EYES: Very inflamed margins of lids.

Inflammation of the external canthi. Sore and fissured: bleed easily. Edges of lids much inflamed. Dry mucus on lashes.

Deafness: hears better in a noise, or riding in carriage.

Moist and sore places behind both EARS.,

Soreness in NOSE on blowing it.

Nose painful internally. Dryness of nose. Nose stopped with badly smelling mucus.

Dry scabs in nose, with sore, cracked and ulcerated nostrils.,

Smell abnormally acute: cannot tolerate flowers.

Constant sensation of cobweb on FACE.

Soreness and cracking as from cold lips and nostrils.

Burning blisters on lower side and tip of TONGUE.

Taste of rotten eggs which nauseates.

Constrictive pains in STOMACH; better eating.

Aversion to animal food; to fish; to cooked good.

Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous.

Burning pains radiate through ABDOMEN. Heaviness in abdomen.

Great distention of abdomen.

Full abdomen as from accumulation and incarceration of flatus.

Pain in upper abdomen.

Hardness in region of liver.

Smarting sore pain in ANUS on wiping it.

Itching in anus.

Stools brown, fluid, with undigested substances: of intolerable odour.

Stool dark-coloured, half digested, of an intolerable odour.

Stool lumpy conjoined with threads of mucus.

Sticking in anus (with hard stool and much urging).

Discharge of mucus from rectum.

Haemorrhoids with burning rhagades at anus.

URINE becomes turbid and deposits white sediment.

Profuse leucorrhoea of very white mucus: acrid; Excoriating.

Itching of pudenda before menstruation.

Menstruation delayed.

Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess, retarding flow of milk.

Cancer of mammae, from old cicatrices, which had remained after repeated abscesses.

Constriction of CHEST as if too narrow.

Painful swollen GLANDS at sides of neck.

Soreness high up between the thighs.

Smarting soreness between the nates.

The SKIN of hands is hard and cracked in several places.

Finger nails become thick: become black.

Eruptions in the corner of the mouth.

Itching pimples on the face, become moist after scratching.

Itching eruptions full of corrosive water in many parts of the body.

Itching and moist eruptions on scrotum.

Cracks and fissures ends of fingers, nipples, labial commissures, of anus, between toes, etc.

Eruptions behind ears, oozes a sticky fluid.

Eczema, with profuse serous exudations; in blondes inclined to obesity.

Numbness and deadness, with coldness of fingers, extending as far as middle of upper arm.

Weak exhaustion of while body.

Cataleptic conditions: conscious but without power to move or speak.

Emaciation of suffering parts (Plumb).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.