Kidney Bladder

Are you suffering from Kidney Bladder? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Kidney Bladder….

Apis [Apis]

      Pain in region of both kidneys.

Swelling of left kidney: acute Bright’s disease.

Hyperaemic state of kidneys (organic disease of heart).

Albuminuria during desquamation of scarlet fever.

Vesical tenesmus with frequent discharge of red urine; morbid irritability of urinary organs.

Agony in voiding urine.

Frequents, painful, scanty, bloody urination.

Retention of urine: bladder but slightly distended.

Cystitis, in hydrocephalus, typhoid, typhus, etc.

Scanty, high-coloured, often scalding, urine: or

Scanty, milky, albuminous, dark, with sediment like coffee grounds: contains uriniferous tubules and epithelium.

Urine has the odour of violets. ( Strophanthus.)

Half the bulk of urine is albumen.

Urine scanty and foetid: or frothy.

Apis is worst at night; from cold, yet worse warm room.

Its pains are of a stinging character. Has swelling and puffing up of whole body.

Cantharis [Canth]

      Paroxysmal cutting and burning pains in both kidneys, the region sensitive to slightest touch; alternating with pain in tip of penis. Urging to urinate: painful evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine; at times, of pure blood.

Dull, heavy, distensive pain in region to of kidneys, either side; no relief in any position: rolling and twisting of body with groans and cries; resulting in nausea; retching and vomiting. Painful urging to urinate but was able to.

Violent tenesmus vesicae and strangury.

Painful discharge of a few drops of bloody urine, causing very severe sharp pain, as if red-hot iron were passed along urethra. Violent pains in bladder; frequent urging: intolerable tenesmus. Urging to urinate from smallest quantity of urine in bladder.

Violent cutting and burning pains in bladder, before, during and after micturition.

Paralysis, neck of bladder. Nephritis.

Cantharis is worse from coffee; from drinking cold water.

Terebinthina [Ter]

      Nephritis Violent burning and drawing pains in kidney; haematuria.

Pain, renal region, extending down ureters: in right kidney, extending into hip.

Dropsy dependent on congestion of kidneys. Smoky urine.

Early stages of albuminuria when blood and albumen abound more than casts and epithelium.

Affections of kidneys, worse from living in damp places.

Violent burning and cutting in bladder alternate with similar pain in umbilicus.

Helonias diocia [Helon]

      Burning, kidneys: can trace their outlines by burning.

Pain and congestion in kidneys, with albuminuria.

Burning, scalding when urinating; frequent desire and urging.

Involuntary discharge after bladder seemed to be emptied.

Diabetes. Dropsy.

Burning, stomach and spine.

Berberis [Berb]

      Sticking, or tearing digging pain in either kidney, as if suppurating. Worse deep pressure.

Bubbling, left kidney region, extends across into bladder.

Burning pain in bladder, sometimes when full, sometimes empty.

Drawing sticking in one or other side of bladder extending down into urethra; or arises in lumbar region and extends along ureters.

Painful cuttings left side bladder into urethra, comes from left kidney (continued) along course of ureter.

Violent sticking pain in bladder extends from kidneys.

Blood-red urine, speedily becomes turbid, deposits thick, mealy, bright red sediment, slowly becoming clear, but always retaining its blood.

Or pale yellow urine with gelatinous sediment which does not deposit.

Berberis affects kidneys, liver, bladder, back (lumbar region).

Bubbling sensations, kidneys ( Medorrhinum).

Berberis is worse for movement; Jar ( Belladonna).

Benzoic acid [Benz-ac]

      Nephritic colic, with very offensive urine.

Urinous odour exceedingly strong.

Brownish, very repulsive-smelling urine.

Cannabis sativa [Cann-s]

      Ulcerative pain, kidney region.

Pain in neck of bladder and in both kidneys.

Frequent urging to pass urine, or retention.

Patient walks very slowly with legs stretched apart: cannot walk with legs close together: in hurts urethra.

Painful jerks, abdomen, as if something alive there. ( Crocus. Thuja.).

Cannabis ind. [Cann-i]

      Pain in kidneys when laughing. Sharp stitches in both kidneys.

Loses himself: forget his last words and ideas: speaks as if tired.

Constantly theorizing.

Hallucinations and imaginations innumerable.

Time and space exaggerated.

Laughs immoderately. Horror of darkness.

Mercurius cor. [Merc-c]

      One of the violent medicines. It has violent burnings.

Tenesmus vesicae with intense burning in urethra.

Discharge of blood and mucus with, or after, urine.

Micturition frequent, urine in drops with much pain.

Urine scanty, or increased; hot, burning, bloody.


Pinched and shrivelled face.

Vertigo with coldness: cold perspiration.

Ptyalism, with salty taste.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Difficult urination.

No desire, and no power, to urinate.

Suppression of urine. Retention of urine.

Or great desire, but passes no urine.

Scanty urine, passed with difficulty. Burning during discharge.

Urine like thick beer: rotten smell. Turbid, mixed with pus and blood.

Albuminuria. Fatty degeneration or atrophy of Bellinian tubes, tufts, and capsules of Muller.

Arsenicum is very restless, very anxious: jerks about till exhausted.

Worse: from cold, cold foods, fruit. Wants to be wrapped up warmly: better warmth in general: warm fire.

Worse during stool: when vomiting may occur.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Bright’s Disease.

Fatty or amyloid degeneration of kidneys, especially if associated with similar condition of liver.

Nephritis. Dropsy accompanied by diarrhoea.

Bladder is full, but urine does not flow because of absence of urging.

Especially useful in a typical Phosphorus patient:- tall, slender, refined.

Desire for salt, fear of thunder, etc.

Thuja. [Thuj]

      Kidneys inflamed.

Bladder feels paralysed, has no power to expel urine.

Sensation of moisture running forward in urethra. Orifice closed with slimy fluid, or serous liquid, or a lump of mucus.

Plumbum [Plb]

      Granular degeneration or cirrhosis of kidneys: marked tendency to uraemic convulsions.

Morbus Brightii, contracted kidney. Haematuria. Diabetes.

Not able to pass urine, apparently from want of sensation to do


Urine scanty, high-coloured, passed in drops. Dribbles. Strangury.

Typical pain; as though abdomen were drawn in, towards backbone: as though a string inside were drawing it in. (See Terebintha, Veratrum-v., Zincum met.).

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Aching in kidney, worse before and better after urinating.

Renal colic, especially right ureter to bladder. Red sand in urine.

Cystitis: turbid, milky urine, with offensive, purulent sediment.

Dull pressure, or bearing down over bladder.

Left kidney affected. Pain in back before urinating.

Frequent haematuria: large clots of blood in urine.

Retention: or, no urine secreted.

Urging: must wait long before urine will pass, with constant bearing down. Supports abdomen with hands.

Urine of strong, pungent odour. Causes eruption where it comes in contact with skin.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Nephritis from stagnation of portal circulation caused by suppression of habitual sanguineous discharge. Burning in loins and region of kidneys; after suppression of haemorrhoidal flow, abuse of liquors, or when caused by calculus.

Renal colic, especially in right kidney, extending to genitalia and right leg. Better lying on back.

Violent pain in small of back, as if bruised. Cannot move.

Pain culminated every little while in distressing retching and vomiting.

Painful ineffectual urging to urinate: urine passes in drops with burning and tearing. Spasmodic strangury.

Paralysis of bladder: urine dribbles. Paralytic incontinence of urine.

Involuntary micturition when laughing, coughing or sneezing.

Nux is irritable and sullen. Scolds.

Cannot turn over, must rise to do so.

Strong aversion to open air (rev. of Pulsatilla).

Zincum [Zinc]

      Pressing, stinging, soreness in kidneys. Pressure, left kidney.

Retention of urine when beginning to urinate.

Sits with legs crossed, bending forward, and cannot pass water, or but very little. Feels bladder will burst.

Zincum can’t keep still: keeps feet in continual motion.

Asked why she swung her feet incessantly, the child said it was to prevent urine escaping.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Pains in kidneys; also on urinating.

Tenesmus of bladder: stinging, neck of bladder.

Urine scanty, bloody, with mucus; reddish. Involuntary.

Incontinence in bed. Before making water, a sensation as if it would gush away. Can scarcely wait.

Bladder region very sensitive to pressure.

Remedy of changes. Pains change character, position: are very severe, then suddenly mild. Pulsatilla is easily excited to tears.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Violent pain in kidney regions, after long stooping.

Hard pressure in bladder.

Itching and burning in urethra.

Sudden, imperative desire to urinate: if not gratified, urine escapes.

Sulph. is worse on waking: after eating: from milk; from bodily exertion; from water and washing; on getting warm in bed.

Very painful passage of stool and urine.

Concerning The Remedies

The remedies are put up as medicated granules, their most convenient form of carrying, and for keeping in condition.

A Dose consists of half a dozen granules-less or more

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.