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The most extraordinary feature about these new remedies is that, according to Dr. Bach, they should not be prescribed on those symptoms with which orthodox physicians and homeopaths are familiar, but on the broadest indications of mind and character.It should be read in conjunction with Dr. Bachs article.

  I WOULD draw attention to the article “Twelve Great Remedies” by Dr. Edward Bach. The writer claims claims that with twelve herbal remedies which he has discovered and which are practically unknown to science, any one can easily cure many obscure and difficult cases which have proved intractable to both orthodox treatment and homoeopathy.

The most extraordinary feature about these new remedies is that, according to Dr. Bach, they should not be prescribed on those symptoms with which orthodox physicians and homoeopaths are familiar, but on the broadest indications of mind and character. We are told that every layman can produce the most gratifying results with these innocent herbs.

Dr. Bachs assertions are staggering, and I can well understand that they have been received with doubt, ridicule and derision by the medical profession. This journal gives an impartial hearing to all who can contribute something useful to the science and art of health, be they orthodox or unorthodox, professional, or lay. I have met Dr. Bach. He may be an unpractical idealist, but he is an earnest student and gives the impression of being a thoroughly honest man.

He is known to thousands of doctors. He has done excellent work as pathologist to the London Homoeopathic Hospital, and he has produced a number of very valuable nosodes, disease products, employed for curative purposes, which have been used by hundreds of physicians throughout the world with excellent results, and he has published in conjunction with Dr. C. E. Wheeler, the well-known book Chronic Disease, A Working Hypothesis.

By a lucky coincidence I have received an article by a well- known medical man, who has employed Bachs twelve herbal remedies, and who has obtained the most gratifying results with them. It should be read in conjunction with Dr. Bachs article. If Dr. Bachs assertions are correct, his discoveries may open a new chapter in the art of healing.

As official medicine will listen not to Bach, “HEAL THYSELF” will put the matter to the test. I would ask those of my readers who have had experience with Dr. Bachs remedies to send me details for publication.



THE twelve which I have been working on for the last five years are proving so wonderful in their curative results and they are bringing health to so many so-called incurables, even where homoeopathic treatment has failed, that I am endeavouring to make the prescribing so simple that they can be used by all lay people.

The remedies themselves never give strong reactions, since they never do hard, however much is taken and if the wrong remedy is given, no bad effect will follow, but when the right one is given benefit will be obtained. None of the plants from which these remedies are extracted are poisonous. They are all beneficent. Therefore no one need be in fear of using them.

The whole principle is this: that there are twelve mental states, and to each of these states belongs a herb. No matter whether the disease is of the utmost severity or a slight cold, whether it is of an hours or of many years duration, it matters not; it is the mental state, and that alone, which decides the choice of the remedy required.

The mental states and the corresponding remedies are as follows:.


Number 1. In the cases of great urgency, great danger, intense fear or terror or depression, in all cases of utmost need when the situation seems desperate give.


Number 2. When there is fear, not terror, but quite calm fear give MIMULUS.

Number 3. When the patient is restless, anxious, tortured give AGRIMONY.

Number 4. When there is indecision, when noting seems right, when first one thing and then another is required give.


Number 5. When the patient is sleepy, drowsy, listless, a far- away look, with no interest in things, making no effort to get well, no joy in life give


Number 6. When there is self-pity, patient feels badly treated, that the suffering is undeserved give.


Number 7. The patient who wants to do foolish things, listens to everyones advice, who tries any and every cure suggested requires CERATO.

Number 8. The patient who is discouraged, who is doing well but looks on the dark side of things and feels depressed requires.


Number 9. The strong-willed, those who are difficult to treat because they always know the best and go their own way require.


Number 10. When there is impatience, severe pain, fretting to be quickly well, anxious to be up and about again, impatient with those around give


Number 11. Those calm, quiet and brave patients who never complain, who in their sickness desire to be of no trouble to others and strive to get well by themselves will be helped by.


Number 12. Those who are weak, pale and have no strength, just feeble and tired will be much helped by.


The dosage is as follows: take two or three drops of the stock remedy to an ordinary medicine bottle, fill it with water, shake up well, then give teaspoonfuls of this as required. In urgent cases every quarter of an hour, in serious cases every hour, and in ordinary cases three or four times a day. In cases of unconsciousness, the lips of the patient may be moistened with the remedy.

As the patient improves, it will often be found necessary to change the remedy as his state changes, and in some cases even as many as half a dozen different herbs may be required.

As an example:

A many of thirty-five had had severe rheumatism for five weeks. When first seen almost every joint in the body was affected with swelling and tenderness, he was in great pain, rolling about in his torture, anxious as to what was going to happen.

The patient was very ill and looked as though he would not be able to stand much more. Agrimony was given hourly for twenty hours when there was marked improvement, pain and swelling had all gone except for one shoulder joint, the patient was calmer and less worried. Agrimony was continued for another six hours when the patient slept for four hours. On waking all pain had gone.

The next stage was one of fear, fear of the pain coming back, fear of moving in case it caused a recurrence. Mimulus was given, and the next day the patient was up and dressed and had shaved himself. In spite of the good result, the patient felt discouraged, depressed, down-hearted. Gentian was given and on the third day the patient was out and about, he attended a cinema and also visited the local tavern.

At other times a single remedy is all that is required as in the following case:

A girl of eighteen had had some large cysts removed from her thyroid gland in the neck six months previously. These were returning and she was told that she must wait until they were big again when another operation would be necessary.

She was a gentle little girl of the day-dreaming type, living in a land of dreams and very little concerned about her condition. Clematis, given three times a day for a week, caused complete absorption of the cysts, and up to date, three months afterwards, there has been no sign of recurrence, and no further doses have been necessary.

A lady had had acute rheumatism for two years, and had been either in nursing homes or hospitals the whole of that time. When first seen, the hands were very stiff and painful, the ankles were double their normal size and the patient was only just able to walk. In addition, there was pain in the shoulders, neck and back.

The lady was one of exquisite gentleness, calmness and courage, and had borne her illness with wonderful patience and fortitude. Water Violet was clearly indicated and it was given for two weeks, definite improvement slowly occurring. Then came a period of slight self-pity which Chicory removed. At the end of four weeks the patient was able to walk two miles, but felt unsteady and uncertain, so Scleranthus was given.

Then followed a period of a little impatience and wanting to be back doing everything which indicated Impatiens. At the end of eight weeks the patient could walk four miles, could use her hands freely, had no pain and, with the exception of a little stiffness and a trace of swelling in the right ankle, was completely cured.

A lady of about forty had had vague pains in the abdomen for three weeks, and she had rapid swelling of the glands in the groins, armpits and neck. On examination there were found large masses of glands in the abdomen and the blood count was that of an acute lymphatic leukaemia. The outlook was of course extremely serious. The patient realized that she had a malignant disease.

She was in terror and was secretly thinking of the easiest way to commit suicide. Rock Rose was given for a few days with lessening of the abdominal pain and a diminution in the size of the glands. The patients attitude then changed, she was encouraged by the improvement and the black dread and terror of death had gone, but there was now a quiet fear that it was too good to be true, hence Mimulus was given for about two weeks, at the end of which time the patients condition was normal and she has remained perfectly fit ever since, a period of six months.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.