“What can you do to ease him when he has these attacks?”.

“Nothing much. Sometimes his papa takes him out buggy-riding”.

“Does that help ?”.

“Yes, if he drives fast enough; he likes being jolted up and down, and if his pa dont keep the horse jumping you bet he hears of it”.

I couldnt help but think of Sepia, yet that is a womans remedy. Plague take the doctor who talks about remedies as being “suitable to men” or “women”. I ought to have given Sepia; I gave Cina.

His mother came in again the following week. “Harry aint no better, doctor; Ive had to lick the daylight out of him this forenoon to make him take some castor oil.

“Well, cut out the licking and the cathartics, and give him this”.

I sent “Sepia 30”.

Reported next week as better. in a month dismissed, cured.

Eric Fred