Skin brown, tense, hard.

As said, Argentum nit is one of the great remedies for the terrors of anticipation. It has Examination funk. Its nervousness in anticipation of a coming ordeal will go as far as diarrhoea- (Gelsemium).One of our doctors makes great play with his “:Funk Pills”-Argentum Nit. The Anticipation remedies are rather scattered through Kent’s repertory, but we have collected the following, which should be inserted as rubric.

ARG-NIT., Arsenicum, Carbo veg., GELS., Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Plb., phosphorus a., SIL.

Arg nit. has also claustrophobia. Wants the end seat in a pew: to be near the door in church or theatre needs an easy escape. :Even in the street the slight of high houses always made him giddy and caused him to stagger: it seemed as if the houses on both sides would approach and crush him.” Arg-nit cannot look down-and cannot look up.

Here are some cured symptoms. When walking becomes faint with anxiety, which makes him walk faster.” Often wakes his wife or child, to have someone to talk to.” “Fears to be along, because he thinks he will die.” ” When walking becomes faint with anxiety, which makes him walk the faster.” “When walking, fears he will have a fit, or die, which makes him swell, faster.” “Distressing idea that all his undertaking must and would fail.” “Does not work thinking it will do him harm, or that he is not able to stand it.” “Fears, m if passing a certain corner or building that he will drop down and create and sensation; is relieved by going in another direction. ”

A poor little school girl of six in such terrors of anticipation that, when the school bell rang, she put her head in her hands, and vomited. Argentum nit. finished that trouble promptly and entirely, and sent her happily to school, to do well there.

A wee boy of 4 3/4 was curiously ill-mentally. The history was: Measles before he was two; then double pneumonia and (?) meningitis. He “rolled his head:” and had evidently marked opisthotonos (“was bent like a bow, backwards, between head and heels”) “When he began to walk, walked backwards” Now had “terrible nights, with much screaming,” and “mad” attacks by day. Was in terror of his father, by night-“Daddy might look at me!” He said of people. “They make me bleed, and I’ll make them bleed.” He said the next house was “going to fall on him”: that “the clouds were coming down on him” Great fear of noise.

The first medicine did not help much. But, after a couple of doses of Argentum nit., the next report was.” very much better. Lost the things coming down on him. Fears all gone.” Later he needed a few doses of Belladonna, and then its “:chronic” Calcarea” and ion a few months he was well and normal. But for a wee boy to put up such a plea for Argentum nitricum, by such very peculiar and characteristic symptoms, was curious.

Homoeopathy can do wonderful things in making children happy and normal.

A youthful dyspeptic, with almost daily severe flatulence and bursting sensations, worse for afternoon tea and long into the night, relieved protem by either Pulsatilla or Carbo veg., but always recurring, took Arg-nit. in potency. Results, the gastric symptoms ceased to trouble, in fact,. never again did trouble to the same extent. Puls and Carbo vegetabilis had been palliative only- Arg-nit. had proved curative.

But, the Arg-nit having proved such a boon, was continued for some to me, till a new, most distressing symptom appeared numbness in the forearms at night. The wristbands of the nightdress had to be cut, everything pulled away from arms; nothing must touch or press them. This was only a proving of Argentum nitricum, and, when this was discontinued, was soon forgotten, never to recur. Since when, when patients have, from time to time, complained of such numbness in the arms at night,Argentum nit. has cured them.

The symptom is found in Clarke’s Dictionary., He says, “In a proving by myself, one of the most marked symptoms was a kind of numb sensitiveness of the arms-a hyperaesthetic-anesthetic state; increased sensitiveness to touch, but diminished power of distinguishing sensations”

Symptom-groups often lead one to a particular remedy. Desire for sweets, desire for salt, can’t stand heat, makes one think of Argentum nit. And if you find the a patient cannot look down from a height, you may be sure. No other remedy has just that symptom complex.

One may note here, that Dr.Clarke’s remedy for Examination funk was Aethusa cynapium, “fool’s parsley:-well named! One of its characteristic symptoms is :Inability to think, or fix the attention.” He says,” guided by this symptom I gave it to an undergraduate preparing for an examination, with complete success. He had been compelled to give up his studies, but was able to resume them, and passed a brilliant examination. To a little waif in an orphan home who suffered from severe headaches and inability to fix his attention on his lessons, I sent a single dose of Aethusa, at rare intervals, with very great relief. The little boy asked for the medicine himself subsequently on a return of the old symptoms.”

With Argentum nit. the condition is apprehension:-ill with anxiety in regard to what is before him:-fear of failure. With Aethusa, it is simply inability to fix the attention or to think.

Homoeopathy is very definite: and one remedy, even of you label both “Funk pills”, will not do for the other!.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.

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