THE rarity of cancer among natives races suggests that the disease is primarily induced, or at least increased in relative frequency, by the condition or methods of living which typify our modern civilization.
THE rarity of cancer among natives races suggests that the disease is primarily induced, or at least increased in relative frequency, by the condition or methods of living which typify our modern civilization.
Every homoeopath is familiar with the use of Crotalus and Naja, the rattlesnake and cobra poisons.”We believe that treatment with cobra poison is helpful in all pains and particularly in those produced by benign and malignant tumours, and that the progress of cancer is impeded thereby.”.
When allopathy has failed, homoeopathy is called in. I was asked to prescribe. Because of the salivation I gave the animal a few doses of Mercurius solubilis 3x, but I did not see any special progress.Naturally the cat had a dull and staring coat. Disregarding the mouth symptoms, I gave him Arsenic 3x, and to increase its appetite I gave him Thyroid 2x.
PHLEBITIS is an ailment there is nothing funny about. It is a serious disorder often under orthodoxy, entailing many weary weeks in bed. My first case was that of a chauffeur who had been for some years chauffeur to an orthodox M.D. in a large general practice in a northern township.The cure held good.
During the War when men were sent to us with extensive suppurating wounds and gas gangrene the first thing we did was to remove all antiseptic dressings, packings, etc., and bathe the injured parts in normal saline to which Calendula had been added, in the strength of ten drops to half a pint of saline.A very successful surgeon once told me that Calendula contained a high percentage of organic Iodine.
The patient usually has been treated for a dozen diseases before the correct diagnosis is made, which is very fortunate, as it is much easier to cure the disease early than it is later on.To combat tuberculosis there is yet no drug, no serum, no “cure”.
The cancer problem is monopolized by researchers and surgeon, who loudly proclaim that they alone can solve it. We have been told ad nauseam that “cancer is incurable except by surgery.”Unfortunately orthodox medicine refuses to examine the cancer cures of homeopaths, and hopes to find “a specific” for all cancer cases.
Cancers experimentally produced in animals are totally different from the spontaneous cancers found in human beings.Primitive races have excellent teeth. The teeth of the civilized are deplorable, notwithstanding our excellent dentists. All doctors are agreed that dental caries, a typical disease of civilization, is due to faulty nutrition.
Many of the symptoms, particularly the hair on the tongue, pointed to Silica, and I gave her Silica for a few weeks with some benefit. The discharge may be foetid or watery, and the mucous membrane is always red, angry, swollen, itches and burns.”
Cheese one of the most concentrated of foods. According to the professors of dietetics, whom opinions are of no particular value or interest to anyone possessed of common sense, it is very rich in protein, and is a food far more concentrated than meat, eggs and so forth.
By fighting she eventually converted the whole of her family and very many others to homeopathy. Remember many of our hardest cases have been to from two, eight or more allopathic practitioners and specialists. Such cases drift to homeopathy as a last chance.
MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA is often referred to as Homeopathic Morphine in certain select cases of pain. An interesting sidelight was: He insisted on no more bitter medicines because it didnt do as much good as the small sweet tablets that he took very fifteen minutes.
I told her to leave off the medicine, and when she asked me what I had given her, she said: “Never give me Nux Vomica again. it acts me like a poison. I thought I was going to die.” I did so with fear and trembling, but the result was extremely satisfactory.
THE number of unnecessary operations performed on hapless women in the course of a year all over England must go into many, many thousands.On examination I found a mass bigger than a cricket ball in the fork of her legs, a complete prolapse of the female organs
Cancer is not recognized as a part of a mechanical sequence, and as never affecting a healthy organ, but is regarded as a primary condition. The cancerous cell will only grow in a suitable soil, and that soil is provided for by the prolonged action of toxins in the tissues.
Directions for Dressing. Beat up thoroughly an egg, or the like quantity of “Pitman” Nut Cream with an egg whisk, add two tablespoonfuls of honey or brown sugar, add also oil, a little at a time, and beat until it thickens.Those who cannot digest oil should make a dressing of lemon juice and milk, or lemon juice and cream with honey or sugar.