Earache during Menopause is almost always relieved by Gels. The pain comes on after exposure to cold air and is of congestive nature; the ear feels hot and dull, the lobe of the ear is red and burning and the extremities feel cold. There is giddiness, and weight and tiredness of limbs. When you give Gels. for earache or faceache of this nature, it will disappear quickly; and as the pain is relieved, the patient has to pass large quantities of clear, watery urine.

Glonoine is sometimes needed in these menopausal cases of congestive headaches and earaches, violent pulsings and throbbing in ear and head, pain easier in the open air, worse from warmth and lying down, has to sit up bolstered up in bed, cold applications relieve. I know a lady who is always quickly improved from the rushing pains in her ears by a few doses of Glonoin. She cannot stand the heat, and is always seen walking about with a large sunshade and an old-fashioned large shady hat.

There is one type of earache which requires Hepar sulph., one variety of subacute otitis media, where the drum is very near rupturing, the pain is so acute and patient is nearly driven mad with it. Cold air, cold draught and open air make it worse, the pain is unbearable at night, and the only thing that relieves it is wrapping up the ear and head with a warm shawl. In this it resembles Chamomilla, only a Chamomilla patient is even more spiteful, gives way to violent frenzy and outbursts of anger. The Hepar individual is more likely to faint with the acuteness of the pain.

I have only considered a few of the more ordinary medicines requires to relieve earache, in different individuals. I must repeat again, there are no specifics in homoeopathy, you must study each case individually, take the particulars carefully, observe all the details and then you will be successful in preventing serious troubles, long-standing invalidism which is the usual result of “badly treated earache”. At a future date I hope to discuss chronic ear discharge and its successful homoeopathic treatment.

Dorothy Shepherd
Dorothy Shepherd 1885 – 1952 - British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Graduated from Hering College in Chicago. She was a pupil of J.T.Kent. Author of Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, A Physician's Posy, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.