Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Phosphoricum

Clinical Greenish diarrhoea. Diarrhoea from acidity.

Urinary Organs

      Distention of bladder at night. Bladder seems incapable of properly expelling its contents, flow soon stops and requires straining, each effort resulting in small spurt. Obliged to urinate, but pressure not thereby relieved. Desire to urinate, but had to wait for urine to flow and had to strain at the end of micturition. Constant urging. Burning in urethra micturition; B. at meatus after coitus, with itching. Frequent micturition; from wind pressing on bladder; but little passed at a time. Urine dark red. U. dark and scanty. Copious U. in morning after rising; C. and pale.

Sexual Organs

      Erections almost every night (in a married man), preceded by pain in testicles, (<) l. Emissions every other night; at night without dreams; at night, with dreams; at night, with vivid dreams; some hours after coitus, no dream or erection; watery; smelling like stale urine, every night, no lascivious dreams, Itching of prepuce; of scrotum. Pain in l. spermatic cord. Drawing in r. spermatic cord; D. in testicle and cord. Pain in l. testicle; about l. testicle. Excitement. Desire, but no erections, later no desire. Desire diminished.

Female. Excitement, with sleeplessness till 1 A.M., waking at 5 unrested. Menses too early; and feet cold by day, burning at night in bed, flow pale, with pressure over r. eye and desire to take a long breath as if the room were to close, three days later headache over l. eye, all (<) from 3 till 4 P.M., on fifth day flow as dark as usual, after menses much worse, trembling about heart, (<) ascending stairs, pressure in pit of stomach, (>) eating, headache every, next period too early, with same symptoms as before, but flow stopped two days and returned with headache, chilliness, restless sleep, paralytic aching in r. wrist, feeling in knees as if cords were shortened.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough after drinking water; C. from ticking in throat; constant, with hawking pain in mammary region; dry tickling, from irritation in throat.


      Pain in lower third of sternum as if torn in two. Aching; through l. C. and in l. shoulder; through C. after dinner, (<) l.; diagonally from r. clavicle to stomach, then hoarseness. Bruised feeling in a spot in r.; about cartilages of r. fourth to sixth ribs, (<) deep breathing, deep pressure, and late in evening inability to breath deeply, or move arms or bend backward. Intercostal muscles feel sore and as if drawn when sitting erect chest, not in ordinary breathing. Contracted feeling in walls of r. Sudden fulness in upper part. Burning deep in, (<) r., in evening in bed.

Heart and pulse

      Uneasiness and pain H., (<) about its base, when the pains in limbs and great toe are better. Feeling as if a lump or bubble

started from the heart and were forced through the arteries. Heart’s beat heard as if it came from under the pillow, when lying at night. Palpitation at every strange noise. Pulse quick, jerking, 11 till 12 O’clock, before breakfast. Pulse felt in different parts of body as if shot were rolling through the artery.


      Crick in both both sides. Shooting extending over r. shoulder.


      Sticking to r. of spine in morning on breathing deeply. Pressure from spine to stomach before breakfast. Weakness; towards evening. Pain in l. scapula in evening. Feeling as if a round stick pressed upward and forward from about last dorsal vertebra into stomach, waking at 2. A.M. Sticking in r, renal region; in l. Cutting in r. sacro-iliac articulation. Pain on l. side of articulation of lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, pressing the spot caused pain down thigh to knee, later the same spot spot grew more painful and the leg seemed to give way when walking, as if knee were weak. Weakness of small of B. at 11 P.M. in bed, (<) lying on back, then deep-seated twitching in l. groin.


      Drawing in hands, feet, wrists and l. shoulder. Weakness of r. wrist and l. ankle after menses, with pain as if paralyzed.

Upper Extremities

      Synovial crepitation. Rheumatic pain in r. shoulder and nervous feeling. Drawing in l. deltoid in morning. Frequent contractions of extensor muscles on back of arm when writing, Heaviness of r. arm. Weakness of arms; l. Pain deep in r. wrist, going to middle of palm; sudden drawing cramping pain in l. wrist, extending over dorsum of hand to fingers, index very painful. Drawing in r. wrist. Hand trembles when writing. Crampy pain in l. hand, (<) index. Numbness of r. had and arm. Sticking in r. middle finger; in l. middle and index. Pain in r. little finger; in an old gouty joint of r. index; rheumatic P. in joints of l. little; darting P. in l., then r. little, (<) riding. Numbness of r. fingers, with occasional darts, (<) ring fingers.

Lower extremities

      Gait unsteady. Synovial crepitation.

Thigh. Shooting anteriorly in l. Aching in r. Boring in l. T. and knee. Bruised pain inside of T. when ascending stairs. Drawing in inner side of l.; in l. ischiatic nerve, from foramen to middle of thigh; in l. hamstrings when walking. Stiffness of hamstrings on attempting to rise.


      Trembling on rising after sitting. Twitching in l. Stabbing in l. Cutting in r. Pains about patella; in K. and ankles when walking fast; in l. as if hamstrings were too short.

Leg. Sticking in calf when walking. Pain about shins; along shins when walking; P. when walking fast; in ca;f. (<) on first rising. Feeling in r. calf as if bandaged. Calves feel as if pulled tight when walking, Heaviness as if paralyzed mornings after rising. Sudden giving way when walking, as if they would be paralyzed, and she fears typhoid fever. Weariness when standing.

Cutting in l. foot, through middle of instep to toes. Pain in ball of l. foot; when walking; in hollow of r. after ascending stairs and when riding; alternately in hollow of each, (<) exercise; in muscles when flexing l.; in big toe; in r. big toe, as this gets better pain in heart. Prickling in big toe as if going to sleep, when rubbed.


      Pimples, with broad erythematous base, on l. natis; reddish, itching, about tendo-achillis, then on lower limbs, (<) bends of joints, eruption about joints, (<) then (>) Sepia; itching, near r. ear; itching, burning, on l. leg. Hives on second joint of ring finger. Itching of nose; about mouth and neck; about anus; on joints; arms and coccyx; like insect-bites, on face, (<) nose, and in spots on body and limbs; (<) lumbar region and hips, rubbing causes pimples; about joints, elbows, knees and r. external ear, and vesicles form; about mouth and neck, and vesicles and pimple- like nettle-rash form; here and there after going to bed, and hives form; here and there after going to bed, and hives, the itching (>) scratching, then burning and sleeplessness, hives (>) Apis.


      Sleepiness all day. (<) forenoon; at 10 A.M.: in afternoon, must lie down; from 3 P.M. till bed-time, then sleepless from thoughts, finally urging to sleeps, dreams of these thoughts; after dinner, with weariness. Sleepless from 12 P.M. till A.M.; waking after 12 P.M., soon afterwards electric shock through body and trembling and palpitation as from fright. Wide awake from least noise. Restless sleep. Sits up in bed, seizes the sheet and folds it precisely along the hem. Dreams troublesome; vexing; of the dead, tired on waking; sexual, thinks she is with her husband, but the act is prevented by the unbidden entrance of a stranger.


      Chilliness, (>) Chest; C., then hot flashes around body. Cold feet. Heat preventing sleep, and thoughts crowd upon his mind; H. in flashes every afternoon, with headache (woman of 50, who had never had them before); in flashes in evening, with sweat. Burning of face; lobe of r. ear, with itching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.