Homeopathy Remedy Taraxacum officinalis

Ankle. Stitch in r. inner malleolus when sitting; itching, in inner M. Tearing drawing in l.

Foot. Stitches extending from dorsum into sole; on dorsum of l. extending towards great toe; in r. sole, extending outward, when

sitting; itching, in r. sole. Boring in r. sole; burning, in l. sole, extending towards little toe. Pressure on back of r. when sitting. Drawing pain on back of r. when standing; on back of l. when standing. Burning pain on r. sole towards outer side; in r. sole towards toes when sitting. Burning drawing on back of l.

Toes. Stitches in r. great, towards second toe; tearing S.; burning, in r. great when walking. Pulling from little toe up tibia, when sitting.


      Rash on upper part of body, with tingling and itching, scratching temporarily relieved the itching, but caused more eruption and redness, red in patches and swollen, on forearms and hands lichen and urticaria, the lichen was purple, thicker about wrists and bindings of elbow, where it was in patches on an inflamed base, the papillae were covered with a brownish crust as if blood had hardened, the urticaria was principally on the front of the arms, (<) scratching, coming and going two or three times a day, worse in morning, chest and waist thickly covered and very red. Pimple in middle of l. brow, painful on touch; itching, on hands, (<) sides of fingers and backs of hands. Pustules on r. wing of nose; on part of l. cheek, with red areola and gnawing on touch. Itching vesicles on back of foot.

Itching on l. gluteals; on fourth toes; suddenly below chin; on l. calf in evening on lying down, not (>) scratching, then redness and moisture; on back of r. foot, (>) scratching; corrosive, on l. thigh; voluptuous, in perineum, then biting pain; tickling, in perineum, between anus and pudendum.


      Yawning when sitting. Sleepiness during the day when reading, (>) moving about; overpowering, after eating, on waking necessity to urinate, with burning before and after micturition. He fell asleep when listening to scientific conversation and immediately had vivid dreams. Restless nights. Frequent waking as if he had slept enough; F. waking and tossing about. Dreams vivid, unremembered; and anxious; D. of quarrels; voluptuous.


      Chilliness; after eating, (<) drinking; with headache; shaking, on walking in open air. Fingertips cold. Heat; without thirst; suddenly when walking in open air, without thirst; in face, with redness; in attacks in toes, (<) back of r. great toe; in r. forearm. Sweat; in evening on falling asleep, lasting all night; as soon as he feel asleep, waking him, with heat, (<) cheeks; on waking, causing itching biting; between toes, (<) r.

Clinical During a fever great restlessness, with tearing pains in the legs, intolerable while at rest, constant muttering delirium, violent tearing in the occiput, chilliness after eating or drinking, mapped tongue.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.