Homeopathy Remedy Sarsaparilla


      Appetite increased; for dinner. Appetite lost; for breakfast; and he ate but little at noon; and food had not enough flavor, and after a meal it seemed as if he had eaten nothing, or as if stomach were without sensation; for smoking tobacco, the taste of which is changed; (for everything except juicy fruit). Thirst all day, with warmth; T. often during the day; for water at 2 P.M., after chill before dinner. Absence of thirst; during meals.

Eructations in forenoon, with shuddering and gooseflesh; imperfect E.; hiccoughing; empty, in forenoon and evening; tasting of blood after dinner. Sour eructations; after breakfast; of water in afternoon. Bitter eructations during dinner; in morning after rising, with bitter taste; of water before and after dinner; of “wasser soup” after drinking cold water; and sour, then empty; of bitter, sour matter evenings. Hiccough at 6 P.M.; after dinner.

Nausea in morning when gazing long at an object, with vertigo; N. mornings increased to vomiting, with increased herbaceous taste; all the forenoon, with ineffectual inclination to vomit; in afternoon, without inclination to vomit; after breakfast; after breakfast, with sour eructations, and when standing by an open window vertigo, unconsciousness, falling backward to the floor, afterwards tension across chest; after dinner, with exhaustion; at the thought of food eaten; in throat from rising of a nauseous vapor into mouth, with affection of head; (>) night, with constriction of stomach; with headache; with acrid sensation on tongue and in swallow. Retching. Vomiting; sour.

Distention after eating a little. Griping in pit extending towards sacrum; during menses. Spasmodic twisting; after dinner, with ineffectual inclination to eructate. Spasmodic sensation in pit. Pain in pit in evening when singing; P., then vomiting of breakfast; in epigastrium and under ensiform cartilage, (<) touch; in region, with soft stool. Heaviness and indigestion. Weak feeling. Burning; after a mouthful of bread, as after spirituous drinks.


      Distention; after eating or drinking. Rumbling; after eating, with pinching, later passing up l. side towards stomach, (>) doubling up; with emptiness; with emptiness and clucking; with growling. Loud quacking, as in spasms, (>) eructations. Rolling; from P.M. till midnight, with pinching, preventing sleep; during diarrhoea, with fermentation and offensive flatus. Motion, with coldness; M., with burning; all day, as before diarrhoea. Emission of flatus; all day; offensive, evenings.

Stinging an hour after dinner, and under r. ribs. Cutting at 5 P.M., then semi-fluid stool; C. waking him after midnight, (>) morning; with scanty stool; with consistent stool. Griping during menses. Pinching; during menses; then painful contraction of sphincter ani. Pain in morning; at 10 A.M. on pressure; with frequent diarrhoea. Constriction; in forenoon, then rumbling and grumbling, now around umbilicus, now towards chest, now downward, as before diarrhoea. Pressing drawing as after cold. Spasmodic sensations. Emptiness after breakfast, with feeling as if disembowelled. Feeling of inactivity. Internal chilliness. Burning.

Stinging in l. hypochondrium in forenoon, (<) bending towards r. Pain in hepatic region in morning on waking, (>) walking. Bruised pain in l. hypochondrium at 1 P.M., with throbbing. Stinging in l. side; now r., now l.; in l. in morning when sitting, (>) walking. Cutting in l. side on a line transversely towards back, then rolling in abdomen. Pain in l. Pressure inward in a spot in l., (<) deep inspiration, with pinching.

Cutting in a spot above umbilicus in morning; around U. in forenoon, then movements in abdomen, (>) emission of flatus; around U. on gaping. Moving in hypogastrium all day, as after a purgative. Pinching in l. groin. Straining constriction in hypogastrium in evening and forenoon, (>) passage of flatus. Tension in r. groin. Soreness in r. groin before menses, so that she can hardly walk; S. in bend of r. groin on appearance of menses, with urging to urinate.


      Cutting and tearing. Acridity during diarrhoea. Urging during stool, with straining; U., then stool, scanty, soft, difficult from contraction of rectum; with contraction of intestines and pressure as if contents of abdomen would be pressed out, at last something passes with a jerk, with tearing and cutting in rectum, then immediate U. as if rectum would be pressed out; frequent, with scanty discharges and then tenesmus; ineffectual.


      Ulcer bearing a black pustule, opening with pain. Soreness waking him at night, then changing to burning itching, lasting all day. Burning after fluid stools. Itching on r. side, (>) scratching. Tenesmus after stool; after soft stool.


      Fluid evenings, then burning in anus; semi-fluid towards the end. Diarrhoea twice. Soft; and copious. Hard; and frequent micturition; at first, then soft; first part, last soft, then burning in anus. Constipation. Consistent, twice in one day. Pitchy, sticky. Hurried before breakfast. S. and micturition delayed; and infrequent, scanty.

Clinical Obstinate constipation, with violent urging to urinate, pressure as if the bowels would be passed out.

Urinary Organs

      Constriction of bladder without urging. Urging nearly all day, but scanty urine; U. waking him every morning; on appearance of menses; (>) perfect discharge of menses; frequent, with scanty discharge and burning. Strangury, with pressure in bladder, yet urine will not come, and when it comes cutting; S., as in case of stone, with discharge of mucus and of white, acrid, turbid matter. Micturition without sensation in the passage; M. frequently stops, scanty, with straining and burning; in a thin, weak stream, also urine pale, with flakes in it; but once during the day, with burning during the discharge, but in sufficient quantity; omitted in forenoon, then three times in afternoon and pale, then again omitted. Wakes at night to urinate. Frequent micturition; and copious; and copious, urine pale; copious, two or three times at night, at first with burning; copious, pale, growing turbid on standing, like clay-water; and urine deposits a cloud.

Urethra – Discharge of yellow pus, with redness and inflammation of glans and fever in evening, with rigors. Cutting. Scraping during micturition. Burning during micturition; with copious watery urine; with discharge of elongated flakes.

Urine – Copious; in morning; during menstruation. Scanty and turbid like clay-water as soon as it is passed; S. and red mornings; and red, clear, with urging; with straining. Urine passed towards the end is mingled with blood, then with blood and pus, then the pain when urinating abates. Fiery, but without burning. Deep yellow, depositing a thin cloud. Turbid when passed, with burning; T. on standing, with much clay-colored sediment. Iridescent pellicle. (Compare with Chimaphila.)

Clinical Inflammation of the bladder, bloody urine, characterized by pain of the bladder at close of micturition and chill running up the back from the bladder. Excess of gravel in the urine, especially in children. Fermentation in the bladder, as shown by the discharge of gas with urine.

Sexual Organs

      Intolerable odor. Glans red and inflamed. Tearing from glans to root of penis; after micturition, with burning and itching. Erections diminished. Herpes on prepuce. Itching on scrotum and perineum, and after scratching pimples oozing moisture. Emissions at night; with restless sleep, frequent E. several days, with inclination for coition; painful, nearly every night, with lascivious dreams. Inclination to coitus, with restless sleep. Slimy leucorrhoea when walking. Menses too early; too late; scanty, intermittent, acrid, with burning in inner part of thighs, so that she cannot approximate them on account of pain.

Clinical Swelling of the spermatic cord, with soreness, especially following sexual excitement. Nocturnal emissions followed by backache, dim vision, etc. Has been found useful in some conditions of secondary syphilis. Dysmenorrhoea characterized by retracted nipples.

Respiratory Organs

      Sticking in thyroid cartilage. Hoarse; every other day. Cough in forenoon, without expectoration; C., with nausea, vomiting of bile and diarrhoea; hard, in daytime, from tickling ulcerative sensation in fauces; dry, in forenoon, from roughness in throat; dry, with burning in nose on blowing it. Asthma, he is often forced to breathe short. Short breath; slightest exertion; after dinner, and heavy pressure on chest. Difficult breathing; when working. Frequent deep inspiration after dinner. Stoppage of breath in evening and morning, with oppression of chest; S. as by an impediment in lungs or a spasm, with constriction in throat and anxiety.


      Nipples soft, insensible and not irritable. Stinging under last true ribs; in middle of sternum in morning; in r. breast at 1 P.M.; in r. side in afternoon on motion while standing; in r. side at 8.30 P.M., with tearing on upper surface of l. upper arm extending to wrist; in l. costal region, doubling him up in evening when sitting; in l. side when walking; in r. side, not affecting respiration; in middle, beside sternum, not affecting respiration; drawing, from r. clavicle into hyoid bone.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.