Homeopathy Remedy Phellandrium

Pinching in umbilical region, with constriction; sudden r. Biting in a spot to r. of umbilicus. Twinging in r. side of A. Sticking in r. flank during inspiration after dinner, and on bending to r. sticking in r. groin. Cutting in middle of hypogastrium, extending on r. side to epigastric region. Intermittent pinching in hypogastrium.

Rectum and Stool

      Ineffectual urging; then burning in anus. Itching in anus that becomes burning after rubbing. Stool, with glistening of upper surface, then burning in anus. Thin stool, then tenesmus and sore pain in anus ( (>) Rheum). Soft S. in evening, he usually had a hard one in forenoon. Hard S., with pressure: H., with pain in anus; H., copious, with clawing. S. three times a day, with much flatus.

Urinary Organs

      Desire, but little is passed, with burning; frequent D. Frequent micturition, urine pale. Urine pale, almost greenish. Urine increased; scanty.

Sexual Organs

      Itching of prepuce, (>) scratching Menses too early, with weakness, (>) walking; too early, lasting only a day and a half, wand scanty. Menses that had just begun ceased. On appearance of menses, weakness, yawning, bruised pain in inner surfaces of thighs, so that she could neither sit, stand, walk not lie on account of pain, (>) bending body towards the l. and in afternoon, menses lasted four days, flowed only morning and evening and rather profusely.

Respiratory Organs

      Dry cough in afternoon; in evening, with sticking and short breath. Paroxysmal cough at 1.30 P.M.; at 3 P.M. Easy expectoration of mucus in morning. Short breath when walking.

Clinical Bronchitis and emphysema, with rapid respiration, cough compels him to sit up day and night, with sleeplessness, and ulcers on the legs, with tearing, sticking pain. Valuable for the extremely offensive expectoration in the last stage of phthisis.


      Sticking deep in l; in r. lowest ribs; in l. lower ribs at 2 P.M.; in costal cartilages to l. of pit of stomach at 7 P.M. on various motions of trunk; in middle on breathing after dinner on inspiration and yawning an hour and a half after dinner; in upper part of sternum, somewhat to r. side, not affected by respiration; frequently in r mamma; through r. mamma near sternum, extending to back between shoulders, after dinner, then into r. side of sacrum, (<) breathing; inward beneath l. mamma, not affected by breathing below l. shoulder, extending into l. chest; in last true ribs, extending towards ensiform cartilage, after dinner, not affected by breathing, with screwing-together pain in stomach; tearing, through l. mamma at 3 P.M.; biting, in r,. nipple in evening before lying down. (Compare above with Conium).

Pressure in l. side in morning in bed, (>) lying on l. side; when standing, provoking deep breathing; upon chest, with tightness of breath. Oppression, with shortness of breath; O. in a spot on r. side when breathing. Lower part of sternum and pit of stomach sensitive to pressure. Burning in upper part of sternum and in middle of l. scapula, when standing.

Clinical Pain in the milk tubes, which is intolerable when musing.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in Praecordial region, not (<) motion or breathing, with drawing. The thumping of heart felt in forepart of chest. Pulse rapid, with warmth; 80, an hour after dinner; slow; full and hard.

Neck and Back

      Twitching in cervical vertebrae and between shoulders. Tearing beneath l. lower jaw, then in l. side of head, extending behind ear and into lower jaw, when it becomes a gnawing. Bruised pain in back when sitting an hour and half after dinner, (>) walking. Twinging in lower end of l. scapula, or constriction. Sticking in r. lower false ribs, by back; between scapulae after dinner; in lower end of l. scapula when eating; in sacrum at 5 P.M.; in lumbar region on deep breathing. Sudden biting in r. side of sacrum.

Upper Extremities

      Tearing in r. shoulder; towards forepart of l. Twitching in middle of inner surface of r. upper arm, or itching into shoulder, when eating; of r. side of sacrum.

Upper extremities

      Tearing in r. shoulder; towards forepart of l. Twitching in middle of inner surface of r, upper arm, or itching. Tearing on inner surface of r. upper arm extending into shoulder, when eating; in r. elbow; in r. radius, from elbow to middle of forearm; on under surface of l. forearm at 8 P.M.; in l. ulna above wrist after eating; in r. thumb towards tip; between second and third joints of l. middle finger, towards back of hand; in first joint of thumb towards the front at 2 P.M.; intermittent jerking, in first phalanx of r. thumb after dinner.

Lower Extremities

      Sticking in r. hip by sacrum. Tearing down anterior surface of r. thigh, just above knee; from l. knee down tibia at 9 P.M. Drawing pain downward in bed of l. knee. Sensation as if blood were accumulating in knees, almost like a burning, at 1 P.M., when sitting and standing. Grumbling in l. calf as after a long walk, at 1.30 P.M. Tearing downward in r. calf; T. posteriorly in l. heel; on margin of r. foot near little toe; in r. sole in morning; lightning-like, in l. sole towards toes at 9 P.M.


      Blue like petechiae between breasts and neck. Wartlike pimple on r. side of neck. Burning, biting and corrosive itching sticking, like electric sparks, here and there, in head, trunk, nose, ears, cheeks, chest, arms, etc., from 8 till 10 P.M. Almost burning or prickling on r. surfaces of calves at 1 P.M. when sitting, walking and standing, in r. calf it extended to heel, almost as if after fatigue. Sensation of fly above r. eyebrow. Biting in bend of r,. knee. Itching on l. scapula near axilla at 8 P.M.; on back of r. hand, by first finger-joints, after dinner. Itching, (>) rubbing; about l. ear; on l., then on r. ear in evening before lying down. Itching, (>) scratching; in various places; in r. brow; on nape; on lower surface of l. wrist; on t. side of rose at 2. 30 P.M.; in front of r, nostril at 3 P.M.; on r. breast at 9. 30.; on l. cheek after dinner; on side of sacrum after dinner. Itching not (>) scratching, on r. thigh after dinner, with biting. Burning itching on upper margin of l. scapula; on l. concha at 9 P.M., (>) scratching.


      Yawning; after dinner, without sleepiness; with sleepiness; with stretching. Falls asleep when standing at work. Long sleep in morning, during which she hears everything. Sleepless till 2 A.M. Waking early; at times before midnight, then long sleep in morning; after midnight, but soon feel asleep again frequent; twice towards morning, with feeling as in limbs would fall asleep. Dreams various, unremembered; frightful D., that lightning struck close by him; of fighting, in which he got a good beating; pleasant, of gardens, parties, pleasure, etc.


      Chilliness; from 6 till 10 P.M., with general shivering, gooseflesh on arms and cutting in epigastric region; from 7 till 9 P.M., (>) in bed, with shivering; at 9 P.M.; after dinner; internal, from 8 P. M. till midnight, with frequent shaking. Shivering from 4 till 10 P.M.; (>) sleep; from 4 P.M. till night, with thirst; as if she had been dashed with cold water. Coldness of forehead, (>) open air, with heat of head.

Rising of heat when standing after breakfast, with sweat about forehead. Heat in head after dinner, with thirst for milk; in head, with Dullness; (<) l. side, with redness of face and heat of hands; internally in head, nape and hands, with sweat on head and nape; in temples, (<) l., then in rest of head, with sweat on head and hands, with moderate warmth of skin; sensation of heat and sweat on scalp, with feeling of warmth in hands, the H. starts from l. side of occiput, where it continues a burning or distress a long time, as in calves, at 1.30 P.M.; of face, (>) open air, with redness; internal, in cheeks, with redness of face; in neck beneath l. lower jaw, as if approached by a glowing hot iron.

Clinical It has been prescribed in intermittent fever, with pain in the arms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.