They caused her to jump up and she found relief by drinking a mouthful of hot coffee. Restlessness and relief from heat are leading Arsenic symptoms. I put twenty drops of Arsenicum album 4x into a tumblerful of water and told her to take a tablespoonful every two hours. Improvement occurred immediately, and her progress was so remarkable that she and all who knew her thought she would completely recover. However, a day came when she slumbered into eternity. It is true homoeopathy did not cure her, but at least it made her life tolerable. After all it is something to relieve the pain of a sufferer.

In another case of cancer of the stomach Arsenicum 4x was given only as an intercurrent remedy when restlessness and relief by heat called for it. Her principal remedies were Thuja mother tincture, of which she received twice a day a dose of two drops in a tablespoonful of water, and Carbo animalis 12x, of which also she received a dose twice a day. After prolonged use of these medicines she recovered completely.

In a third case a woman had noticed that her motions always contained a little blood and the doctors had discovered that she suffered from bowel cancer. Guided by the leading symptoms, I gave her a dose of Hydrastis 1 three times a day. The bleeding became less, ceased and the woman became completely well. I do not know whether the cure held good because I lost sight of her, and I can also not say whether Hydrastis helps in other cases as well.


A stout old woman had a hard swelling in the breast and fluid oozed from her nipple, and the condition had been declared to be cancerous. She was given Silica and Calcarea fluorica in various potencies during a whole year and then she ceased visiting me. A year later she called again upon me and told me that she had ceased calling upon me because she had been completely cured for a long time.

A. Wiener