Homeopathy Remedy Oxalicum Acidum

Clinical Diarrhoea (<) coffee, stools profuse, watery, with frequent ineffectual urging. Dysentery, stools of blood and mucus, preceded by colic, followed by nausea and pain in the calves.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder distended by urine, but inability to pass it. (Full feeling in bladder.) Urging, with copious, light-colored urine. Frequent desire, urine light-colored; F. desire and copious urine each time, with burning during micturition, urine clear and straw-colored. Diminished desire. Frequent micturition in small quantities; F. micturition, in evening of copious light-colored urine. In voluntary micturition. Micturition by drops at night, with burning.

Burning pain through urethra to orifice, as if a drop of acrid urine would pass, in the evening. Burning in urethra at noon during micturition, with voluptuous sensation. Urine passed in morning and evening very acid, deposit of numerous crystals of uric acid, indications of oxalates of lime in the milky-white sediment. Urine loaded with enormous crystals of oxalate of lime, and it contained some blood-discs. Urine profuse at 5 A.M. Urine scanty in morning. No urine during the ten hours.

Clinical Oxaluria, with general gouty symptoms and exhaustion.

Sexual Organs

      Red points on glans. Thrusts in glans on urinating. Erections in forenoon after sleep, with dullness in occiput; E. in forenoon on lying down, then pain in testicles on going out, after going out pain in testicles and spermatic cords, (<) latter and (<) r.; E. at night, with lascivious dreams (Pic-ac.). Heaviness in testicles in evening when walking, (<) r., with pain and with shooting along spermatic cords. Itching of testicles and spermatic cords. Emission at night; interrupted by waking. Desire increased; during the night and morning, with voluptuous dreams at night. Burning in female genitals.

Clinical Neuralgia of he spermatic cord, (<) slightest motion. Amenorrhoea, with great asthenia. Amenorrhoea from taking cold.

Respiratory Organs

      Irritation of glottis. Tickling in larynx on walking in open air, with sticking, swollen feeling and cough. Hoarseness; and frequent hawking. Voice rough; before going to bed. Voice altered from a deep bass to a low key, like a person talking in an undertone, afterwards like an old man’s voice. Cough; in evening, with tickling in throat; from tickling in larynx and trachea, with soreness in larynx; with soreness of chest; dry, on violent exertion; dry, violent, in morning from tickling in throat, with pains in chest; with expectoration of greenish mucus; desire to cough, but cannot for pain in chest. Spasmodic breathing. Difficult breathing; with constriction in larynx, wheezing and oppression of r. side of chest; in forenoon. Dyspnoea, with tracheal rales. Felt as if his breath were going, almost strangled: Respiration tight in evening on violent motion. Respiration rapid; and labored. Respiration slow. Moaning.


      Sticking in l. lung in afternoon; S. in l. breast, (<) walking; in l. lung and heart, extending to epigastrium; sudden in l. lung, depriving him of breath; sore, at 2 P.M., afterwards extending to between scapulae. Pain when coughing; P. in middle, extending to scapula. Pressure upon C. as if ulcerated, at noon. Constriction, with short breath. Tightness, with inclination to breathe deeply.

Clinical Congestion and inflammation at the base of l. lung.


      Sounds imperceptible, and pulse could be felt only at long intervals. Sticking extending towards abdomen; S. in praecordial region. Pain in posterior and lower part extending forward, in forenoon when lying and afterwards when walking in the street, and electric-like beats extending outward below nipple to sternum. Ulcerated sensation in praecordial region in evening, with heaviness of chest as in asthma or dropsy. Oppression of praecordia, with sighing. Fluttering palpitation; P. at night on lying down. Beats attracted attention at night after going to bed. Action irregular and sounds distant. Action feeble and sound barely audible. Impulse diminished. No capillary circulation and no pulsation in radial artery, and very feeble in brachial.

Clinical Palpitation coming on after lying down at night. Angina pectoris, with peculiar numbness, pains (<) least motion, like short stitches, confined to a small spot, lasting a few seconds; sharp darting pain in l. lung and in the heart, with forced expiration.


      Rapid; with heat; and sharp; and full; and hard; and full, hard; and full, hard, intermittent; and wiry; and small; and small, wiry; and small, threadlike; and small, irritable, intermittent; and tremulous; and weak; and weak, and so irregular that it could not be counted. Slow. Hard and contracted. Irregular. Small; and irregular; and weak; and tremulous, intermittent. Weak. Scarcely perceptible; at wrist and temples, later rapid and firm. Imperceptible; with deadly coldness, clammy sweats, sometimes lividity of nails and fingers.


      Acute pain gradually extending to thighs. Bruised sensation from shoulders to loins in morning instead of the habitual pain in small of B.; bruised feeling in morning, (<) beneath tip of l. scapula, with stiffness. Numbness and weakness, and in limbs; N. and W., and in lower limbs, so that it was difficult to ascend stairs; N. and tingling or pricking, and in thighs. Sticking beneath point of r. scapula when sitting. Burning pain deep between scapulae in evening.

Small of Back. Sticking above hips during hiccough; above r. hip during hiccough; above r. hip, taking away the breath, on yawning; from loins down to limbs, the patient seeks relief in a constant change of position. Excruciating agony in lower part of back, extending down thighs. Pain; all day, somewhat (>) hard stool; in region of kidneys; in region of r. kidney in evening; in region of l. kidney, waking him towards morning; in r. loin after rising from lying; between last rib and hip extending towards r. side. after rising from a bent position. Weakness in loins and hips extending to lower limbs. Numbness (compare Ph-ac. and Pic-ac.).

Clinical Neuralgia of the spine starting between the shoulders, with tenderness over the spine and pain in the occiput. spinal symptoms, with numbness and weakness in the back and limbs; peculiar numbness of the whole body, with coldness and loss of motion in the limbs, the pain darting and lancinating, especially in l. lung and about the heat, with jerking inspiration and forced expiration, apparently trying to relieve the intense pain by emptying the lung; dyspnoea, great aggravation from motion; the attacks recur with periodical remissions. Posterior spinal sclerosis, with violent shooting pain down the extremities, dyspnoea and numbness; also with pains confined to small spots, lasting only a few seconds.


      Livid; hands, arms, legs and feet livid and cold, and legs difficult to move. Trembling. Contractions of arms and legs. Uneasiness, (<) feet. Weakness; extending over whole body; and heaviness. Numbness; and tingling, and legs drawn up on abdomen. Joints of ankle, knee, hip, wrist and shoulder affected.

Upper Extremities

      Sudden shooting in r. shoulder joint. Numbness from shoulders to tips of fingers; towards noon. Pinching stitch in l., then r. deltoid after lying down in bed. Pain in middle of humerus in evening, often a jerking, so that he must stretch or move arm. pain in muscles of upper arm as if beaten. Numbness of arm. Hands clenched. Sensation in hand as if dead. Heaviness of l. hand, motion of fingers slow and difficult.

Fingers. Livid. Nails dark; and fingers contracted. L. drawn inward, (<) index. Semi-flexed, rigid, and thumbs bent into palm. Sticking in ball of r. thumb in evening when writing; burning S. similar to gouty pains, deep in r. fingers, (<) last phalanx of middle. Tensive pain in fleshy part of l. thumb, with heat, numbness and swollen sensation. Tingling.

Lower Extremities

      Gait slow and unsteady. Blueness, coldness and almost complete immobility. Lameness and stiffness. Sticking in r. hip-joint. Contracting pain in external tendon of l. patella. Jerking sliding pain in hollow of l. knee. Weakness of knees on ascending stairs; W. of extending over whole body, with sweat,, (<) axillae. Cramp of legs and feet, (>) pressure. Legs fell asleep. Sharp pain in r. ankle; pain in r. ankle, with swollen feeling in it and in r. foot. Shooting in r. instep; intermittent. R. toes spasmodically flexed in morning on rising and at noon after sitting.


      General redness; red spots or petechiae, as if spattered with blood, on face, head, chest and nates. Arms, chest and face mottled. Eruption not unlike the roundish red marks on arms of healthy children, but of a deeper tint. Eruption like roseola, then dark skin, then desquamation. Eruption over whole body like maculae of typhus. Efflorescence on greater part of body. Fold around nails of third, fourth and fifth fingers cracked and inflamed. Itching papules over whole body. Painful pustule on r. index, where a cut from a penknife had healed. Smarting soreness around neck as if chafed by collar. Sensitiveness when shaving. Itching on nape; in spots on r. side of nape, r. side of scalp and l. side of abdomen, in evening, when sitting after walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.