Zinc changed all this. Treatment was begun in August, 1937. Now he has been school since last fall with only one break when he had a very slight attack of the epidemic grippe, in bed only two days and back to school in five. His colour is good and weight normal. Nervous symptoms are gone. The eruption has not returned as yet. He has had dose of Zinc 10m., two of 50m. and one of cm.


This is the boys elder sister who was nine when I gave her Zinc 10m. for her disposition. She had been always irritable, contrary, mean, cruel, unkind, selfish, unsubdued by punishment, dictatorial, thinking of most unexpected mean things to do and say.

Belonging to reasonable and rich parents, but inheriting deep miasmatic tendencies from both, she acted to me like a child emotionally imprisoned, suppressed in her real nature. She is a delicate-featured, beautiful child to look at, so these evidences of emotional unbalance were more striking. Her mothers case worked out to Zinc and I decided to try it on her. The result is a truly wonderful transformation and her parents are most grateful.

Julia M. Green