Weeping mood : Worse by consolation – Lil. t., Nat. m., Sep., Graph., Cact. G., Ign., Sil.



Weeping mood : Worse by consolation – Lil. t., Nat. m., Sep., Graph., Cact. G., Ign., Sil.

Weeping Mood : Better by consolation. – Puls., Ign.

Weeping mood when hearing music : Acon., Ambra, Graph., Nt. c., Nat. s., Sab., Tar. h., Thuj., Tuber.

Weeping without cause : Ign., Nat. m., Plat., Puls., Rhus t., Sep., Lyc. Religious mood (prays, beseeches, worships) : Ars. A., Aur. M., Puls., Stram., Verat. A., Syph., Lil. t., Sul. Iach., Plb., Psor., Kali br.

Alternating moods : Acon. Alum., Ambra., Bell., Aur. Bary-C., Cimic., Croc., Hyos., Ign., Mosch., Lyc., Lit. t., Sul., Tarent. H.; Nat. M., Nux. M., Phos., Plat., Puls., Sep.

Gloomy : (a) With fear of impending some serious disease – Ars. A., Cimic., Lil. t, Cann.i., Med., Syph., Mancin., Kali Br., Acon., Aur., Phos., Plat., Psor., Nux.v., Verat. A.

  • Time passes slowly –, Ambra., Arg.n., Cann. I., Med., Nux m., Nux.v., (time passes too quickly – Cocc., Therid.).
  • Yawns and stretches –, Plb., Ign., Sep., Motch., Plat., Rhus-t. Suspicious : (a) Anac., Caust., Cimic., Hyos., Nux.v., Merc., Puls., Staph., Verat.a., Rhus-t., Kali-br., Stram., Lil.t., Ars.a.
  • Fears to be poisoned –, Iach., Rhus-t., Kali-br.
  • Fears to be killed –, Kali-br., Plb,

To be aimlessly busy – Absinth., Arg.n., Ars.a., Canth., Lil.t., Sul., Tar.h.

, Kali-br.

Sopor (sleepy or drowsy) – Ant.t., Arn., Cann.i., Chin., Cocc., Cycl., Gels., Kali-br., Morph., Nux.m., Op., Phos. ac., Phos., Rhus-t., Zinc., Bell., Hyos., Stram., Varat. Bapt., Bry.

Loquacious (talkative) – Agar., Ambra., Bell., Cimic., Hyos., Lach., Op., Stram., Tar.h., Verat. A.

Amorous (easily excited in passion or inspired with love or uncontrollable sexual desire) – Canth., Hyos., Lil.t., Phos., Puls., Murex., Staph., Stram., Verat.a., Anac., Lach., Plat., Tar.h., Agn., Zinc.

  • Frequently handles genitals – Hyos., Zinc., Bufo., Canth., Ust., Stram.
  • Kisses every body –, Phos., Stram., Verat.a.
  • Dances –, Bell., Cic., Croc., Hyos., Stram., Tar.h.
  • Sings without occasion – Agar., Bell., Cann.i., Compare: Cic-v.,, Stram., Tar.h., Verat. a.

Violent : (a) Easily offended – Anac. (abuses, curses and swears with impaired memory); Aur. (irritability at least contradiction with disgust of life); Bry. (with thirst and constipation); Cham. (children intolerant of being spoken to or when pain is unbearable); Cina (history of worms); Ign. (when grieved); Kali-c. (with hypersensitiveness to pain, noise and touch); Lyc. (in the morning on awaking – Lach.); Nat.. m. (ill-effects of grief, fright, anger, catching cold easily, craving for salt.); Nit-ac. (Syphilitic or run-down owing to diseases, chilly).

Nux-v. (chilly, sensitive to noise, light, odors, gastric trouble); Plat. (proudy with contempt for others); Petr. (with dimness of sight); Sep. (with indifference to those loved best); Staph. (thinks or talks of sexual matters);

Verat.a. (stupid, indifferent and stupor); Tub. (changeableness of symptoms – Puls.); Tarent H. (with destructive impulses).

(b) Cruel or inhuman (bites, barks, spits, strikes, shrieks, tears clothes, howls, etc.) Bell., Bufo., Canth., Cup., Hyos., Lil.t., Stram., Tar.h., Verat. a., Absinth., Anac., Croc., Nit. ac., Nuw-v., Plat., Staph., Mosch., Lyc., Petr., Agar., Cimex., Aeth., Tub.

Desires to be alone – Nat.m., Ambra., Bary.c., Fer., Nat.c., Sep., Sul., Cycl., Con.

Desires to be in company – Kali-c., Ars. a., Con., Hyos., Lil.t., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Stram., Verat.a., Sil., Zinc.

Desires darkness – Calc.C., Con., Graph., Phos., (desires light- stram.). Aimlessly busy or aimlessly wanders about from home – Verat.a., Absinth., Arg.n., Ars.a., Canth., Lil.t., Sul., Tar.h., Kali-br., Lach., Cann.i., Rhus-t., Puls.

Hasty – Acon., Alum., Arg.n., Aur., Bell., Coff., Ign., Lil. t., Med., Nat. M., Sul. ac., Thuja, Tarent. h., Sul., Stram.

Fears and false imaginations (hallucinations or delusions) : (a) Feels as if hovering in the air – Agar., Lac. c., Hyper., Latrod., Nat. ars., Stict. p., Val.

(b) Feels as if a part of the body is double – Anac., Bapt., Cann. I., Petr.,

Stram., Thuja, Val. (c) Feels as if a part of the body is enlarged or swollen – Arg. n., Bapt., Bov., Cann. I., Glon., Op., Plat., Acon. (d) Feels as if a part of the body is broken into pieces and scattered about – Bapt., Petr., Phos., Stram. (e) Perceives ghosts and enemies – (any image in mind inspiring terror) Anac., Hyos., Kali-br., Lach., Nux-v., Plb., Rhus-t., Stram., Ars. a., Bell., Lyc., Med., Op., Phos., Puls. (f) Perceives animals (cats, rats, dogs, snakes, etc.) – Absinth., Aeth., Ambra; Ars. A., Bell., Cann.i., Cimic., Hyos., Kali-br., Lach., Lac. c., Morph., Op., Phos., Plat., Puls., Stram., Sul., Val., Verat. A. (g) Fears in crowds or in streets – Acon., impaired memory (forgetfulness) – Agn., Alum., Anac., Arg. n., Aur., Bary. c., Cann. I., Con., Kali-br., Lac. c., Lyc., Nat. M., Nux-m., Nux- v., Phos. ac., Phos., Pic. ac., Sel., Sul., Zinc.

  1. Formica rufa has a combination of polyps +
  2. Kali nitricum has a combination of dropsy +
  3. Curare has both diabetes +
  4. Conium has both tumors +
  5. Convallaria majus has the combination of palpitations + pain in uterus.
  6. Diptherinum has a combination of 3 pathologies, paralysis + tumor + gangrene.
  7. Uranium nitricum has debility + dropsy + This remedy has a keynote of rapid emaciation.
  8. Lycopus virginicus is a remedy that has both blood pressure + thyroid complaints.
  9. I) Carbo animalis has tumors + debility + slowness.
  10. j) Coccus cacti is the remedy that has spasms + stones + dropsy

MERC. Inability to lie on the right side. KALI C. Can lie only on the right side. MERC. Moist tongue with great thirst. PULS. Tongue dry, as if burnt, yet no thirst. LYCO. One foot hot, the other cold.

PULS. One hand hot, the other cold (Dig., Ip., Mez.) PODOPH. Sensation of heat in liver.

LEPTANDRA. Sensation of burning in liver.

MERC. Very fetid breath.

PULS. Putrid breath in the morning.

CHINA. Diarrhea, worse after eating and at night. FERRUM. Diarrhea, worse after eating or drinking. PODOPH.  Eructations  smelling like rotten eggs.

SEPIA. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs. (Stann., Sulph., Ant. t., Valer.)

CHELID. Crampy pain in the inner angle of the right scapula CHENOPOD. Crampy pain in the inner angle of the left scapula.

  1. ACID. Stitches in the liver, relieved by deep inspiration. BELLAD. Stitches in the liver, worse by deep inspiration.

BRYONIA. Soreness of the liver to pressure. BELLAD. Soreness of the liver to touch.

PULS. Stools ever varying in their color. SULPH. Stools changeable.

BRYO. Yellowish streak down the middle of the tongue.

LEPTAND. Black or yellow streak down the middle to the tongue. NAT.C. Yellow spots on the face.

SEPIA. Yellow saddle across the bridge of the nose.

DIOSC. Morning diarrhea, profuse, without relieving the constant twitching pain in the bowels.

COLOCYNTH. Colic is remitting and the stools are not profuse. DULCAM. From taking cold or traceable to a change of weather from warm to cold.

ACON. From hot days and cool nights.

CHINA. Diarrhea after meal with flatulence, and the passage of winds does not relieve the colicky pains.

FERRUM. Diarrhea, while eating or drinking, painless, abdomen distended without flatulency.

GRAPH. The stools are followed by great but transient prostration. CHINA. Stools are followed by continued debility (Ars.).

GRAT. Choleric attack after drinking excessive quantity of water. ARSENIC. Choleric attack after drinking ice-water.

N.B. GRATIOLA. Excessive quantity, but in Arsenic the icy- coldness with cause.

KALI BICH. Dark-brown jelly-like gelatinous stools.

COLCH. Transparent jelly-like mucous mingled with skinny substances.

KALI BICH. With urgent pressure to stool, waking one in the morning (Sulph.).

BRYON. Urgent pressure to stool after moving about (Natr. sulph) LEPT. Profuse black fecal stools with sharp cutting pain between the navel and pit of the stomach; generally in the afternoon and evening.

PODOPH. Profuse, forcible, morning diarrhea, with dark-green debilitating stool.

NAT. MUR. The patient suffers much from inflammation and suppuration around the nails.

DIOSCO. Has disposition to felons with the colic.

CARBO VEG. Cough excited by going into the cold air or into cooler air. COCC. CACTI. Cough relieved by going into the cold air.

BELLAD. Gives us a red face with anxious solicitous expression of the face.

HYOS. Has a pale face and cheerful humour or mood.

AETHUSA. Child vomits without nausea, and will go with breast and nurse again immediately afterwards.

PODOPH. Child vomits with nausea, and will not nurse after the vomiting.

RHUS TOX. Cough provoked by cold drinks and relieved by warm drinks (Silica, Alum.).

CAUST. Cough relieved by cold drinks.

PHOS. Cough on going into cold air or from a change of weather. BRYON. Cough on coming into a warm room or place (Brom., Natrum.) COCCUS CACTI. Cough in a warm room, better in a cold room.

RUMEX. Cough on changing room.

NUX VOM. Cough when becoming warm in bed (N. mosch.). KALI CARB. Stitches in lower right lung.

Kavita Chandak
Dr. Kavita R. Chandak (BHMS, PGNIH, PG(HOM), MD [HOM]) is a Classical Homoeopath who has been practicing for 16 years. She runs two offices at Nagpurand and takes cases online from patients worldwide. She has published 127 Marathi articles, 42 Hindi articles and 61 English articles in various newspapers. She has a health column in G-Nine magazine and Ayurhomoeo magazine and presents a talk, “Diet in Different Diseases” in Nagpur Akashwani once a month. Dr. Chankak was interviewed on television regarding “The exact mechanism of Homoeopathy and its benefit to the Society”. She has been a Lecturer on Anatomy and Pathology in Anterbharti Homoeopathy Medical College. She was Guest of Honor at the 11th Cancer Cure Homoeopathic Conference at New Delhi in Dec 2014. Over the years she received various awards, including the International Status award in Health Excellence given by the Vice President of Nepal in 2009, and Outstanding Woman of the Year in 2011 by Dainik Bhaskar. Her book Health vs Disease is available on Amazon.