Hpathy Needs Your Help!


I am endeavouring to help others along the same path, but folk are very sceptical concerning the merits of the little snowballs. It is very difficult to get the desired remedy out here. We are slightly out of date, but I am hoping to advance in this branch of healing. I am only a novice, and would like to educate myself to be proficient.

DEAR MR. BARKER, –I cannot find words to express the pleasure your little Journal of valuable information and elevation of the good work gives. May you be blest.

I am endeavouring to help others along the same path, but folk are very sceptical concerning the merits of the little snowballs.

A lady friend has her case diagnosed as a floating kidney, and was to be operated upon in three days time. She dreaded the ordeal. I gave her Sepia 3x, which did the trick. She is now a convert to Homoeopathy. Her husband, 63 years old, was ordered to undergo an operation for varicose veins. Three doses of Rhus tox., and now he is as happy as a sand boy. He thinks it marvellous, which indeed it is.

My son, 12 years old, suffered for eleven and a half years with a discharging ear. Every year the experts declared that he would g row out of it, but every year it seemed to get worse. So I tried Pulsatilla and Hepar sulph. alternately, and in a fortnight he was as sound as a bell, and remains so-that was twelve months ago.

It is very difficult to get the desired remedy out here. We are slightly out of date, but I am hoping to advance in this branch of healing. I am only a novice, and would like to educate myself to be proficient. My son, aged 19, had, when 12 years old, his leg terribly mutilated; his ankle is now twice the size of the other ankle and the scars are horribly disfiguring. I am treating him with Sepia, one dose a week : no results yet, but I am full of hope. A lady friend suffered from haemorrhage of the lungs: I gave her Hamamelis, with good results.

I am suffering from T.B. (closed), so I tried one dose of Tuberculinum two months ago. It reacted savagely. For four weeks I was off work, but now, I am 100 per cent better. An abscess broke out on the right breast, adjacent to the nipple on the same side as the affected lung, and matter suppurates. I am endeavouring to keep this from healing, by using Hepar sulph. 3. I cannot obtain Conium, but this is no inconvenience.

I hope I am not too late in wishing you the compliments of the season, and may you live long to continue the good work you so ably perform for poor humanity.

R E Owen