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This will preserve the extract for a week. Take from ten to twenty drops, according to the severity of the case, in a teaspoonful of water shortly before retiring. This acts as a pronounced sedative, is a powerful disinfectant, leaves no odour in the breath the following day, does not disturb the digestion, and is inexpensive to prepare.

A Layman

or Unduly Light Sleep.

TAKE a few garlic bulbs and let them simmer, with a small quantity of water, for about three hours. Strain off into a bottle and add about 3 per cent. of spirits of wine. This will preserve the extract for a week. Take from ten to twenty drops, according to the severity of the case, in a teaspoonful of water shortly before retiring.

This acts as a pronounced sedative, is a powerful disinfectant, leaves no odour in the breath the following day, does not disturb the digestion, and is inexpensive to prepare. The beneficial effect of garlic on lungs, chest and colon is well known, so that those who make a habit of taking the above specific will be doing themselves good in more ways than one. Prevention is better than cure !.

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