Homeopathy Remedy Sarsaparilla

Pain; at night and in morning, with tightness; in centre, with inclination to keep still in order to relieve it; tensive, externally, as if too short, on straightening up and walking erect. Tension about clavicle next to sternum. Constriction alternating with sudden expansion. Intermittent sensation as if screwed together when breathing and walking, so that he must loosen his clothes. Tightness, with dyspnoea and exhaustion so that he must loosen his necktie. Oppression mornings, impeding respiration. Pressure at 11 A.M., with tearing from l. shoulder to tips of fingers; P. in afternoon; on sternum, worse during palpitation. Heat.

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation; during the day. Pulse febrile. Pulse slow.


      Swelling of r. side of N. and throat, with pain on touch. Sticking in muscles, (<) touch and motion. Tearing in nape passing thence across vertex towards r. side of forehead in afternoon. Pain in nape in morning on moving head; wrenching, in a tendon in l. side on moving head. Tension in nape on moving head, with stitches. Chuckling in l. side, or else pulling.


      Pain as if something were sticking fast to it on deep inspiration. Sticking between scapulae; from r. scapula down beside spine to last rib, (<) inspiration, with tearing, and on deep inspiration arrest of breath. Drawing in scapulae. Stinging under l. ribs, in lumbar region. Pain in lower part of back and sides; in lower part in forenoon on stooping and afterwards; in lower part, passing around sides of pelvis towards genitals, (<) night and motion; in lumbar region, (<) protracted stooping, so that walking is impeded, (>) rest when sitting or lying, reappearing as stitches on slightest turning of body, (>) afternoon. Bruised pain in sacral region evenings. Tensive pain from sacrum across l. hip on least motion, interfering with walking.


      Mobility. Tearing at night, then headache; T. now here, now there, in all joints of body. Weakness.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Cracking in r. joint on moving it. Stitches on raising arm. Tearing from r. joint to wrist in afternoon; from joints into elbows; intermittent, from l. into fingers in afternoon. Pain as from a thrust or blow on moving arm, (<) rest; in r. joint as form a thrust or blow on moving arm. Pain in r. joint, somewhat laming, in afternoon on moving arms, still lying down.

Stiffness of arms on motion after rest. Stinging above and in front of humerus; pulsating S. in arms near shoulder-joints. Pain in elbow as if tendon had snapped from place, on rapid pronation of forearm. Paralytic weakness of elbows. Twitching of forearms. Sticking in muscles of ulnae; tearing S. upward above l. wrist; stinging-drawing, on inside of r. forearm. Tearing on ulna, sometimes extending to metacarpal bones; T. across above wrist, with drawing-tearing stitches towards fingers; paralytic, in forearms near elbows, (<) rest. Tearing in l. wrist at 2 P.M. Sprained pain in r. wrist, drawing towards ring finger. Hands tremble. Intermittent sticking in metacarpal bone of r. index. Pain in hands. Stiffness of hands, (>) motion, with itching, burning, and swollen veins.

Fingers – Inflammation of thumb, (<) night, with throbbing and burning. Sticking in first joint of r. little; in muscles of l. thumb; in first joint of thumb, later pain on touch. Tearing on backs of l. towards tips at 1.30 P.M.; drawing, through bones of r. ring, (<) motion. Cutting under one thumb-nail at 7 A.M., then under the other. Pain in tips on pressure, as from ulceration or as form salt in a wound. Numbness (going to sleep); N., (<) third and fourth.

Lower Extremities


Thigh – Stinging on r. ischium; near l. patella; in l. popliteal space, then tearing. Tearing upward and outward near knee. Pressure on inside near l. knee; on r. above popliteal space when sitting. Hip-joints lame, bruised and tired. Weariness during menses. Heaviness in l. when sitting and walking. Stiffness in r., as if contracted, in popliteal space and calf, with swollen feeling under toe-nails.

Knee. – Swelling, with stiffness and stinging, so that he could hardly move it sideways. Sticking on inner side; S. about r. Tearing in l. at 2 P.M.; in r. when gaping while standing; intermittent, about l. from evening till midnight. Weariness all day.

Cramp in calf; at night; from tibia down into toes, has to try to find an easier position. Tearing in muscles of r. leg; T. down r. tibia at 1 P.M.; deep in l. tibia at 3 P.M. Pain in calves as after cramp. Drawing upward above r. tibia. Legs weak; in forenoon; during menses. Cracking in l. ankle on every motion.

Foot. – Swelling; of r. tarsus, (<) afternoon, with redness and pain. Tearing in l. sole from heel towards toes after midnight, then itching, and after scratching sticking through heel into dorsum of foot. Sole sensitive. Drawing in sole, with itching; painful D. on dorsum of r. foot changed into twitching. Painful throbbing on inside of r. sole when sitting, with pressing and pricking, then on whole sole. Tensive feeling in tendons and toes of l., as if toes were drawn inward, in morning; T. feeling in r., as if swollen. Swollen feeling, (>) exercise, with itching and heat in soles. Tired when standing.

Toes – Tearing in l. great, more towards tips, evenings; T. in r. great, with drawing. Aching about nails as if swollen.


      Warts. Red rough elevations on forehead. Itching eruptions under nose. Tetters on all parts; on hands. Red herpetic spots on calves, with itching. Nettle-rash on neck, chest, eyelids, hands and whole body, with burning after rubbing. Eruption itching, burning and moist after rubbing, three days before menses. Inflammation like a run-around, around nail of r. index, then on


Pimples on face; fingers; rashlike, on going into cold air from a warm room; red, on r. knee, with itching at first; red, on back and thighs, with corroding itching in warmth, (>) scratching; itching, on chin; itching P. and pustules on sides of chin; itching, on cheek, inflamed far around, with burning, ending in a thick scab and causing tearing burning pain in open air.

Cracks on r. thumb, with burning pain. Herpes phlyctenodes on l. side of neck in one case, in two others irregular patches on face and l. arm, with pustules on hand wherever skin was abraded. Pustule in middle of forehead; on face; r. side of nose; dorsum of r. foot; r. side of nose, r. dorsal side of foot, l. gluteal region, sometimes with stinging on touch; itching P. which have been scratched open leave ulcers suppurating for a long time. Ulcerations running around ends of fingers. Boil on l. buttock, stinging on touch; B. or pimples on face, (<) cheeks. Itching blister under chin. Clear vesicle on inside of r. wrist, behind little finger, itching, then burning, after opening the V. discharge of watery fluid, increased burning, inflammation and a scab, itching (<) night.

Scab on lobule of ear, with burning pain, then itching. Thick, dirty, yellowish-brown crusts, with inflamed areola and suppurating border, beneath labial commissure, extending towards mesial line of chin, afterwards the patches united and covered chin, with occasional pustules around the borders, with patches and pustules on l. hip, extending from anterior superior spine upward and backward towards lumbar region, the crusts were removed by the clothing and the eruption appeared like herpes zoster, a new crop began by small pustules on an inflamed base, later the eruption covered cheeks, with pustules on nose, forehead and neck, and the patch on hip extended to spine, with itching, disturbing sleep.

Pricking in calves; over r. external malleolus; outward, (<) about neck, with heat on chest, back and face. Formication in sacral region in forenoon; on l. foot at 5 P.M. on raising it and putting it down.

Itching, now here, now there; I. on l. side of nose and around eyes; about nipples; on hand and back of fingers; on outer edge of r. foot in evening, he has to scratch the ankle till it bleeds; at night, preventing sleep; towards hand and on inside above hollow of knee, (<) evenings in bed; every night, (>) in bed. I. (<) scratching, before and after lying down; here and there, (<) evening before and after lying down. I. (>) scratching, in r. flank; on hips in forenoon; on abdomen in evening; I. on top of r. foot in afternoon, after scratching it appears on l. tibia, (>) scratching. I. not (>) scratching, here and there; on face; in l. ear; on r. wing of nose; around umbilicus; on r. hip; under knees, and in front above them; in front of wrist in forenoon; on back in afternoon. I. returning after scratching; on forehead; above l. knee afternoons; on r. buttock evenings. I., with vesicles, or with pimples after scratching. I. on chin, then small pimples; I. on r. calf in evening, then pimples; on tendon below calves in evening and morning, and burning after scratching; in thighs, and after scratching pimples; on inside of r. forearm, and after scratching vesicles; in hollows of knees afternoons and mornings, after scratching little vesicles; on outside and front of l. thigh in afternoon, after scratching little vesicles. Burning I. on abdomen, over thighs; over whole body, with rigors. Pricking I. from 5 till 7 P.M. over whole body, and in morning on rising; in face and scalp, about neck and shoulders, with warmth in these parts, on scratching it begins in another place.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.