Homeopathy Remedy Oxalicum Acidum


      Mucus; pulling out of string of M.; expectoration of thick, yellowish; hawking up of lumpy, tenacious; hawking up of thick, yellowish-white M., with a black lump in the centre; natural secretion of M. is diminished. Inflammation of pharynx. Soreness resembling cancrum oris, with ptyalism, but no fetor. Pain; in fauces in morning on swallowing; in morning on swallowing after rising, (>) noon; in evening on swallowing; burning P. Scraping in upper part; S. in morning on rising, with soreness; on rising, with roughness, speech difficult; with difficult swallowing, tonsils and velum palati red and covered with adherent mucus that can be expectorated only after long hawking; in tonsils, with biting, as if uvula were swollen; in fauces, as from mucus. Sensation in fauces as from acidity of stomach. Constriction; and uneasiness; of oesophagus. Irritation in fauces. Dryness, with pain on swallowing; D. of pharynx in forenoon after diarrhoea. Burning; in evening; with pain on pressure; and in fauces; in pharynx and oesophagus. Swallowing difficult.


      Appetite increased; A. little at noon, with thirst. Appetite lost; at noon; in evening. Aversion to tobacco-smoking in morning, but longing for it in the evening (Coffee is not relished at noon.) Thirst; at 3 P.M. Repugnance to water.

Eructations; acrid; painful; sour after coffee at breakfast. Empty eructations; at noon, with emission of flatus and rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; in afternoon; tasteless, after eating; tasting of the food. Hiccough; during the day, with painful hawking, at 11 A.M., returning as soon as the thinks of it. Nausea; in morning, with cutting in abdomen; at 10 A.M. after diarrhoea; during dinner; after eating; at pit of stomach; with emptiness in stomach; with emptiness in stomach and discomfort in whole body. Retching.

Vomiting; frequent; with purging. Violent; after the accession of pain; with frequent desire for stool; like beer, only redder. Of food. Of blood; mixed with mucus every half hour; at first tinged with blood, afterwards of arterial blood, then coagulated blood; bloody fluid, with white membranous patches; bloody matters and a white fluid; fluid of a dark bloody color; dark, grumous, bloody matter; bile and clots of dark blood. Of mucus tinged with blood; bloody, frothy mucus; thick mucus. Of a brown matter like chocolate. Of thick, black fluid. Of a dark liquid. Of frothy, watery fluid, after standing a brownish precipitate fell leaving a transparent brownish fluid. Of greenish-black matter. Grass-green, with grumous sediment; grass-green fluid, with mucous sediment and white flocculi; of yellow-green jelly- like fluid mixed with white flocculi, with jactitation and distress. Of a yellow fluid; thick, at night. Of matter like milk.

Griping and twisting pain; G. in pit. Grasping. Excruciating pain in epigastrium. Pain; in region; in epigastrium; at night; after eating; in epigastrium, (<) pressure; with oppression and continual efforts to vomit; in pit, with heat and soreness; in epigastric region, with heat and oppression; in S. and abdomen, obliging him to sit bent over, (<) sugar in tea and coffee. “Gathering” Gnawing in region; G. like hunger, it was scarcely possible to eat a morsel at dinner, the first spoonfuls of soup caused urging to stool, which was diarrhoea-like, yellow, slimy, serous, with tenesmus.

Pyrosis in evening; after tea, with emission of flatus and pressing, downward. Burning pain; in epigastrium; in epigastrium, extending to oesophagus and pharynx, so that he rolled about the floor, with ineffectual retching; in epigastrium and in r. hypochondriac and iliac regions, with tenderness on pressure, (<) over cardiac end of stomach, abdomen generally hot to touch. Burning; in pit; gnawing. Tenderness on pressure; at cardiac extremity and epigastrium; in epigastrium; with burning; in epigastrium, with resonance on percussion; and in abdomen. Intermittent weight in pit at night waking him, (>) eructation. Emptiness similar to hunger, (>) eating; E. so that he must eat between meals. Irritation.

Clinical Gastralgia, with feeling of coldness between the stomach and navel (Colchicum).


      Distended; by flatus. Movements day and night. Rumbling; in afternoon, with gurgling; in evening, with rolling as from water; all the evening, with pressing downward; after coffee at breakfast, (<) l. side, with gurgling, then diarrhoea, then nausea; after dinner; with colic, then pasty stool. Emissions of flatus; difficult; difficult, in evening and next morning; offensive. Flatulency all day and at times during the night, with emissions of flatus, swelling of abdomen, with intermittent pain in and around umbilicus, worse in r. iliac region, and itching and crawling in anus, (>) rubbing.

Sticking extending to region of spleen, (>) deep breathing. Cutting in forenoon after a thin stool in the morning; C. waking her at 5 A.M., returning periodically all day, also chilliness alternating with heat, the same C. next morning. Griping; which drew her up double. Pain; in morning after rising, then copious diarrhoea, which was repeated; in evening, with urging to stool and sickness, so that he drank a glass of wine, then painful dullness of head; (<) pressure; with burning; with frequent inclination to stool; with diarrhoea; intermittent; flatulent, with distress and weakness of it. Pain as before diarrhoea; at night; after coffee. Tenderness.

Sudden distress at 6 A.M., then twisting in and around umbilicus, then scanty, hard, dark brown stool, in half an hour again pain and bearing down, then loose, muddy, brown stool, with colic in umbilicus, bearing down below umbilicus and griping in anus, the latter causing nervous pains through head, with heat in head, after going to bed return of the same pains, then copious, consistent, dark muddy, brown stool, the pains always returned on going to bed, obliged to sit or stand, (>) motion (pain Mercurius sol.)

Sticking in l. hypochondrium. Pain in l. hypochondrium after retiring; bruised. Pain in a spot in r. side of A. in forenoon.

Umbilical Region. Sticking in evening. Cramp-like pain to l. of umbilicus at 5 P.M., then colic in r. iliac region and eructations of tasteless wind. Pain; at night, with emission of flatus; before stool; during stool, and below umbilicus and through ilium and jejunum; always after symptoms in head; with pressing towards anus and flatulent troubles; flatulent, between umbilicus and l. hypochondrium; periodical flatulent, below umbilicus, as from unripe fruit, at night on waking, (<) movement after rising, (>) rest, returning in morning on walking after breakfast, (>) at noon; paroxysmal, and in r. iliac region. Scraping at night, often waking him, with sensation as if stool would occur, which did not. Soreness on touch.

Hypogastrium. Rumbling in r. groin, in caecum, and noises of flatus after stool. Sharp pain in l. iliac region. Pain in a spot deep above r. ilium, towards the side, when yawning, breathing and in different postures; P. in descending colon in evening, their mushy stool. Constriction in descending colon evening after supper, with cutting in abdomen and constant desire for stool. In a spot in l. iliac region, urging to discharge flatus on sitting down after a walk, a sensation as if the part would burst.

Rectum and Anus

      Discharge of mucus after stool. Cutting downward in a narrow streak in r. side of rectum in morning on rising, repeated on sitting down to stool, afterwards C. in r. side of rectum and after stool and undefined sensation in anus. Burning in rectum at night. Frequent stitches in anus, with pinching near anus, as from flatus. Frequent pain in anus at night, disturbing sleep. Pressure towards anus. Constant tenesmus, ineffectual efforts for stool. Ineffectual desire. Desire for stool and to urinate in morning on lying down (an hour after taking milk).


      Watery, frequent; constant involuntary, watery, occasionally mixed with blood; thick, black, offensive, containing bloody shreds. Diarrhoea; frequent. Violent diarrhoea; in morning, then eyes sunken in forenoon and surrounded by blue rings; at 3 and 7 P.M.; with blood. Copious diarrhoea in morning after rising, preceded by colic, at 9 A.M. watery stool with prostration, then nausea and tension in calves, in afternoon again diarrhoea. pasty, copious at 7 A.M., preceded by colic, followed by more violent colic, then general sick feeling, desire for stool and recurrence of diarrhoea in forenoon, in afternoon constant desire and diarrhoea containing the undigested dinner. Pasty, tenacious and difficult; with general weakness. Pasty and scanty at 8 A.M., and a copious one, with urging at noon. Pappy, light brown, with scanty, light urine, again in afternoon a pappy, thick, short stool, with cutting in fleshy part of l. thumb, then heavy rumbling in r. side of abdomen (caecum) and noise of flatus.

Constipation. Hard and frequent; H. and difficult; H., with mucus and blood; H. and copious, covered with mucus. Serous, with streaks of blood and with tenesmus. Mixed with blood; with bloody mucus and tenesmus. Containing filaments of whitish matter, similar to the crust on tongue. Green, slimy. Irregular. Indolent; and micturition frequent, but scanty. Frequent; at night. Omitted; next day thin, loamy.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.