I told her to leave off the medicine, and when she asked me what I had given her, she said: “Never give me Nux Vomica again. it acts me like a poison. I thought I was going to die.” I did so with fear and trembling, but the result was extremely satisfactory.

A LADY friend of mine of about 40 was not satisfied with her health. She was muscular, dark haired, dark eyed, had a brown skin, was extremely fond of strong tea, strong condiments, constipated, and extraordinarily irritable. As she had many symptoms characteristic of Nux vomica, and as she was of the Nux vomica type, I gave her Nux vomica rather low and she became terribly upset. Her irritability increased beyond bounds after the first dose, she felt as if she was going mad, and thought I had poisoned her.

I told her to leave off the medicine, and when she asked me what I had given her, she said: “Never give me Nux Vomica again. it acts me like a poison. I thought I was going to die.” I promised her faithfully not to repeat the dose, but as I had come to the conclusion that Nux vomica was the absolutely correct medicine in her case, for the right medicine is apt to produce a serious aggravation, I left her without medicine for some weeks and then gave her a single dose of Nux vomica 20th potency.

I did so with fear and trembling, but the result was extremely satisfactory. She improved from day to day, her constipation disappeared, all her troublesome symptoms vanished one by one, and she became sweet-tempered. After several weeks she told me of her miraculous improvement and asked me what I had given her. She was immensely surprised when I told her I had given her another dose of Nux vomica. She has now become a firm believer in the curative power of Nux and is willing to take as many more doses as I may think helpful in her case.

L A Mann