Homeopathy Remedy Phytolacca

Sexual Organs

      Frequent gurgling in prostate gland in afternoon. Spermatic cords, grinding pain shooting up, in morning; sharp pain running up each paroxysmal pains, afterwards soreness. Sensation all the time as if menses would appear. Ropy leucorrhoea towards morning. Almost miscarriage in the seventh month, labor-like pains, involuntary straining, haemorrhage from vagina, could feel uterus contract under my hand.

Respiratory Organs

      Feeling as if breathing through an open sponge. Larynx dry. Tickling in l. side of larynx, with hacking cough, aching in r. chest and dryness of throat. Hoarseness. Trachea, sensation as if grasped, (<) evening; dryness in morning; dryness in lower part and in large bronchi; roughness and heat in T. and bronchi, with dry bronchial cough. Roughness of bronchi.

Cough; towards morning, from dryness in pharynx dry; dry, irritative, with pain in different parts of head and increase of bile; hacking; with scanty expectoration. Expectoration of tough mucus; with cough.

Respiration. Suffocation. Difficult, impossible through nose. Moaning and gasping. Sighing, slow. Short; inspiration, and sighing. Shallow.

Clinical Laryngismus stridulus. Laryngitis, dry, croupy cough, with burning in the larynx and trachea, (<) night. Catarrhal laryngitis (<) night, especially with enlarged tonsils; useful in cold, damp weather.


      Sharp pain through upper part, preventing a long breath. Pain in r.; in lung; in lungs at 7 A.M.; at night, with restlessness; in r., so bad after midnight as to prevent sleep, (<) lying on r. side, (>) morning after rising; from front to back; in region of r. nipple, passing through to back, on taking a long breath and on bending shoulders backward, (>) afternoon. Tenderness of muscles, as if bruised. Lameness in l. side and shoulder; near cardiac region at night, waking me, with restlessness, sleeplessness for a long time, lameness on moving, (<) during expiration, these pains returned occasionally for months. Symptoms (<) after midnight,(>) afternoon, most of them on r. side.

Clinical One of our most valuable remedies for inflammation of the mammary glands, especially after the acute symptoms the breast, especially when nursing; pains start from the nipple and radiate over the whole body, particularly up and down the backbone. Nipple sore and cracked, with intense suffering. Inflamed mammae, even during pregnancy. Tumors of the breast, with enlarged axillary glands; the breast has purplish hue and the pains over the whole body.


      Shocks of pain in region, then in r. arm. Pain in praecordial region, (<) walking. Beat felt distinctly.

Clinical Chronic endocarditis, pain shoots into the arm, especially right arm., Frequently useful in fatty degeneration of the heart. Gouty heart.


      Rapid; and tense, strong, full, after he had ceased to purge; and full, but soft; and feeble. Slow and feeble. Hard and full at 7 A.M. Low towards evening. Small and depressed; S., threadlike, irregular, with agitation in chest, (<) about region of heat.


      Hard gland on r. side. Pain in nape at 11 A.M., running down spine. Stiffness in morning on waking; at night; r. side, (<) bed after midnight.


      Pain, with inability to walk, Stiffness in morning. Pain in scapulae; with occasional sensation as if a small piece of cold iron pressed upon it; behind S. when walking; bruised, in l. Weight upon scapulae. Laming pain below l. scapula towards evening when riding, at 9.30 the pain had reached region of spine and was sticking, Shooting in sacrum, extending down outside of hips to feet. Griping in lumbar region. Pain in l. loin, then itching; heavy P. in lumbar and sacral regions, (<) motion. Weakness, pain and soreness in region of kidneys; (<) r. side, with heat.


      Jerkings of arms and legs; hands and legs. Sudden cramps, hard knots in muscles, then in a moment they would be flaccid and sore. Sticking in various parts, always from without inward and near surface. The pains are always in outer parts. Sudden translation of internal pains to limbs. Rheumatic pains in hands and feet, sometimes in arms and legs; below knees and in arms. Rheumatic drawing along l. ulna and in r. leg. Rheumatic symptoms in joints at 3 P.M.

Clinical Subacute rheumatism, pains affecting especially the long bones or the tendinous attachment of muscles; the pains sometimes seem to be in the periosteum, they are generally burning, shooting, always worse at night and in damp weather (Thus, Mercurius). Rheumatism of the heels of very obstinate form, only relieved by keeping the heels higher than the body. Rheumatism affecting the dorsal muscles. Pains fly from one part to another, the patient is pale and puffy (Colchicum). General stiffness of the extremities, with tearing pains. Syphilitic pains, shifting. Syphilitic or gonorrhoeal rheumatism, joints swollen, red, glands swollen, (<) damp weather.

Upper Extremities

      Pain in l. shoulder about noon; in l. joint on sudden motion; in muscles of l.; along top of r., along superior edge of trapezius, (<) pressure and contracting the muscle. Rheumatism of l. shoulder. Arms painful; almost paralyzed, no strength in them. Twitching in muscles or. upper arm when resting it on the table, with fluttering in them. Pain at humeral insertion of l. deltoid; P. in r. humerus, (<) motion and extension, with weakness of it; drawing, in r. upper arm. Bruised sensation in muscles of outside of r. upper arm. (<) two inches above elbow, (<) pressure, touch nd extending arm. Tenderness on outside of l. arm, just above elbow, on pressure and on extending arm.

Pain in bones of forearm after going to bed. Rheumatic drawing in r. forearm. Rheumatic pain in l. had, then in r. Drawing pain in r. had, now and then, by shocks to elbow. Neuralgic pain in r. palm. Sticking in end of l. thumb; in fleshy part of l. thumb; in r. little and ring fingers; in finger-joints, sometimes in one hand, sometimes in the other; suddenly in finger-tips, as from electric sparks. Aching in finger-ends, with throbbing, as if going to suppurate. Rheumatic feeling in r. little finger, (<) writing.

Lower Extremities

      Cramps. WEakness. Heaviness in afternoon as if asleep. Symptoms (<) afternoon. Sciatica. Neuralgic pain on outer side of thigh. Rheumatic pain in r. knee in afternoon, (<) open air and in damp weather; R. feeling in l. knee when walking, with sensation of shortening of tendons behind it. Knees heavy, tired from a short walk. Pain in legs, (<) walking, with stiffness about knees. Pain through ankles and feet. Stinging in l. instep, (>) pressure. Pain on dorsum or r. foot at 4 A.M.; P. in a spot on ball of r. foot, which had been frostbitten years before, and in a corn never painful before; striking P. in ball of l. foot; neuralgic, in r. great toe, in middle of night.

Clinical Sciatica. Violent tearing pain down to the foot.


      Shrunken and lead-colored. Itching elevations on chest. Eruption beginning on scalp and spreading to toe-nails, pink erythematous blotches of irregular shape, slightly elevated, sore, painful, itching only on desquamation, too sore to allow scratching, ending in dark red or purple spot, taking about a month to pass through its various stages of eruption and desquamation and about as long to advance from head to feet, so that it could be seen at one time in all its stags, eruption (<) after Merc, Sol. 3d x trit, (which relieved the sleeplessness and pains), and invaded conjunctiva and mucous membrane of nose and mouth, later in fauces and oesophagus. Pustule behind r. ear. Boil behind r. ear; painful, on l. side of neck. Suppuration of painless tumors; S. of a tumor behind r. ear, with discharge of mater and blood.

Drawing in cicatrices. Itching on l. calf, then on r. leg, at last with lichen-looking eruption, the I. always (<) first part of night, often preventing sleep till midnight. Itching on hands and feet, then spreading over body, then rash following the same course, the I. (<) scratching and warmth of bed, skin hot and dry, great desire to pour cold water on himself, which relieved for a few moments, but was always worse afterwards, skin red, and if he exercised so as to feel the least warm vesicles could be discerned under cuticle.

Clinical General tendency to boils or carbuncles, with swollen glands, burning pains, (<) night. Chronic ulcers surrounded by small boils.


      Yawning; in daytime. Sleepiness. Sleeplessness. Restless night; with pains in knees, arms and chest; with late falling asleep, next night restless, after waking could not get to sleep again for a long time. Restless sleep, he lies on his stomach. Sleep disturbed first part of night by scraping and tickling in throat, which cause disposition to cough.

Clinical Occasionally indicated in scarlet fever, with scanty, mahogany urine, skin dry and rough, tongue dry and sore, tonsils purplish, (<) night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.