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“At the beginning we have simply used the pancreatic extract in doses of forty drops per day (twenty drops before each principal meal.) However, as some diabetic patients, especially those who are fat, seem not to be influenced by this treatment, we have substituted for the pancreatic extract hepatic extract, given in the same conditions.

DEAR MR. BARKER,– I have in my possession a copy of a book entitled Practice of Medicine by Pierre Jousset, M.D., translated into English by John Arschagouni, M.D.

The book was published about four decades ago. It is of interest to read what the book has to say about the homoeopathic treatment of the common diseases.

Let me quote from the chapter on diabetes: “The principal remedies are Nitrate of uranium, Phosphoric acid, Syzigium, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Kreosote, Chamomilla, Opium and Curare.

“Opotherapic Treatment. We have obtained the best results by this method of treatment in diabetes. Some French physicians have tried hypodermic injections of the pancreatic juice (prepared according to Brown-Sequards method), but all kinds of traumatism having produced complications, this treatment has almost been given up. My son and myself have thought of administering this pancreatic preparation by mouth, and we have obtained quite remarkable successes, enabling us to recommend this mode of treatment, to which we owe even complete and lasting cures.

“At the beginning we have simply used the pancreatic extract in doses of forty drops per day (twenty drops before each principal meal.) However, as some diabetic patients, especially those who are fat, seem not to be influenced by this treatment, we have substituted for the pancreatic extract hepatic extract, given in the same conditions. We now give these two preparations in alternation, forty drops of pancreatic extract one day, and forty drops of hepatic extract the next”.

It is very evident that long before these latter days extracts of the pancreas and liver were used in the alleviation of disease. It is proper and orderly that the men of the scientific world who have taken these extracts and developed them into accurate therapeutic agents for the treatment of diabetes and pernicious anaemia should be honoured and titled, but we must not forget that here and there throughout the world there were very distinguished homoeopaths who ante-dated these learned discoveries.

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