We test the expressed juices of plants which have grown under cultivation and compare them with the juices of plants which have been produced in the struggle of life. Comparison shows that plants grown in their natural surrounding have a juice of far greater keeping power.

In the past the value of medicinal plants was judged by their content of alkaloids, glycosides, etc. I have been able to prove by extensive experiments that the fresh medicinal plants contain numerous elements which are partly destroyed by the usual pharmaceutical manipulation, particularly by heat. Many of the healing elements of plants are not found in the expressed plant juice. Many of the substances which are retained in the fibrous tissues of the plant possess most valuable healing power. Among these are some of the most important vitamins and hormones, which occur in the tissues of the plants, not in their juice.



Everyone knows that coffee, as usually prepared, often causes sleeplessness and disturbance of the action of the heart. Turks who live in Germany and who take coffee prepared as usual in Europe, are suffering in a similar manner. On the other hand, Turks who drink coffee prepared in the usual Turkish manner are not affected in the same way. The Turkish way of preparing coffee is as same way.

The roasted beans are ground into an extremely fine powder which floats in the coffee and is drunk with it. I have proved in a paper printed in the Madaus with it. I have proved in a paper printed in the Madaus Year Book, 1933, that urination occurs much later and is much less plentiful after drinking ordinary coffee than when Turkish coffee is taken.

We obtain similar results with regard to the most important medicinal substances, such as Morphia. The taking of pure Opium never an irresistible craving for Opium. On the other hand, a craving is created when only certain portions of the Opium are taken, in the form of Opium tincture or if Opium is smoked, or if Morphia is used. If we remember that there are many people whose life has been ruined by Morphia and that the largest number of habitual Morphia takers is to be found among doctors, the knowledge of the danger of the use extractives should be a warning for the doctors and cause us to refrain from prescribing Morphia.

In my opinion no patient should be given Morphia, except when dying, when it is impossible to give Opium in the powdered from. It is quit unnecessary to give Morphia to patients attacked by gallstone colics. One can give relief with hot compresses, mustard plaster and skin irritants such as Red skin, Cantharoplast, etc., and the result are much better than a Morphia injection because colic, and spasms caused by the endeavor of the body to eliminate stones, are counteracted by using Morphia and the stones are retained.

We find similar conditions in the case of Digitalis. If the entire Digitalis leaves are given, urination is increased and the toxins of Digitalis are rapidly eliminated. On the other hand, the use of digitalis extractives, which we are told are more effective, leads to serious cumulative disturbances.

There is no reason whatever for prescribing Digitalis extractives. The fresh Digitalis leaves may be triturated together with plain sugar of milk, and the resulting substance can be prescribed in carefully regulated quantities. Medicines thus prepared are obtainable at every chemist and are known under the trade name of “Teeps”.

The fashion of prescribing artificial synthetic medicaments is one of the principal reasons why orthodox medicine has lost prestige. The tendency of the times is characteristically shown by doctors prescribing Vitamin D synthetically prepared. Although the taking of irradiated Ergosterin has led to a number of deaths, particularly of children, during experiments made to ascertain the correct dosage, this dangerous substance continues to be recommended unaccountably in medical journals.

Yet it is a well-known fact that the synthetic Vitamin D cannot possibly replace the natural Vitamin D, contained in unrefined cod liver oil. Professor Poulssen has show in the Deutsche med. Wochenschrift that the artificially prepared Vitamin D destroys the natural vitamin balance contained in cod liver oil and that therefore the addition of Vitamin D to cod liver oil in no way improves the curative power of the natural product. No doctor would prescribe synthetically prepared milk. Why, then should any doctor prescribe synthetically prepared vitamins ?.

The fact that natural products are preferable to so called puree chemicals may be illustrated by a further example. In cases where there is a deficiency of lime in the system, it is, of course, judicious to prescribe Calcarea carbonica. Experienced doctors of the past prescribed lime in the most natural from, in the form of powdered egg shells or powdered oyster shells, and had excellent successes with these simple natural substances. Chemically pure Calcium carbonicum has very different effects.

Calcarea carbonica, prepared in accordance with Hahnemanns directions from oyster shells contains not only chemically pure lime but also other substances, among them Vitamin D in the natural form. We happen to know that lime has no effect on the system unless it is combined with Vitamin D. A return to the use of herbs in the natural form and of minerals in the natural from, etc., is called for.

G. Madaus