Hpathy Needs Your Help!



  • Brain fag of highly educated people. Headache due to over mental exertion; burning in – Kali Phos; Acid Picric.
  • Get …

  • Brain fag of highly educated people. Headache due to over mental exertion; burning in – Kali Phos; Acid Picric.
  • Get up in bad Always ready to fight. – Lycopodium.
  • Happy dreams, wakes up – Sulphur.
  • Goose state of skin; persistant – Camphora.
  • Loss of memory Forget’s how to talk. Must tell him the words before he start talking. – Kali Brom.
  • Aversion to most liked things due to grief and prostration. – Acid Phos.
  • Very sad Pt wants to commit suicide, but lacks – Sepia.
  • Great sadness, sits for days – Ambra.
  • Fear of death; of failure in business; of surrounding people makes his life – Psorinum.
  • Constantly loses the thread of of conversation– Medo.
  • Disposed to talk continue – Bufo.
  • Irritable, even noise of paper incites him – Ferr.Met.
  • I have two heads – Nux Mos.
  • Amnesic Aphasia– Kali Brom.
  • Music causes weeping and and palpitation – Kreosote.
  • Everybody is watching me; fear of loud noise, wants to run from there. – Melilotus,
  • Mental state changes suddenly occupation. – Coffea, Nux Mos, Ign, Crocus.
  • Constantly changing his  occupation. – Saniculla.
  • Irritable fault finding, can not tolerate any contradiction or suggestion. – Helonias, Anacardium
  • Sudden loss of memory, while reading or writing. Forgets known streets. – Cannabis, Agnus Cast.
  • Writes last letter  first– Xerophyllum.
  • In writing omits final letter or letter in a word – Lac. Can.
  • Doesn’t care anybody; do whatever he – Phytolacca Dece.
  • Loquacity and delirium by eating acid – Podophyllum.
  • Loss of memory; remember everything previous to his illness. – Syphillinum.
  • No happiness in anything—Theridion.
  • Cerebral softening; dementia, sit at one place quietly; lack of will power. – Acid Picricum.
  • Depressed, sure for death and desire for it– Hydrastis.
  • I am floating in air or will fall from height – Hypericum.
  • Set things / relations on fire – Hepar Sulph.
  • Impulse to kill who opposes him – Merc.Sol.
  • I get no sympathy, when I am sick as I look well– Asfoetida.
  • Always unhappy Pt from sound of door; bell – Nux Moscheta
  • Affectation – Stramonium, Puls
  • Aversion to children specially small girls; aversion to her own sex– Raphnus.
  • Can not read what he himself wrote – Lycopodium.
  • desire to kill somebody during – X-ray.
  • Delirium of Persecution– Thyroidinum.
  • Very cruel chlid – Abrotanum.
  • Wicked, malicious child with no faith in others – Anacardium.
  • Desire to cry but can not – Amm. Mur.
  • Groundless fear of financial ruin– Calc. Fl.
  • Lack of interest in everything; in study; in Lazy – Conium.
  • Fight with family for his own right– Kali Carb.
  • A/F – misdeed of others– Colchicum.
  • fear of being insane/paralysis – Syphillinum.
  • Imagine letters are dancing – Cicuta Vir, Cocculus Ind.
  • Furniture feels like human being after – Nat. Phos.
  • Feeling of excessive unhappiness– Tabacum.
  • Every mental excitement causes cough– Spongia.
  • Indolent; even  avoid thinking– Sepia.
  • Delusion that he is Complaints changeable. – Sabadilla.
  • Too unhappy to live– Calc. Carb.
  • Hate people and repels everyone – Manincella.
  • Just live me I am fine. – Arnica.
  • Somebody is standing behind me– Bromium.
  • Angry if question is asked – Colocynth.
  • Patient full of mistakes – Xerophyllum.
  • Firey sexual desire – Cantharis.
  • Fretful behaviour– Sambucus Nigra.
  • Aimless hurry– Lil. Tig.
  • Restless and sleepless due to anxiety of property, money, business and position in society– Kali Brom.
  • Happy when alone and misbehave in presence of others – Coca.
  • Disobedient; indifferent; disposition to hurt others – China
  • Fear of death during pregnency + prolapse of uterus + great loquacity and anxiety. – Belladonna
  • Fear of being poisoned—Rhus Tox, Hyosy.
  • Mental effects from Head injury – Nat. Sulph.
  • Abnormal imaginations; my nose is not mine; sees snake and spider everywhere. – Lac. Can.
  • The biggest liar of the world– Opium.
  • My disease is uncurable; fear of death – Cactus.
  • Always think about death & cry – Graph.


Kavita Chandak
Dr. Kavita R. Chandak (BHMS, PGNIH, PG(HOM), MD [HOM]) is a Classical Homoeopath who has been practicing for 16 years. She runs two offices at Nagpurand and takes cases online from patients worldwide. She has published 127 Marathi articles, 42 Hindi articles and 61 English articles in various newspapers. She has a health column in G-Nine magazine and Ayurhomoeo magazine and presents a talk, “Diet in Different Diseases” in Nagpur Akashwani once a month. Dr. Chankak was interviewed on television regarding “The exact mechanism of Homoeopathy and its benefit to the Society”. She has been a Lecturer on Anatomy and Pathology in Anterbharti Homoeopathy Medical College. She was Guest of Honor at the 11th Cancer Cure Homoeopathic Conference at New Delhi in Dec 2014. Over the years she received various awards, including the International Status award in Health Excellence given by the Vice President of Nepal in 2009, and Outstanding Woman of the Year in 2011 by Dainik Bhaskar. Her book Health vs Disease is available on Amazon. www.reeshabh.com