Homeopathy Remedy Nux Moschata


      Appetite great; at noon, he ate with haste and though it oppressed the stomach he could have eaten more; in evening; afterwards diminished; lost; lost, dinner tasted like sawdust; little. Aversion to tobacco smoke all day. Thirst. Drinks much.

Eructations as of pine oil; scraping E. after eating. Nausea; in morning, with salivation and sleepiness; in forenoon, at times alternating with increased appetite; at 2 P.M.; with shuddering aversion to food; but inability to vomit; deathly, if her head was raised from the pillow. Retching at night. Vomiting.

Distention. Feels sour. Pain; in pit; as if laced, as if she had to vomit (drawn up as if it would break). Intolerance of touch, slightest touch causes nausea. Oppression in pit; O on ascending stairs, with weight; in pit, extending to chest. Heaviness and weakened digestion; and impaired appetite and tendency to inflammation of mucous membrane of stomach; H. over epigastric region after eating, then eructations of wind, prior to which feeling of a lump in throat (globus hystericus), which is in part (>) eructations. Emptiness, but when food was brought she could not eat. Burning; extending upward; in pit, waking her at night, with praecordial anxiety; like a sensation of fasting.

Clinical Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Dyspepsia (<) any mental effort, stomach and abdomen became excessively bloated from any unpleasant emotion. Dyspepsia, distress appearing while the patient is eating, feeling as if the food formed hard lumps, with soreness in stomach.


      Distention towards evening, with nausea, a twisting about umbilicus that extended now to heart, now downward, and discharge of threat-worms with the stool; D., with qualmishness in it and pain in small of back; as from flatus. Hardness, with constipation. Rumbling; and gurgling. Movements as if he would have colic. Offensive flatus. Flatulent trouble. Pressing outward in l. groin. Muscles drawn up as in chorea, during spasms. Jerking now and then.

Cutting, (<) across bladder, with pressure, as before diarrhoea, in evening, next day difficult stool. Griping in evening, (>) emission of flatus. Pain, with inclination to flatulence and sensation as before diarrhoea, yet a difficult stool of normal consistence, bright yellow, with pieces of undigested food; P. as if full of knots, with chilliness, little appetite, feeling of fulness, next day more cutting in abdomen, necessity to sit down, she could scarcely walk on account of weakness, some diarrhoea; crampy forcing-down P. in A. and rectum at 2 A.M.; (and troubles as before a haemorrhoidal flow). Discomfort as if he had eaten too much and A. were distended.

Upper A. distended, and attacks of colic. Griping below stomach and feeling as if it would change to real colic. (Pressure from sides towards pit like that he usually felt before a haemorrhoidal flow, at night.)

Hepatic Region. Jerking in side below liver. Tearing as if stones would cut their way out, with diarrhoea, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in stomach, the relief was such that it seemed as if the evacuations came down from liver (in a woman suffering from enlargement of liver). Plucking in liver and upper abdomen in afternoon, as if the parts would be lengthened, a heaving motion, a feeling as if the liver were pulled down or twisted around. Constriction like a forcing outward when walking. Scorching, next day blood with the stool, without pain, but at the same time constipation and nausea around region of pit of stomach.

Umbilicus. Sticking from r. l. side of abdomen, at about level of U.; splenetic, to r. of U.; doubling him up. Cutting extending in two rays to both sides, downward and backward, at night; C. in middle of abdomen in evening, with inclination to flatulence and diarrhoea and with aching in temples. Griping in evening in bed after the chill; in region at night in bed; (in a spot to r. side of U). Colic in region, (>) pressure.

Hypogastrium. Griping mornings after breakfast (of cocoa), (>) keeping quiet. Colic in l. side extending towards r. and downward.


      Protrusion in evening. Sensation in evening as before diarrhoea, it seemed as if a part of R. were dragged downward, next morning scanty diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Urging at 2 A.M., with sensation as if everything had fallen against it; ineffectual U., with swollen sensation in anus.


      Dysentery in a pregnant woman, that continued after labor, which was premature on account of it. Diarrhoea; towards midnight; painless, all day; slimy, as in worms; frequent, with pressure towards pelvis and sensation of an acrid liquid in rectum, after the stool sensation as if more should follow; twice a day. Soft, but difficult, with distention of abdomen; soft, but difficult, indolent, also with sensation as if a part remained. Pasty, easy, frequent. Hard and difficult, no real desire at usual time; H., with the greatest effort of rectum, with sticking in it, with constriction of rectum and anus during stool and worse afterwards; H. and black, afterwards watery, then mushy. Indolent; next day diarrhoea in morning after milk. Copious, afterwards constipation, stools preceded by cramps in abdomen, stools small, narrow, with lack of expulsive power. Omitted, next day hard and difficult, third day a watery one instead of flatus.

Clinical Diarrhoea like beaten eggs, undigested, profuse, putrid stools, followed by drowsiness and even by faintness, with flatulent distention of the abdomen.

Urinary Organs

      Irritability of bladder during menstruation, with frequent desire to urinate, bearing-down pains and a sort of strangury with the last drops of urine. Frequent urging at night, but scanty urine; constant desire in evening, with frequent scanty passages of urine like well-water. Micturition involuntary, scanty at night, during the spasms. Strangury. Burning in urethra when urinating. Urine violet-colored. Urine increased; and smelling strongly of nutmeg; and frequent micturition. Scanty; and concentrated, also clear.

Sexual Organs

      Spasmodic pains in penis, extending upward. Erections weak and of short duration though there was some inclination to coition; want of E., even with voluptuous thoughts. (Pressure in spermatic cord on same side where testicle had been bruised some years before, with drawing downward.) Desire, with relaxation of genitals; lack of D.

Female. Pains similar to labor-pains, at 2 A.M. Irritability about pelvic viscera. (<) during menstruation, when ovaries and womb were swollen and sensitive to pressure. Cutting in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea greenish, acrid. Dysmenorrhoea, with clonic spasms, delirium, stupor and loss of use of lower limbs. Menstruation ceased immediately; and womb and ovaries were swollen, with tenderness over ovaries, (<) l., M. too early, with dragging downward from umbilicus and drawing in limbs; too late, dark, thick and when dry more glutinous than usual, preceded by pain in small of back as if a piece of wood were lying across it and pressing outward, concealed aching on vertex, weakness, pressure in stomach, running of water from mouth and pain in liver, but at the time when menses should have appeared there was discharge of only mucus.

Clinical Suppression of menses, with persistent fainting attacks. Suppression of menses, with mental confusion, cold extremities, drowsiness. Obstinate uterine haemorrhages, with repeated fainting, dryness of mouth and throat, etc. Uterine haemorrhages of thick, dark blood. Vaginal flatulence. Disorders of pregnant women, mental bewilderment, repeated syncope. During pregnancy extreme flatulent distention of abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarse. Voice lost and unsteady; suppressed after waking; like that of a sheep, and in larynx dry sensation, without actual dryness. (Soreness in trachea, with inclination to cough.) Coughs up blood partly mixed with mucus, with stitches in chest. The dry cough becomes moist and he expectorates much mucus.

Respiration oppressed; and shallow; unless clothes are loose. Long gasps. Sighs; and rapid breathing; desire to sigh or take a long breath, which she cannot accomplish satisfactorily. Breathing slow during the spasmodic condition; S. and heavy. Want of breath after eating; W., with oppression of chest, to relieve which he would straighten up, when other distressing effects ensued, rush of blood to head, obscuring vision, quivering of heart, palpitation, intermittent pulse, hands placed on sides on account of the constriction about waist and abdomen.

Clinical Nervous aphonia. Aphonia, with apparent constriction of the vocal organs. General loss of voice from walking against the wind.


      Jerking stitches in forepart extending obliquely upward and arresting breath. Pain anteriorly in evening, making respiration difficult, at times with pressive pain anteriorly in r. side; sudden P. round about region of diaphragm in forenoon on inspiration; as if raw when coughing. Bruised pain in forepart in evening, (<) inspiration and during flatulent colic; B. pain in region of pectoral muscles on moving arm, (<) touch and pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.