Natrum muriaticum is ordinary table salt. Many people are surprised that table salt,which is used and abused by so many, can be employed as a remedy and as a very valuable remedy. The fact that high potencies are effective can be clearly seen if Natrum muriaticum is employed in high potency. Natrum muriaticum, table salt, is poisonous if taken in excess. Over-use of salt is apt to produce dropsy and a disintegration of the blood, leading to anaemia, and is apt to bring about injury to the kidney substance. Herein lies the reason for its being helpful is given in albuminurias whether the urine is abundant and clear or scanty, thick, and carrying sediment.

Helonias is a gynaecological remedy which is usually given in potencies ranging from the 3rd to the 6th decimal and from the 6th to the 30th centesimal. This remedy is remarkable by its producing and therefore curing severe pain in the back and pale urine carrying albumen. We think of Helonias in the case of pregnant women whose urine contains albumen.


Bloody urine which is accompanied by severe trouble in the kidneys calls in the first place for Terebinthina, Chimaphila and Cantharis. Blood urination which is due to other cause, particularly emission of blood from the bladder on the part of constitutional bleeders, calls particularly for Phosphorus.

Terebinthina is strongly indicated if there is irritation of the mucous membranes and bleeding from the walls of the urinary passages,or from the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, or from the skin. Emission of blood from the bladder is accompanied not only by bladder symptoms, but also by dryness of the tongue, which looks as if it was varnished, and the bloating of the abdomen. If these symptoms are found one prescribes Terebinthina in the 2nd or 3rd centesimal potency.

Chimaphila, if given in large doses, produces profound disturbances in the urinary organs and sex organs. Striking symptoms connected with this remedy are the emission of blood, the frequent urging towards urination accompanied with pain, swelling of the perineum, the part of body between scrotum or vagina and back passage, and the appearance of sugar in the urine. This remedy is extremely useful in urinary troubles and is only given in low potencies, such as the 3rd and 6th centesimal.

Non-violent bleeding, so-called passive bleeding, suggests among other coccus cacti or cochineal. There may be blood in the urine or black sediment consisting of blood, and the patient suffers from violent urging until the black coagulated blood has been got rid of. This remedy is given in potencies ranging from the 1st to the 6th centesimal.

Thlaspi bursae pastoris is a remedy suggested by passive, but copious bleeding. The blood is dark and coagulated and occasionally we find in the urine brick red sediment. Where these symptoms occur one has to think of bleeding caused by stones. This remedy also is given in potencies ranging from the 1st to the 6th centesimal.

Arnica has no particular urinary symptoms, but it is an important remedy for injuries of every kind. It is therefore helpful when there is emission of blood caused by injury, particularly injury produced by stones in bladder or kidneys. We can prescribe Arnica in the 3rd, in the 6th and in the 30th centesimal potencies.

China is a remedy which you must never forget. It is prescribed in the 3rd, 6th and 30th centesimal potencies. If there is loss of blood or of other bodily fluids we should think of China. If there has been loss of body fluids, such as blood, saliva, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea (or whites), pollutions, etc. China is helpful. Loss of body fluids is accompanied by exhaustion. Hence bleeding from the bladder calls for Arnica if it is accompanied by symptoms of severe anaemia, pallor of face, hammering headaches, loss of consciousness and general chilliness.
