Like an earthquake in violence. Mind in an uproar, cursing, tearing the clothes, violent speech, frenzy, erotomania, exposing the persons. (Useful in violent typhoids.)

Mania that has existed for sometime. A single attack would look like Belladonna But Belladonna might be a palliative in the first attack, and in the second would do nothing.

When the delirium is not on, patient has the appearance of great suffering: forehead wrinkled: face pallid sickly, haggard. Anxious look, indicative of intense suffering from meningeal involvement.

Delirium, bland, murmuring, incoherent chattering with open eyes; vivid; merry, with spasmodic laughter; furious, raving wild: attempts to stab and bite; with queerest notions fear as if a dog were attacking him. Strange ideas about the body, that it is ill-shapen, elongated, deformed.

Sees animals, ghosts, angels, departed spirits, devils: knows they are not real, but later is confident they are.

Sings amorous songs and utters obscene speech.

Screams till hoarse and loses voice. Screeches and screams day and night with fever, or mania.

Hyoscyamus has wild maniacal delirium, but very little fever. In Stramonium there is considerable fever. In Belladonna the fever is afternoon and evening (3 p.m. to 3 a.m.)., and then a remission.

Puerperal convulsions and insanity. It has the septic nature. “Has sinned away her day of grace, “Yet has lived an upright life.

Cerebral congestions; profound intoxication: stupor: stertorous breathing: lower jaw dropped. Typhoid, with oozing blood from mouth, tongue dry swollen, fills mouth, pointed, red like a piece of meat.

Basilar meningitis from suppressed ear discharge. Forehead wrinkled, eyes glassy awful pain through base of skull with a history of necrosis about the ear.

Violent headache from walking in the sun: worse lying down.

Worse motion and jar. Pain in occiput.

High grade inflammation-pus forms, abscesses with excruciating pain vicious septic states. Chronic abscesses:- the left hip-joint is a special locality.

Stramonium stands alone among the deep-acting remedies, in its violence of mental sufferings.

Suppuration of lungs where cough is worse from looking into the light.

Delusions in regard to personal identity. Great anxiety when a train is going through a tunnel.


      Maniacal delirium: symptoms resembling HYDROPHOBIA.

Delirium of fear, as though a dog were attacking him.

Impressions of danger: clings to persons who had him in her lap.


Appearance of patient suggested mania.

“There are those bugs, help me catch them.”

“There, a long trail of bedbugs, and after them a procession of beetles, and here come crawling over me a host of Cockroaches.” He shrank back in alarm: then suddenly, ‘I believe I know they are not really bugs: but except once in a while, they seem real to me.”

(Biting a man’s hand), sometimes crying out that she saw cats, dogs and rabbits, at the top, sides and middle of the room.

(Speaking) the sound resembled a squeak more than the natural tone of the voice.

Manifested great aversion to fluids of every kind. When a cup of water was put to her lips, she would start from it, and sometimes relapse into her paroxysm: such great aversion to it, that it was with the utmost difficulty that any liquid could be forced down her throat. Hydrophobia: Aversion-even rage, when it was attempted to administer any liquid. Had even spasmodic irritation of pharyngeal muscles, and anything taken choked him and was regurgitated.

Asked her mother not to leave her, “something was going to hurt her.”

Constant staring about, then a fixed gaze, with sudden startings of arms, and lower limbs, with low mutterings, then sudden and furious screaming, scratching, tearing with the hands, and kicking.

He makes all motions hastily.

From the expression of face and movements, he seem at times to be chasing, or fleeing from imaginary objects.

Terrified by fanciful delusions: they appear to grow out of the ground at his side-large dogs, cats and horrible beasts, from which he springs away with signs of terror, but cannot get away from them.

Continually strange objects intrude on his fancy, frightening him.

He sees more horrifying images at his side than in front of him.

The boy seemed to see black objects.

(An executioner standing before him seemed to him a reality.

All ideas seemed to consist of mere reproductions: there was nothing original, no new combinations.

Occupied with hallucinations: gaze fixed; seemed trying to reach towards something she saw. Solely occupied with objects of his fancy.

The sight of a light, a mirror, or water, excited horrible convulsions.

Quite irrational: picked the bedclothes, saw bugs, etc.

Shuddering and seeming much frightened. Starts up in affright.

FEAR of being in the dark, and (less) of being alone in the evening after sunset.

Conduct and countenance like that of a child severely frightened, and apprehending some terrible calamity.

DELIRIUM: bland: murmuring: violent: foolish: joyful: loquacious: incoherent: chattering: with open eyes: vivid: merry: with spasmodic laughter: furious: raving: wild attempts to stab and bite: with queerest notions: with sexual excitement: fear as if a dog were attacking him: conscious of her condition: calls for papa and mama, who are present and trying to console child: with open eyes: noisy with hallucinations; shy, hides himself: tries to escape: full of fear: talks incessantly, absurdly, laughs, claps hands over head wide open eyes.

Mania for light and company: cannot bear to be alone.

DELIRIUM TREMENS. Hallucinations which, especially at night, put patient into wildest restlessness. Laughing. Intoxication.

Rush of blood to head. Violent congestion of head.

EYES wide open, prominent: pupils exceedingly dilated, insensible, with injected conjunctivae, as if vessels filled with dirty liquid. Complained that it was dark and called for light.

Hallucinations DARK. (Belladonna, fiery, shining.)

Hot cheeks. Blood rushing to FACE

White circle round mouth.

Wild staring look: expression of great fear and terror. (Acon).

Glairy saliva dribbling from MOUTH.

Speech stammering, difficult and unintelligible.

Has to exert himself a long time before he can utter a word. (Distorts face, makes efforts to speak.)

Dryness of THROAT: Constriction.

Spasmodic constriction of throat, a kind of paralysis, so that swallowing was very difficult -almost impossible.

Fauces dry: very red: with difficult swallowing. Terrible spasm of throat on each attempt to swallow, like hydrophobia.

Dryness of throat not removed by frequent draughts of water.

The child had not only lost power of utterance, but that of voice. Could only utter a hoarse croaking sound, alternating with sonorous croupy barking cough: unable to swallow for the violent spasms.

Thirst violent, for sour drinks. Fear of water: and aversion to all fluids.

ABDOMEN distended, not hard.

Stool and urine suppressed.

VOICE hoarse and croaking. High, squeaking, out of tune.

Usual modulation quite lost: higher and finer than usual.

Twitching of hands and feet; of tendons; of extremities: during chill: through body like CHOREA.

Trembling of limbs.

Trembling of whole body, seemed as if in a great fright.


Frightful convulsions at sight of a lighted candle, a mirror, or of water.

Now rejected every liquid, and seemed to labour under hydrophobia, for the moment a cupful of drink touched lips, the spasms returned with great violence.

Child became restless: tossed about: called for water: could swallow with great difficulty.

Constant restless movements of all limbs and the whole body.

Convulsions, alternating with rage: opisthotonic, from bright, dazzling objects, a lighted candle, a mirror, or touch. Child rigid as a board, when loudly spoken to or when touched. Shrieks in hoarse voice.

Scarlatinous redness of SKIN.

Intensely red rash in skin,. resembling scarlet fever, but having a more shiny appearance.

Scarlet efflorescence over the whole body.

HEAD very hot. Skin hot, dry, burning: scarlet.

Child will not go to SLEEP in the dark, but soon falls asleep in a lighted room.


      Hands and arms in motion, as if spinning or weaving.

Grasps about in air, catching at imaginary objects.

Motionless, pulseless: then tossed about in great rage: made signs to those about him, not understood.

Condition resembles highest state of intoxication from alcohol. Calls things by wrong names, his boots, logs of wood; his bedroom, the stable.

No correct estimate of distance or size: reaches for things across the room: bumps into persons and things which appear to be distant.

Uses wrong words, cannot find right words.

Talks in different languages.

Sits silent, eyes on ground, picking at her clothes.

Mind wanders, with quick motions of eyes and hands.

Excessive dilatation of pupils, with slow pulse.

Aberrations of mind. One carries home wood to manufacture. brandy: another places two axes across each other to split wood: a third burrows in ground like a pig with his mouth: a fourth was “a wheelwright”, and began to bore holes: a fifth ran into forge, to catch fish which he saw swimming there a girl ran about the room and cried that all evil spirits were pursuing her. Face expresses perturbation-stupidity-FEAR.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.