Homeopathy Remedy Phytolacca

Clinical, Difficult dentition. Ulceration of the inner surface of the cheek. Ulceration of the margins of the tongue, with thick tenacious secretions in the mouth (Mercurius).


      Peculiar pressure in parotids, with tension in them. Tonsils and palate dark purple. Tonsils swollen and red; S. in morning, and sore. Eruption in fauces and oesophagus. Pain in r. side; in T., fauces and lungs, with suffocation. Smarting in fauces. Rawness; and scraping, and in tonsils, as if something had lodged at root of tongue. Roughness; in pharynx. Burnt feeling. Soreness and dryness (Wyeth.), fauces congested and dark, tonsils swollen; soreness in morning, with swelling of soft palate and with thick white and yellow mucus about fauces, after removal of which the throat feels better, and still better breakfast; S. in afternoon, (<) swallowing, with dryness; with redness, dryness and roughness; with feeling of a lump on swallowing saliva and on turning head to l.; of posterior fauces extending into one Eustachian tube; extending downward.

Sensation of a lump. Sensation of a plug in forenoon when riding, not (>) hawking, then increased discharge from posterior nares of mucus, which was detached with difficulty and which continually excited attempts to expel it. On swallowing, sensation as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in fauces and oesophagus, so that I could eat nothing but fluids, with constant choking sensation. Sensation as if an apple-core had lodged, causing constant inclination to swallow. Sensation in pharynx as after eating choke-pears. Fulness so that it felt choked, hawking to rid throat and posterior nares of mucus, and sensation as if something had lodged on l. side of throat after bending head forward in writing, (<) turning head to l.; F. in fauces, and next day in upper part of larynx, with sensation of a lid there till afternoon, next day the same F., with ineffectual desire to hawk up mucus from throat.

Dryness; in a spot in l. side of fauces in morning, till after breakfast; on going to bed; (<) morning; in fauces, (<) morning; causing soreness; uneasy, in fauces, provoking hacking and dry cough; in pharynx towards morning causing cough; with roughness, preventing swallowing; in upper part of pharynx, and disposition to hawk, without relief, next day the D. and hawking continued, raised small pieces of tough, sticky mucus at 9 A.M., throat (>) 1 P.M., after riding three hours in an open carriage, symptoms returned at 5 P.M. after being two hours in a warm room. Swallowing impossible, shooting through ears on attempting it.

Clinical Enlarged tonsils, especially when their color is bluish; feeling in the pharynx of scraping and rawness, with at time dryness. Sore throat in general, with or without ulceration; the general indications for this drug in sore throat are the rawness or roughness internally, with stiffness of the muscles externally, associated with backache, headache, vertigo, etc.; the right side is more apt to be affected. It has even been found useful in some cases of diphtheria, involving both sides of the throat, with a heavily-furred thickened tongue, which may be fiery at the tip, great prostration, aching in the limbs; the throat internally is generally purple, and there is aggravation from hot drinks. Diphtheria, with albuminuria, soreness across the kidneys, scanty, dark red urine. Diphtheria, with pains about the knees, aching in back and limbs.


      Hunger soon after eating; canine H.; diminished; lost. Thirst; at night; towards morning, with feverishness. Eructations; with spitting of water; empty E.; empty E. when vomiting; of sour fluid; of food in evening and till sleep. Hiccough, with inclination to vomit, but no nausea.

Nausea; at night on being awakened; (>) eating, with pain in forehead, returning with increased violence, frequent vomiting of ingesta, relieving the nausea but aggravating the frontal pain, afterwards acrid vomiting, then empty retching, then vomiting after warm water, also after a cup of strong coffee; with the usual appetite; with faintness; with pain in umbilical region; with heat in head; with the headache; with the vertigo, then violent retching and committing of ingesta, later frequent vomiting of yellowish transparent mucus; intermittent, on waking from after dinner nap.

Vomiting; and purging; almost incessant, from 9. 30 P.M. till 5 A.M., first of contents of stomach, then of a bitter watery mess; dark brownish, afterwards light yellow; profuse, without much pain, but much distressing stomach; sudden, with cramps so that they had no time to get into bed, but lay on the floor, unable to call for assistance. Easy vomiting, with colic and purging; E. and bitter; and frequent, first of the aliment, then of a dark bilious substance, lasting all the afternoon, with purging, V. (>) black coffee; but it is slower in its effects than is usual with emetics. Violent vomiting; of clotted blood and slime, with retching, pain and desire for death to relieve; of dark red ingesta; and difficult, first of food, then of greenish, finally of black matter mixed with clear blood, diarrhoea began with the vomiting, and tenesmus, could not leave the stool, stool at first yellow, then greenish, finally dark bloody matter, the V. and diarrhoea lasted all night, somewhat (>) morning, ceased at 2 P.M.

Swelling of stomach and bowels, with burning pain and soreness. Cutting in pit and abdomen, Cutting tearing straining pain, then soreness on pressure. Pinching. Pain; in pit; in region of pylorus; in morning on waking, (>) rising, with salivation; on pressure; in pit on pressure; in epigastrium after being aroused from their narcotism, with thirst and chilliness; in cardiac portion, (<) full inspiration and by walking; in region of pylorus, gradually working up into chest on same side; bruised, in pit; burning, in epigastric region. Tenderness of epigastrium. Distress, and in abdomen. Disturbed feeling, (>) going into open air, with Dullness of head, return of symptoms on sitting down to tea, could eat nothing. Oppression in epigastric region, with weight. Heat with tenderness of abdomen and peculiar heat in rectum, then tenesmus and mucous and bloody discharges. Weak feeling, causing frequent yawning, that was attended by stitching through the part.


      Rumbling; with pain in umbilical region; with desire for stool. Emission of flatus; fetid. Cutting. Griping; all day, (>) night, then offensive flatus; in afternoon, with cramp and purging; as before diarrhoea. Pain in evening, finally locating itself in splenic region; P, on pressure as before diarrhoea. Weakness. Amelioration of some symptoms at night.

Digging in upper and outer part of liver, preventing motion, first at 2 P.M., then every morning before daylight, and soreness through after noon and evening. Pain in l. hypochondrium when walking; in l. in evening, so that he cannot sit up, gone in morning, after lying all night on l. side; penetrating, in r., after midnight, preventing lying on r. side; heavy, in hypochondrium, (>) when leucorrhoea began. Umbilical region, cramp, then copious stool; boring to l. and a little above U.; burning griping; pain; pain, (<) motion; pain, with desire for stool; distress, and in hypogastrium, burning distress. Pain in region of transverse colon at 7 A.M.; deep-seated, in l. iliac region; neuralgic, in l. groin.

Rectum and Anus

      Haemorrhoids. In middle of night, neuralgic pain in anus and lower part of rectum, shooting along perineum to middle of penis, then neuralgic pain in r. great toe. Inclination for stool, with much straining; continual I.


      Dysentery. Copious discharge of bile. Diarrhoea; all the afternoon, with griping and cramps in abdomen, in the night stools painless; from increased action of liver, with but little tormina or tenesmus; with sickly feeling in abdomen, but no tormina or tenesmus; violent; light yellow and loud; dark, after vomiting; copious, of blood, mucus and what looked like scrapings of inner surface of intestines, with sickly feeling in abdomen. stools involuntary, from straining, which continued even in sleep; copious, at 1 or 2 A.M., till after breakfast, at last watery. Mushy; with undigested food in it, sometimes with straining. Papescent, dark, with undigested food in them; P., then faint feeling. Of mucus, with straining. Hard. Dark, lumpy. Three in one day; the first hard and preceded by griping, the others by pains moving about in abdomen.

Clinical Constipation of old people, with great weakness and intermittent pulse. Constipation, pain shoots from the anus along the perineum into the penis.

Urinary Organs

      Uneasiness down ureters. Straining to pass water. Urine retained for ten hours. Slight suppression of urine, with pain in loins. Urine copious at night; C. and as clear as water; diminished, then increased, acid, albuminous, sp. gr. increased. Chalklike sediment.

Clinical Nephritis, with pain and soreness over the kidneys, especially on the right side; urine dark red, even mahogany-colored, often with painful micturition. It has proved curative in chronic Bright’s diseases, even after convulsions have appeared.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.