Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The basis for all successful treatments is: believe in your own vital resistance powers! Have the energy to rebuild the components of your valuable blood-stream! Most people have in that respect unlimited reserves, as Barker rightly points out. These two uterine cases have been treated surgically, as well with Radium as with Roentgen-rays.

Clinical control-tests in the treatment of women.

The more miraculously are construed human organs by Nature, the more difficult is, of course, their right treatment, if applied too late by the negligence of their owners. When in time observed and treated in this natural way, troubles, swellings, etc., need not become cancerous; they remain benignant, retrograde and disappear in reasonable patients.

To operate organs away or to damage their finely constructed blood-vessels by rays is no natural art. Such radical therapeutical means are rather desperate steps to remove unhealthy local parts from a totally afflicted body before its humoral regeneration.

By naturally regenerating important gifts of Nature, namely organs where you observe in time changes, you simply support still existent vital resistance powers of Nature against threatening and eventually dangerous diseases.

Cited are clinical cases, where radical treatment was impossible or unsuccessful, where patients made no timely observations, where cancer was already evident. In such cases results of the natural treatment are the most convincing. The more, when it has been applied to such organs of the body, which are secondary points to the humoral curative attack, which starts in the primary nutritional-digestive system.

Therefore as first examples for sceptical and prejudiced readers those organs are selected, for which every reader must have the highest respect. For their mucous walls and glands were and are of the utmost importance for the very existence of all of us. Only a few people reflect on the miraculously fine construction and combination of tissues, blood vessels, glands, mucous membranes, skin and nervous in the womb and in the mammary system.

The natural food of the baby is dependent on the mothers food digestion blood glands. The wombs diverse functions and the healing of its mucous membranes after lesions, etc., equally depend on sound blood formed by regenerative digestion of proportionate food.

The latter and organ-food control and prevent cancer, as clinical control tests have proved.

In these most important female organs troubles and swellings are rather frequent (see pp. 52-60, 78, 298 ff. in Chronic Constipation, by Ellis Barker), but natural treatment in time by energetical patients will nearly always prevent malignant growths.

The natural humoral treatment.

Irritants, patent medicines, secret remedies are excluded. Dietetical treatment for alterations in the blood-components is already a great success in most severe skin-diseases (i.e. psoriasis, acne, ulcers, etc.). Pure organ food (i.e. liver extracts) is also already employed in most severe blood diseases (i.e. pernicious anaemia). Great changes in the blood- composition, especially after ray-treatment, have been proved in cancer-patients. There haemoglobin and erythrocytes are generally not normal. But generally such symptoms need not yet be cancerous, when swellings are observed.

Patients in whom cancer has not been proved, should, however, conclude from troubles combined with alternations in their blood, that they may be already in a state demanding preventive steps against eventual cancerous developments. They can dismiss any fears of a progress of their troubles, when humoral regeneration starts at once.

Witts calls “nutritional anaemias” conditional “deficiency diseases”. In pernicious anaemia liver extracts have generally no lasting curing effect, when not applied continuously.

In proven cancer organ-food from liver can favourably influence the anaemia, but the growth of the tumours is not stopped (Finsterer). Physicians may therefore call their patients “cured” in consequence of a normalization of the haemoglobin, etc., but their diagnosis may be erroneous in case the cancerous stage is found only later. Equally anaemia and a tumour may be found, but cancer may not yet have developed.

A normalization of the enzymatic-hormonal functions of the stomach, duodenum, etc., and changes in the nutrition arrest not only tumour-formations, but also anaemic states and general liver troubles.

Liver pills only stimulate and neither regenerate the liver nor do laxatives regenerate and normalize intestinal digestive powers.

The importance of the correlations between the stomach, intestines and liver are evident. The latter becomes damaged, when the formers mucous membranes are inflamed or overstrained.

Patients suffering from liver troubles can therefore improve their state by a natural nutritional and enzymatic-hormonal regeneration of their digestive tract. For liver agents are produced in the stomach and duodenum.

The importance of duodenal secretions has been studied by Bickel, Eroes, Florey and Harding, Gutzeit, Kellogg, Kuhnau, Manwarring, Moldowan and many others. The best natural duodenal extracts I know so far are those of Bellas; effects of his peroral organ-food J. B. 5, with known components are cited below. Its taste is similar to Liebigs meat extract, but more bitter. I tested it on myself for many months. It is entirely harmless.

Blumenthal employs secret organotherapeutic remedies of a Swiss concern in the form of three (!!!) injections p.d. The injections of spleen, etc., by Fichera had generally no acknowledged effect in cancer as well as insulin-injections do not cure diabetes.

Regeneration of the pancreas is some times also required in cancer, but chemically treated pancreas preparations, as insulin, are of little purpose. Sellei successfully employs various extracts of digestive and other glands in severe skin diseases and da Costa had good results in cancer of the skin by employing pancreatin ointment.

The problem is, what alterations in diet, what enzymatic hormonal agents and what dosages are individually needed. Its solution depends on the patients fullest information. We must know, what functions of the organs had been mostly afflicted by former individual nutrition.

The timely self-control by the patient as important factor.

The timely control by the patient is the first thing to consider. Not only meat, but also animal fat (Bierich, Freund, Roffo) play an important role. The importance of diet has been proved by Auler, Ellis Barker, Freund, Liek, Salzborn and clinicians in Athens, Genoa, Toulouse, etc. Without the patients self-control hardly a complete success can be expected.

Lord Horders admonition (British Medical Journal, 1932, II, p. 116): “Control is a fitter word than cure” is well founded. To get antagonism under control is possible, to promise a cure for life-time is impossible without the patients own control.

Clinicians and hospital doctors can control a patient only a limited time; his continued self-control of the metabolism is therefore the basis for a true cure to be controlled again by the physician.

If we go through the surgical literature of local cancer treatments, we frequently find the proud expression “cured” but mostly this surgical term is limited to three or five years.

The peroral humoral preventive and curative treatment on a nutritional and enzymatic-hormonal basis of the total digestive and blood-forming system does, contrary to surgical and ray- treatment, not attack the body only locally, but in the total organism.

When tumours slowly retrograde by such peroral regeneration, their cancerous tissues connected with and fed by the formerly contaminated humoral system undergo a change to normal cellular formations.

A very large tumour, not removed by surgery or not molten away by ray-treatment, can, of course, not be absorbed by the humoral system within a short period. It may be absorbed even only to a limited extent.

The main point is, that the tissues change their dangerous character and do not remain cancerous, i.e. detrimental to the whole organism.

By surgical and ray-treatment the cancerous poisons are not removed from the total organism, as the cited statements of authorities and statistics show.

The peroral regeneration by diet and a regenerated metabolism, however, removes by and by in the cancerous swellings the cancerous cellular formations and purifies the body from cancerous poisons. That has been proven by careful pathological investigations, i.e.,.

“no cancerous tissues have been found” or

“no malignant cell had preserved its vitality”.

“homogeneous necrotic tissue took the place of the old tumour”. They will confirm after sufficiently long humoral regeneration that “no trace of living cancer cells has been found” (I). Surgeons and pathologists can control such process of a transformation of the formerly cancerous cells by excisions before and histological examination after operation.

These clinically controlled facts of humoral regeneration are especially important with female patients detesting an operation of their breast and suffering from uterine troubles, provided they act promptly in time and carefully observe their body and state of health.

General Clinical observations and results from control-tests.

The first observation in regenerable patients with good vital resistance powers is an improvement in the general and local state of health. This fact is confirmed by a great many physicians.

Will Dyes