Homeopathy Remedy Nux Moschata

Dullness. Seemed compressed from forehead and occiput on waking from midday nap. Heaviness and pressive Dullness, with swollen sensation in l. half of face and head and prickling as from an electric current. Felt full and expanded; in evening, but painless. Swollen sensation, and in face. Tingling. Throbbing. Apoplexy. Shocks. Intoxication; and indolence; all days, heaviness of head, aching between l. temple and forehead, afterwards extending towards occiput.

Rush of blood obscuring the sight; rush of blood on rising from dinner, but feeling as if an electric current passed from vertex downward, I made an effort and got mechanically down stairs, and then twice I felt as I suppose one does who is nearly insensible from cold, and that if I yielded to it I could sleep out of existence without pain, then a cold shiver, then every variety of heat and cold, every time the blood went from and returned to my head the sensation changed, sometimes feeling very hot, next very cold, once it appeared as if all the blood in the body had rushed to the head, and I thought I could hear it gushing in my ears.

Vertigo; on standing; with vanishing of thought; with lightness of head; with pressure towards forehead and feeling as if head were twice as thick as natural; with uneasiness of muscular system; with derangement of intellect, loss of memory, but conscious-of all that I said and did, became loquacious, seemed to be neither in this world nor the other, felt happy and free from pain, and as I suppose one might feel who had been magnetized; as if intoxicated and sleepy.

Forehead. Pain; in a spot above l. eminence; in l. side of sinciput; in morning; in a spot in r. upper part in morning; in l. organ of wit, afterwards it extended over l. eye, a gnawing in the organ of locality and smell; with vertigo and strange feeling in whole system; with tension and pain in scalp; (with stupefaction, at times it closed the lids and he yawned); above l. eye, pressing forward, in morning; in sinciput, extending towards l. eye, with stupefying sensation; throbbing, above l. eye in morning. Confusion and Dullness; C. in forehead and temples, with fatigue.

Sticking in l. temple, with pain; intermittent S. in r.; paroxysmal S. outward in T. Pain between vertex and occiput; in a spot in V.; on V. in forenoon; drawing, in V. extending into eyes in morning. Constriction in vertex, with pressure inward and rising of warmth towards it. Pressure in V. towards forehead on stooping.

Pain in r. side in afternoon, in l. on falling asleep at noon; in various parts of l. side above forehead. Hot pressure outward in side, (<) temples. Pressure inward upon bone, in part above r. ear, in part at r. angle of occiput. Pain in occiput; in l. side towards nape.

Clinical Feeling of looseness of the brain on moving the head or on walking, (<) hot weather. Congestive headache, the pain seeming to be just under the bone. Neuralgia over l. eye, constrictive, burning, stinging pain, with redness of the face, difficulty in speaking, unconsciousness when the attacks are violent. Headache from overloading the stomach.


      Surrounded by blue rings; at 5.30 P.M. Injected; and swollen. Enlargement, with intolerance of light, while objects seemed to float. Dull; and heavy look. Sunken. Staring into vacancy. Dryness; in evening, reading by artificial light was difficult, eyes would close from sleepiness, head and forehead were dull; and roughness, so that it was not easy to open and close them (Sepia); with agglutination, and with inclination of head to the left from sleepiness. Burning, with lachrymation. Felt as if starting from head. Tension about r., (<) lower lid, as if she could not open it, with pressure in eyes, she was obliged to draw the eye together, whereby it seemed as if she could open it wider. Swollen feeling in evening, and in lids.

Pupils dilated; and insensible; contracted, and eyes felt full. Lids spasmodically closed under influence of the spasm; unable to open, they felt heavy and stiff; upper swollen and red a round the border in evening, and drooping, looking as after weeping; pressure as from sleepiness; tension and dryness. Puffiness of r. infraorbital region. Everything looked too large (Hyosc.) in evening, my hand looked double its natural size; her hand looked too large to her and as if spotted red. Vision misty; in evening and everything looked red. Vision vanished for an instant at 2 P.M.; momentary paroxysms of blindness, when she grasped her head and said, “How strange my head feels.” By strong effort she can see, at times, but only one person or object at a time.

Clinical Ptosis.


      Stitches; in r. in forenoon. Pain; between a pressing and sticking, in r. in morning; sharp, in l., (<) motion of jaw; as if a not very dull instruments were pressed back and forth in it. Painful heat extending towards posterior wall of pharynx (tuba Eustachii), almost as if a rough body had to be forced out, towards evening when riding in a wagon before a storm of wind and rain, the sensation began in posterior wall of pharynx, then in ear, at last extended to buccal cavity. No answer to loud summons. Buzzing. Voices sound as if far away.


      Irritation and stinging. Dryness (Lycopodium). Stoppage of l. nostril; (<) l. nostril, with crawling as from coryza and sneezing, the stoppage (>) moving about and rising. Sneezing; in morning; with feeling of catarrh in nose. Catarrh of l. nostril, it is neither dry nor stopped, but it seems to him as if he could get no air through it.


      Pale; ashy. Hippocratic at 5.30 P.M. Suffused, and eyes. Muscles drawn, denoting suffering, during spasms. Expression singular; distressed; be-wildered; sick; silly, occasionally a diabolical grin. Hot stitches in l. side of chin. Pain in r. cheek-bone at night; in r. cheek extending to ear and joint of jaw, in morning. Tingling and itching. Jaws firmly closed; spasmodic constriction extending forward from joints; drawing pain in flesh on r. margin of lower. Lips swollen and stuck together; lips, mouth and throat dry without thirst (Stramonium); lips, palate and velum palati dry and burning, as in catarrh; lips, mouth and throat burning.


      Teeth. Gritting, margins of tongue torn, and bloody froth escaped from mouth. Stitch into incisors in evening; S. in teeth and l. eyes, a taste in teeth like calomel, salivation, burning in eyes, he is afraid to go to sleep. Boring in root. Pain in l. upper; in l. molars in evening; when eating dry bread; in incisors and anterior molars on drawing air into mouth, (<) cold or damp air, at first warm drinks caused a similar pain; in l. anterior lower molars in morning on looking out of the window, extending into a r. molar, where it was a pressure outward, it returned after washing and taking cold in evening; as if a loose tooth were grasped for extraction, with sensation as if a jar had caused it, which was sometimes the case (ascending stairs, etc.). Jerklike drawing in l. upper molars on loud and continued talking and on inhalation of cold air. Grumbling. Painless jerking in molars after drinking cold water, with redness of cheek. Felt every nerve, but no pain. Felt as if covered with chalk. Felt too large laterally and soft. (Seemed blunted and soft.) (Increased inclination of gums to bleed.).

Tongue. White mucous coat, mouth slimy, throat dry, and thirst. Red, shining, sore elevations (mucous glands) anteriorly where fraenum passes into mucous membrane of mouth, (<) l. side. Disagreeable sensation, almost an aching, at sides, at orifice of salivary ducts. Dryness of T. and mouth in evening, as if it would stick to palate, without thirst, and without actual dryness of T., it seems as if she had eaten herring; T. and mouth dry and pasty, with a velvety and spongy feeling; T. and palate fry at night, without thirst, T. feels to the finger like leather, nose stopped by thick mucus; constantly pressed against palate on account of dryness in mouth and a taste somewhat like the after- taste of very salt things. Stiff, and articulation indistinct. Stammering. Speech difficult, indistinct, T. rolled in mouth like one intoxicated, and felt numb.

Dry mouth without thirst (Cannab-ind., Veratrum, etc.); in evening, so that tongue sticks to palate, also back of mouth and throat in morning on waking; D. at night, with slimy feeling, thirst, sensation of flour on palate and dryness on nose; D., and the saliva seems like cotton. Saliva and mucus so thick that mouth was dry and he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst, with sensation posteriorly on tongue as after eating much salt. Saliva thick and pasty. Taste chalky; in morning fasting; T. foul; in morning as after intoxication: (sour).

Clinical Toothache in pregnant women. Excessive dryness of the mouth and tongue in sleep, always wakes with dry mouth and tongue.


      Fauces and velum palati red, bloodvessels injected, but mucous membrane between them white, with raw sensation. Stitches provoking hawking, not (>) thereby. Pain in l. tonsil and in region of arch of palate as if he had swallowed a hard substance, with slight redness. Scraping (<) swallowing. Dryness so that he could not swallow a bite of an apple; D. posteriorly, with stiff feeling, without thirst; D. of fauces and choanae, extending forward, with inclination to swallow, but without thirst; scraping. Paralysis of organs of deglutition, making it difficult to swallow saliva. Chokes when she tries to swallow. Food stopped in oesophagus or went down very slowly. Intermittent burning in oesophagus in afternoon on going into street.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.