The following case will illustrate the effects of eye-strain upon a healthy, normal individual and how quickly a cure was effected by simply teaching him how to relax his eyes.

A clergyman came to see us one day, a fine, well-set-up man, full of vitality and good humour. One thing alone marred his genial countenance a pair of red and inflamed eyes. He was about fifty-six years of age and had worn glasses for fifteen years. He could not see to read without his glasses, neither could he see his congregation from the pulpit. He had several pairs of glasses, but none of them gave him eye comfort. He complained of headaches, and was unable to read at night. This was very inconvenient because he was a great student and he had no leisure in the daytime owing to his work.

This patient was taught to rest his eyes by closing them frequently and palming for short intervals whenever possible. He was also given a card of microscopic print at which he exclaimed, “I shall never read this !” It was explained to him that he was not expected to read it, but that small print is more restful to the eyes than large print. He was shown how to look restfully at this card, blinking frequently and merely comparing the blackness of the print with the white background.

We explained to him that it is possible to strain when reading large print, but that the eyes must be relaxed to see small print. Ordinary print became easier to read after looking quietly at the microscopic type, and gradually the ciliary muscle (the muscle of accommodation) grew stronger by this exercise.

In a few weeks our patient was able to dispense with both distant and near glasses. He wrote joyfully to acquaint us with this fact and also announced that he could read the microscopic print.

It is deplorable to see so many people wearing glasses when they might be enjoying their natural heritage of beautiful eyes and good vision.

The fact is certain that Old Age Sight does respond to this comparatively new method. Palming, rest and exercises all help first to loosen the strained eye muscles and then to revitalize them.
