Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The diagnostic signs irregular, hard adherent tumour of the right mammary gland, with lancinating pains retracted nipple enlarged and hardened armpit glands, were abundantly supplemented. That is the only way to cure sick people, cancers and all.

(Fourth Article).


I well remember my first amputation of the breast. It was early in my practice. The patient was an elderly lady with rare generosity assisted me, and was good enough to speak well of my work. The excision seemed to be ample, and the wound healed quickly. Even then I realized that it would be necessary to medicate and indulged in hopes of good times to come.

But the disease again manifested itself, adjacent to the old spot, and soon triumphed in spite of art. That and other similar experiences set me to thinking. When a daughter middle life and was threatened with an end like her mothers we agreed to see what could be done with medicine alone.

The diagnostic signs irregular, hard adherent tumour of the right mammary gland, with lancinating pains retracted nipple enlarged and hardened armpit glands, were abundantly supplemented. The local veins were prominent. There was a red streak running from breast to arm pit. Other red streak a few inches in length, radiated from the breast like the spokes of a wheel. There were internal, bleeding piles, sometimes itching ; and mucous discharge from the vagina with burning pain.

Examination revealed no uterine lesion. How like hungry and ferocious wolves, gathering together from the deepest recesses of the forest at evening to seek their prey, do the hitherto latent malific forces within the woman of psoric constitution menace her at the climacteric when her powers of resistance are comparatively feeble.

What should be given Bufo (red streaks), Conium discharge from vagina, with burning Pain), or Sulphur (internal itching, bleeding piles) ? Burning discharges from the natural orifices of the body, especially in women at middle life, always put me no guard. They are commonly important, even significant, and should have great weight in balancing indications. I took Herings Guiding Symptoms from the shelf and made close comparisons between the four drags named. Kreosotum had hard painful lumps in breasts and stitches, and is prone to haemorrhages. With these additional indications we seemed to have a reasonably good sum total to rest upon ; and better than other drugs could show.

Therefore, July 19th, 1890. she was given Kreosotum, two hundredth, in water every two hours until better. It helped a good deal, but wore out. I surmised that the great antipsoric should have been given at the outset, to meet the chronic condition ; and therefore, September 22nd gave Sulphur 100,000th (F). a dose on the tongue. It was of marked benefit to the hammerheads and generally useful for months when it subsided and gave place to Kreosotum ; which worked nine months and in turn, yielded to Sulphur.

In December, 1891 we felt encouraged by the results of our seventeen months of steady application, already described. But we were halted. A new symptom a sensation as if red pepper were on the tip of the tongue, in the bowel opening and in the urinary passage after urination caused great annoyance. The affected parts had a natural appearance.

The patient was peevish and obstinate. Her cheeks were red. Accordingly she received a dose of Capsicum annum, 100,000th (F.) It is a mighty remedy when indicated by symptoms to rouse the sluggish powers of the sick. It held the field thenceforward to the end case. We had struggled twenty seven months and felt rewarded.


A man, 34 years of age was the subject. When an infant he had the worst case of measles I ever saw. He was a puny child. Under anti-psorics and good care he gradually improved and became well in youth, excepting a slight discharge from the ears. From 1892 to 1898 he came to the office at regular intervals. Careful prescribing cured the discharge from one ear and brought the other to an occasional drop. He was a full-sized, string, active man. The Philistines persuaded him to have the last drop stopped by local interference. I lost sight him until January, 1904, when he reappeared with a tale of woe.

After the drop had been suppressed he became stout, but felt well until about nine months before he called, when he discovered a tumour on his left knee. The line of incision for its removal (a large, dark scar) was best seen when the limb was extended, being situated diagonally alongside the knee cap, about mid-way between it and the inner condyle of the femur.

The tumour was removed by a well-known surgeon. It proved to be sarcoma. He exhibited to me a tumour occupying the anterior, exterior portion of the left thigh its centre about nine inches above the knee joint about the size of a large fist, which was tapered off by swelling and infiltration of less and lesser density, in great bulk, reaching from the knee to the upper third of the thigh.

It was symmetrical doughy, stiff and unyielding interfered with muscular movements, and was somewhat sensitive with muscular movements and was somewhat sensitive to examination ; yielded drawing pain which was worse in wet weather and when storms approached ; and was worse when fatigued but demanded some exercise. Numerous large veins existed over and near the tumour.

On the inner surface of the thigh, on a level with the centre of the tumour was a spot about the size of a quarter dollar, irregularly radiated with red streaks like the spokes of a wheel. which partially abated under pressure and were sensitive to manipulation.

Patient said that there was a slight tumefaction at the time of the operation where the present tumour was found, which the surgeon thought would disappear soon. The futility of any operative measure short of amputation at the hip joint for the relief of the case as it existed was apparent. I gave Rhus, toxicodendron two hundredth in water every three hours until improvement should be observed.

Three months later the tumour was smaller, softer, lower on the limb, more to the left, not so uncomfortable ; function improved ; red spot fading ;ear discharging. Already the suppression of the discharge from the ear, which had caused so much disaster by metastasis had been overcome. Remedy continued, an hour to be added to every interval between doses.

Two months later the tumour was smaller softer, lower, more to the left, migrating toward the operation scar ; veins less prominent ; function better ; aching and soreness increased ; looked as if bruised ; red spot nearly gone. Medicine continued.

One months later the tumour was lower smaller softer ; function increasing ; but lower still and in front there appeared a swollen red place, with aching and soreness in wet weather. (Note, sickness in family and moving of residence). Medicine continued.

Two weeks later in consequence of a cold sharp cutting pain developed in tumour. The spot in front became sensitive with red centre. Motion caused a “sensation in it like fire”. All symptoms increased by motion. I gave Bryonia two hundredth in water every two hours.

By the following week the situation had improved in all respects, excepting in the new spot already alluded to. That was about the same or a trifle worse. Soon after I stuck a piece of isinglass plaster over the discoloured part and traced its outlines; and afterward coloured the different sections with crayons. The centre of the discolouration was three inches above the articular surface of the knee joint. There was slight, watery discharge from the dark places. Medicine continued.

The next month the red colour had nearly disappeared. Patient said that in the morning it was scarcely perceptible. The central pus oozing at the edges, giving relief. The ear had stopped running. Tumour and infiltration diminished and working their way down towards the scar produced by the operation. A creepy sensation was felt in the scar at times. Two large veins only were visible function improved. Medicine continued at longer intervals.

Early in September an occasional drop from the ear appeared. The area of red and brown seen two months ago, was now a brown scab, a third less in superficial extent, sharply defined with pus oozing from under the edges ; the skin being healthy up to the line of demarcation. Veins made no showing. Swelling and hardness reduced. Operation scar pale and less conspicuous.

Knee a little stiff when going upstairs but otherwise function was improved. General health excellent. Medicine continued at longer intervals. Before the month expired patients was better every way. Scab reduced to two small portion. Circumference of thigh at affected point only one inch greater than that of the other limb. Medicine at long intervals.

The following January the scabs were gone ; skin smooth ; two tawny spots where browns was ; slight signs of tumour near scar ; some stiffness the result of exposure to wet and cold, improved by exercise. Therefore I changed the medicine to Rhus tox., two hundredth in water every two hours until better. There has been no discharge from the ear for months.

In other words the ear disease and all which it represented had been properly cured by internal homoeopathic medicine and could no longer (suppressed) produce metastasis to thigh or elsewhere. At the same time, by the same means, the metastatic disease – sarcoma of the thigh had been cured !.

Edmund Carleton
Edmund Carleton, M.D., was born on December 11, 1839 in Littleton, New Hampshire. He began his medical studies at the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia and transferred at the end of the year to the New York Homoeopathic Medical College, which had been newly reorganized. In 1871, he graduated from this institution with the highest honors. Carleton began his practice of 41 years in New York City. He considered himself a strict Hahnemannian.

In 1888, Dr. Carleton founded a local study group with Wells, Bayard and Butler, the New York Homeopathic Union, "for the study of homeopathy both in respect to its philosophy as a science and its practice as an art."

Dr. Carleton was known to be a first class surgeon. Much ahead of his time, he performed delicate plastic surgeries with great perfection.

Dr. Carleton was a dedicated and much appreciated teacher. For more than twenty-five years he was professor of surgery in the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. He was also professor of homeopathic philosophy with its clinical application in the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. He was president of IHA in 1894. He was also the author of Homeopathy in Medicine and Surgery, published by Boericke & Tafel.