proposes to call VACCINOSIS, OR THE Vaccinial state; and (2) that there exists also in nature a notable remedy for said Vaccinosis, viz. the Thuja occidentalis; and (3) that thuja is a remedy for Vaccinosis by reason of its homoeopathicity thereto; and (4) that the law of similars also applies to to the prevention of disease.”

“Vaccinosis,” for Burnett, does not mean the acute reaction to vaccination, the febrile state, the local phenomena at the point where the pus was inserted-not even a general varioloid eruption following vaccination.

He says, “all this is included in his term vaccinosis, but not merely this:- but also the profound and often long-lasting morbid constitutional state engendered by the vaccine virus:- Lymph., of course, it is not, but pus. The protective power of vaccination is due to diseased of the body.

“One suffering from vaccinosis may not be ill in the ordinary sense. But he must be in subdued morbid state, he has been blighted, or he is no vaccinosis” and he says that some of his worse cases of vaccinosis were those in whom the vaccinate did not”take”. He has noticed that: not a few persons date their ill- health from a so-called unsuccessful vaccination.” And he claims that “”taking ‘is the constitutional reaction whereby the organism frees itself more or less from inserted virus. Where as if the person does not make and the virus has been absorbed, the taking becomes a chronic process- paresis, neuralgia, cephalalgia, pimples, acne, etc.”

Burnett’s little book is full of wonderful cases that bear out this theory: and we who follow-on, have delightful experiences of our own to relate, which further prove his proposition.

Here are, in brief, some of his cases. A dying body, ghastly, collapsed:suddenly taken ill only a few hours previously,. It was found that the (new) wet-nurse had a recently vaccinated arm which was “a little painful”. Burnett pondered the strange case, and gave Thuja 6 to both babe and nurse. Result, the baby next morning was still pale, but practically well, and the vaccinial vesicles on the nurse’s arm had withered: they proceeded to dry up completely, and never became pustular. The baby continued well.

[We once saw a case of very severe illness after vaccination in a baby, high temperature, eruption all over body, while the area of vaccination was in the vesicle stage. Thuja promptly cured the infant-it was practically well next day: and there was no pustulation, and no scarring. So, Thuja is AN ANTIDOTE TO VACCINATION in its early, acute stage.]

Among Burnett’s cases are. Middle-aged man: eczema for 20 years with a Pustular eruption on leg. The eczema dated from a re-vaccination twenty years before. Thuja 30x cured. The pustules at once began to wither, and patient,”too busy to come himself”, sent word later that his skin was well.

Young lady,. after re-vaccination got an eruption on thin involving lower lip. She had to wear a dense veil to hide the repulsive disfiguration. Thuja 30x cured in a fortnight, leaving no thickening of skin and no scar.

Post-orbital neuralgia of twenty years’ standing:- even good Homoeopathy had failed to touch it. Her “existence was one life- long crucifixion”. She came “in utter despair”. Burnett found that she had been vaccinated five or six times, and he gave Thuja 30x – which cured. The neuralgia disappeared slowly. About six weeks later he was able to record, “The eyes are well”. A year later she wrote him, that she had been in very much better health” and except open or two attempts at a return of the enemy, I have been quite free from suffering.”

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.