Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In whatever manner we may have acted unwisely in the matter of eating or drinking it must be clear that to give Nature a chance to right the wrong,it is best to give our digestive organs a rest. With sedentary workers an entire fast for three or four days or even even or fourteen may prove the quickest and most certain method of bringing about the results desired, drinking hot water only. The time can be governed by results. On or about the fourth day that ravenous hungry feeling should have entirely disappeared, and one should rise in the morning with that “up- and-at it” feeling characteristic of fitness. From the fourth day onward one should be living on the stored up impurities of the body, not the healthy blood and tissues. When Nature has accomplished this work, and not before, will natural hanger return.

A wisely conducted fast will be found of great service in securing a perfectly clean body.

If, on account of hard, laborious work, want of faith or any other reason, a less drastic fast is chosen, then orange juice in place of water, apple juice, or grape juice can be substituted, or fresh fruit in season, apart from stone fruit or bananas.

With those with stomach troubles that have become chronic with loss of much of their vitality. the most wonderful cures I have ever seen been brought about by the restriction of their diet to two thing, not only for fourteen days but for much longer until perfect health has resulted. “Pitman” Nuto Cream Soup or ” Food” made rather thicker than the directions on the tin, well cooked and eaten with crisp Granarg Biscuits, dry, not put into the soup.

During the last thirty years many lives have thus been saved, who have not been able to keep food of any kind down for weeks previously and many children have weaned on the Nuto Cream Food, to the entire exclusion of dairy milk. In the case of accidents when one, who is otherwise fit, has to lie in bed, fresh fruit plus “Pitman” Nut Cream lowered down to thin cream, by well mixing with to or three times its weight of hot water, ensures a perfect diet for as long as one has to stay in bed, with the certainty that perfect healing is assured and health and fitness gained, to return to one;s labours, not previously experienced for many years.

In breaking fasts of all kinds, wisdom should be exercised in changing from the drastic to the less and less drastic curtailment of diet. Not easily digested food one day to the opposite the next.

Further, do not expect Nature to give you notice, by restoring to you your natural hunger, indicating that you should not continue to fast longer, if during you fast you smoke, for this is not working with but against Nature. You may smoke, but if you do Natures warning bell (indicating that you should break your fast) will not act. It is within our powers to work against Natures laws but we cannot nullify their effect however clever we may imagine ourselves to be.

In fasting, however, there is another and perhaps most important consideration of all to make the ” Self Cures” complete. What causes the need of fasting and are we prepared to so act and conduct our lives that the necessity will not again arise ? If we do we shall not have fasted for naught.

Some among those knows as the “Upper Classes” behave otherwise. They act, eat and drink as they like and then go yearly to the “brine baths” or similar establishment to be put right, but even the rich cannot get the best of Nature that way, any more than the noted writer of one of our chief London daily papers can by, as he says, never taking any exercise, owing to the want of time and the squaring matters by an annual visit to an Osteopathic doctor. His faith perhaps more than his wisdom is to be admired.

A very useful testimony not long since appeared in the public press of a Huddersfield town Councillor who had just completed a 42-days fast on fruit juice only, which not only proves the great efficacy of a wise fast, but upsets the ” dangers of the fasting He claims to have reduced his weight from over 19 stones to less than 14 stones, and what it had done for his health was wonderful. A representative of the press was informed by this gentleman that prior to the fast, lumbago prevented him from straightening his back, his heart trouble kept him for taking any violent exercise, and he had to wear spectacles.

He also claimed that his lumbago and skin and skin trouble had disappeared entirely, he had no further use for spectacles, and that he had walked six miles on the last day of his fast, since when his doctor had examined him and informed him that he was quite all right. During the whole of the 42 days that he had lived-not existed-on fruit juice only, he claimed to have felt not weaker but stronger, and he adds ” I now feel fit respects.” At the time of the interview he said his diet for breakfast was lemon or orange juice, with bran–our Editors remedy for many of the ills that flesh is her to–grapefruit or thin porridge, and a casserole of vegetable, and a little meat for luncheon and dinner.

The gentleman, who weighing more than 19 stones, dares take a 42 days fast to get fit, not only deserves to keep fit but should have fast the necessary courage to so order his after diet that he will continue to keep fit for the remainder of his life. The deleting from his diet of not only the “little meat” but al such like second hand foods, will doubtless do more than all else to secure the continuance of good results from a bold fast, for the most important consideration of a fast, is how we order our lives after fast, which settles the question as to whether or not it will prove to be a true ” Self Cure.”

The important consideration is , as previously stated, why was the fast necessary and what should be done to render its repetition quite unnecessary? One thing is quite certain if all men and women weighing over 19 stones would fast likewise and profit by same after, it would not help to make doctors busy. All this, however, in the words of a noted medical doctor is.


“Meat is an impure food. The air in ill-ventilated room inhabited by men and women is not the most suitable air to breathe. It will do in the absence of pure air, but should not be chosen in preference to it. The protein in meat is a food, just as oxygen is an important element in the air, but it has associated with it body wastes. We cannot afford either to re- inhale eliminated wastes or to subsist upon food which is saturated with them. The body naturally is a factor of poison.

Even the purest food forms poison within it. The organs of elimination are constantly engaged in the work of eliminating them. By subsisting upon meats, the body is forced to take care of or eliminate the wastes taken in with the food, in addition to the wastes normally formed within it. The man who is able to keep his body most free from these poisons will, others things being equal, be the best man physically, intellectually and morally.– D. H. KRESS, M.D.

To follow this it may be considered appropriate to place quotations of like truths from Nature Cure doctors and writers.

“You may be apparently robust, you blood tests my exclude anaemia and specific disease, your urine analysis may show no sugar, albumen nor casts, your heart, lungs and liver may be organically sound, you may be a saint morally, but if you have a sedentary occupation and eat three big meals a day, you are laying a heavy strain on you stomach that sooner or later will lead to a disturbance of the nutritive equilibrium.


“Do not take salicylates or coal tar remedies for rheumatism, and do not allow yourself to be persuaded by well-meaning friends to dose your system with medicine for uric acid trouble. For the effects of all these drugs is to depress the heart, reduce the number of red cells in the blood, and derange the stomach.”–DR. BENEDICT LUST.

“Meat a violent poisoner of our cells, can lay claim to no single curative value”.

“You can never have a greater or a less dominion than over yourself.”–LEONARDO DA VINCI.

Such is the truth, we all more or less know it to be the truth. We knowing the truth, our responsibility is to live such truth, to our lasting benefit, ” Self Cures” will thus be rendered unnecessary and we shall be truly rich.

THE writer attended a lecture recently on “The Best Foods for Health”. The lecturers time was chiefly occupied b advocating the strict, and what would appear to the ordinary meat-eater to be a very involved and complicated menu. To discuss the wisdom or otherwise of adopting any such diet is not the writers purpose, but to say the least, it is not likely to appear to be either attractive or reasonable to the ordinary man in the street, and not to all food reformers, in spite of the fact that the suggested regime was that of very noted practitioner, well known in the food reform movement.

Although the writer does not believe in the incurability of any disease, he believes that Mans business is to work with, and thus assist, Nature to bring about the results desired. Not to work against Nature, as such a procedure has already caused a condition of things said to be “incurable”, of which “DIABETES”, “Insulin”. and a “Patient for Life” combined provide a good example. On the other hand, we all know that under certain conditions, there is created endless incurable disease and a long as such conditions are allowed to continue, incurable diseases must always be with us. A few illustrations will doubtless suffice to make my meaning clear.

James Henry Cook
Henry W.J. Cook was born in Edinburgh in 1870, the eldest son of Dr Edmund Alleyne Cook.

Henry followed in his father's footsteps, obtaining his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Durham in 1891. At the age of 27 he arrived in Melbourne in April 1894 aboard the Port Albert. He was registered as a medical practitioner in Victoria on 4 May 1894.

It appears that Dr Cook already believed in homœopathy, possibly because of his father's influence, as in 1895 Dr Cook took the position of Resident Surgeon of the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital . (This position was previously held by Dr James Cook, unrelated, who resigned in March 1895). He was listed in the 1896 & 1897 editions of the Melbourne Post Office Directory as being Resident Medical Officer at the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital, but not in the 1898 edition.

In 1901 he moved to Sale in Eastern Victoria, where he ran a practice in York Street. By 1909 his practice was at Wyndham Street, Shepparton.

By 1919 he had moved to 2 Studley Park Road, Kew, where he died on 7 May, 1923.