Homeopathy Remedy Senega

Urine. Copious; every time that he drinks; and acrid; with pressure in urethra. Diminished. Frothy and dark; F. in a patient whose chest was affected. Orange-colored, clear, becoming turbid when standing and depositing on all sides of vessel a white sediment. Mixed with threads of mucus, after cooling in was thick and cloudy. Turbid in morning as soon as it cools; T after standing, and depositing a reddish sediment mixed with mucous flocks. As soon as it cooled in morning it deposited a thick sediment, the lower layer yellowish-red, the upper yellow, flocculent.

Clinical Urine greatly diminished; loaded with shreds and mucus; with scalding before and after urinating.

Sexual Organs

      Cramplike pain in glans. Tickling in prepuce and glans. Burning in glans when urinating. Erections at night; painful E., and desire increased then diminished.

Respiratory Organs

      Sudden hoarseness when reading. Tearing and stinging in larynx and trachea. Cough; from sudden tickling in throat; at breakfast. Dry cough; from in throat; with concussion of whole chest. Hacking cough irritation in larynx; H. Cough in forenoon from mucus in larynx, (<) open air and walking fast; in open air; from mucus in throat. Cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus. Expectoration; desire for. Frequent and deep inspiration. Short breath on ascending stairs, with oppression of chest.

Clinical Loss of voice in singers, with severe burning and hawking. Catarrh of the larynx, the voice is very unsteady, and the vocal cords are partially paralyzed, sometimes expectoration of tough mucus ( Caust). Laryngeal catarrh, with cough, (<) before breakfast. Bronchial catarrh, with soreness of the walls of the chest, much mucus, great oppression of breathing and sensation of weight in chest (Phosphorus) Bronchial catarrh, cough (<) evening and night in warm room and lying on r. side (Spong). Bronchial affections in cold weather, in the aged, much difficulty in raising tough, profuse mucus, with hard, loud, accelerated breathing and anxiety (Ammonium). Whooping cough, tough expectoration, like the while of egg.


      Shifting twitching in various parts. Sticking through l. half; under l. short ribs; in a spot in l. side in evening with sore pain; in l. half in evening when lying on r. side, with burning pain; on inspiration during rest; in a spot in l. when walking; when walking in open air, then oppression, with debility in lower limbs, sweat and almost faintness; in a spot in l. during rest, with burning pain; in r. lower intercostals, more internally; in l. half, (<) sitting or lying; l. upper part, (<) rest, with burning pain; deep in a spot in l. half, (<) cough and various motions; in middle, (>) deep inspiration; r. upper part, with clawing; intermittent, in middle; shifting, with tightness, difficult breathing, shuddering over back and occasional pain here and there about head.

Pinching. Boring in l. side, (<)region of heat; in lower half, (<) above heart; B, becoming seated in region of heart, whence it shoots to l. axilla. Clawing in different parts; in l. half in afternoon, alternating with pulsations; in l. half, (<) lying on r. side; (<) l. half, with restlessness and anxiety during rest. Racking as if everything in it were sore when stepping hard or running.

Pain; below sternum; in morning on waking; in front in morning on touch and during inspiration; in afternoon after smoking tobacco; at night on waking; below sternum when sitting erect; in sides of lower part when sitting; beneath sternum when sitting, next day it increased and descended towards pit of stomach; through middle on concussion, (<) along dorsal vertebrae; in walls, (<) touch, (>) deep inspirations; (<) pressure; (<) rest; in middle. (<) rest; superficially in pleura, (<) rest; (<) l. half, whence it proceeds; under upper parts of sternum on bending head forward, gradually changing into colic; sudden, in a spot in r. side when walking; shifting; beating at a spot below short ribs, (<) inspiration and (<) r. side.

Sore pain in l. side; S. pain on bending forwards, with pulsations, but vertigo on bending backwards; between third and fourth l. ribs, (<) pressure or increased to sticking; as if it would burst, on sneezing, though sneezing relieves chest; pulling backward (as if in mediasternum) on stepping hard, walking fast or running, making every movement difficult; burning, under sternum, (<) motion and, deep inspiration )Caust, Sanguinaria). Burning pain; in a spot in l. half in evening when sitting; in l. in evening when lying on l. side; in l. in evening, with anxiety in chest.

Oppression; (<) rest; (<) open air and during a walk, with pain through chest towards scapulae; in l. side, increased almost to pain. Tightness; in upper part, with crawling; on certain movements, (<) stooping, with disposition to expand chest by stretching, this leaves soreness. Compression; in upper part, (<) rest; from sides towards front towards evening. Pressure outward. Tension in lower part during deep inspiration. Drawing extending to axillae; deep burning.

Crawling; in spots. in pleura; in upper part, (<) rest, with twitching; in lower part, with prickling. Orgasm of blood in afternoon, with oppression of chest, flushes of heat in face and frequent pulse; orgasm of blood towards evening when at rest, with creeping; with stitches; when sitting, almost causing faintness. Burning; under sternum, extending to back. Pulsations. Sensation of stagnation in upper parts of lungs, (<) rapid walking.

Clinical Congestion of lungs, with great dyspnoea. Oedema of lungs, with rattling in chest. Pneumonia of r. lung, violent stitches, rattling of mucus in chest, etc. Hydrothorax. Great soreness of walls of chest from coughing, pressure, sneezing or moving arms. Very valuable for exudation in pleura after Bryonia has ceased to act.


      Boring in region; morning on outside. Pain in region during deep inspiration; in region when walking, with oppression and difficult breathing Violent beating, Shaking the Whole chest.


      Rapid; and hard; and full; and full; irregular; and soft, unequal; afterwards slow. Slow.

Neck and Back

      Drawing in cervical glands. Pain in back; in region of sacrum; under l. scapula when sitting, (<) evening; between scapula, (<) stepping hard or by any movements that concuss chest; drawing, along base of l. scapula.


      Tensive pain in joints, (<) knees and ankles. Paralytic drawing downward in l. arm. Paralytic pain from l. elbow to little finger, with drawing. Sprained pain in r. wrist. Sticking in l. palm; in palms, with crawling and prickling. Painful drawing in metacarpal bone of l. thumb; in finger-joints. Lower limbs weary. Bruised pain in thighs and gluteals. Sprained pain in hip-joint on turning thigh when standing. Pain in hip, knee and ankle as after a long walk. Pain in l. ankle. Weariness of feet, (<) forenoon.


      Pimple painful on touch; pimples burning and itching when touched, on upper lip, near nose and l. corner of mouth. Itching between nates, (>) scratching; of legs, (<) evening in bed, scratching causes burning.


      Sleepiness in evening. Stupefying sleep. Sleep sound, full of dreams, with confusion of head on waking. Anxious jerking of upper arm during siesta. Sleep restless; and full of dreams; with unremembered dreams; and interrupted. owing to oppression of chest; and frequent waking on account of sticking and tightness in chest.


      Shivering, with weakness in feet; S. over scalp. Febrile excitement, with shuddering over back, heat in face, weak, burning eyes, beating headache, difficult breathing, sticking in chest, general bruised feeling and frequent pulse. Heat in l. half of face. Heat of skin; under skin of back, (<) between scapulae, with itching. Sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.