Many other nosodes (deceased products) have to be considered when children suffer owing to an inherited taint. Frequently there are strong indications for Bacillinum, Syphilinum, Malandrinum, Variolinum, Glinicum, etc. Besides, many of these children need constitutional remedies, particularly Baryta carbonica, one of the Calcareas, and so forth. Each case must be considered individually. EDITOR. “HEAL THYSELF.”].
FARRINGTON, HARVEY, Chicago, Illinois, was born June 12, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, son of Ernest Albert and Elizabeth Aitken Farrington. In 1881 he entered the Academy of the New Church, Philadelphia, and continued there until 1893, when he graduated with the degree of B. A. He then took up the study of medicine at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia and graduated in 1896 with the M. D. degree. He took post-graduate studies at the Post-Graduate School of Homœopathics, Philadelphia, Pa., and received the degree of H. M. After one year of dispensary work he began practice in Philadelphia, but in 1900 removed to Chicago and has continued there since. He was professor of materia medica in the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, and was formerly the same at Dunham Medical College of Chicago. He was a member of the Illinois Homœopathic Association and of the alumni association of Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia.