Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Arsenicatum

Lumpy. Firm and small, twice a day; F. and large, with much gas and with relief of abdomen, afterwards small, firm stool. Almost black. Light. Yellowish and sticky; Y. and scanty. Small, with much gas, relieving abdomen; S., only about every alternate day. Twice a day. Frequent, muco-purulent, with flatulence and tenesmus. Omitted.

Urinary Organs

      Soreness in region of bladder, (>) micturition. Urging, waking him. Micturition frequent and copious, watery, without discomfort; M. twice at night, of copious pale urine. Polyuria, had to urinate every two hours day and night, tenesmus vesica if I restrained the desire, urine of the color of Catawba wine, a little over a gill at each discharge. Micturition but twice in twenty-four hours. Burning in urethra when urine begins to flow. Urine copious; with urging; and clear; and light-colored. Urine dark. Urine as clear as water. U. light yellow, cloudy, a deposit after standing two hours, reaction acid, sp. gr.1029, heat precipitates a dense white granular substance, which dissolves when nitric acid is used, leaving urine clear and reddish-brown, a few epithelial scales, a cast, some fat-globules and phosphates are seen, two days later urine dark straw-colored, of mild odor, reaction acid, sp. gr. 1030, phosphates abundant.

Sexual Organs

      Emission at night in sleep.

Respiratory Organs

      Oppressed or stuffed sensation all day from larynx to bottom of sternum. Constriction in lower part of larynx, (<) r. side, with burning. Dryness in larynx, with inflamed feeling and difficulty in detaching scanty, dark slate-colored mucus. Voice husky. Difficulty in modulating voice.

Cough; on waking; after deep inspirations; (<) forenoon; (<) heat of room; (<) when throat is dry; (>) night; paroxysmal. Dry cough; all day, (<) forenoon, causing gagging; during the morning, with irritation in bronchial region; on walking or any exertion requiring increase of volume of respiration; with dryness down trachea and into bronchia; with oppression of chest; with tightness and oppression in middle and upper third of chest; spasmodic, evening, with roughness of larynx and disposition to hem. Dry, hacking cough; all day; at 4 P.M., (<) heat of room; after supper; (<) forenoon. Loose cough when up at night; L., and once or twice per day a little starchy-looking substance is dislodged from a spot under fourth rib to right of sternum, where there is soreness on pressure. Cough, with grayish or bluish- black expectoration; spasmodic C. in morning, with expectoration of lumps of grayish mucus.

Respiration. Sixteen per minute. Sighting. Oppressed and short, at 9 A.M., often compelled to take a deep breath, with occasional pain in r. side of chest. Sounds not clear; in lower lobe of r. lung; sounds dull in lower half of lungs, but the usual resonance on percussion all over chest; sounds very indistinct, except in upper part of lungs.

Clinical In tuberculosis, hectic fever, night-sweats emaciation, etc., greenish profuse expectoration with racking cough.


      Sticking under r. mamma; in both sides, in space between fourth and seventh ribs; between sixth and seventh ribs, at about junction of ribs with cartilages, at 9.30 and 10 P.M.; near cartilage of fifth rib, reaching back to scapula; from short ribs down across l. hypochondrium in afternoon. Pleuritic pain over liver in afternoon. Sharp, quick pain anteriorly below seventh rib. Pain below seventh rib, about two inches from sternum, but not in both sides at the same time, later oppression and soreness; P. under ensiform cartilage at 12.05 P.M.; most of the day anteriorly through upper lobe of l. lung, without soreness on pressure; over region of lower ribs, with soreness on pressure; in r. side, with soreness; in r. side, beneath cartilages of fourth and fifth ribs, with irritation and soreness, afterwards uneasiness, which, on physical exertion, causes teasing, producing a dry, hacking cough and soreness, these symptoms (<) deep inspiration, dust and close air; between nipples, with hollow feeling there and choking sensation in throat, (<) inhaling carburetted hydrogen.

Bruised feeling under sternum and to left of it, at junction of upper and middle third of bone, on throwing shoulders upward and backward, at times extending to lower angle of scapula and to shoulder-joint, where there had been for five days weary aching on raising arm. Soreness of lungs; S. all day; in morning; on full inspiration; on inspiration, and on deep inspiration pain, at times cutting short the inspiration; on touch, anteriorly between sixth, seventh and eighth ribs; anteriorly on moderate percussion. Soreness on pressure, under r. mamma; in supra- clavicular region all day; between sixth and seventh ribs in morning.

Oppression; in centre, in afternoon; during motion, with soreness; (<) inspiration, lasting the rest of the day, with fulness, soreness and with short, dry cough from irritation behind upper half of sternum; (>) copious micturition; with fulness; as from a weight on lungs. Lungs feel clogged. Stuffed sensation all day, (<) behind sternum and from larynx to epigastrium. Constriction, and at times desire to breathe deeply. Distress, (>) repeated doses of Pulsatilla. Discomfort behind sternum on full inspiration. Irritation behind lower part of upper third of sternum. Feeling as if smoke had been inhaled, causing cough.


      Sounds loud and distinct, so as to prevent hearing clearly the respiratory sounds; sounds heard distinctly through nearly all of chest. Beating felt through chest; beating violently on unusual or prolonged exertion.


      Rapid; and full; and intermittent; and in early part of day slender and intermittent; and variable in volume; and slender, irregular; and at times slender, at times full and irregular. Full. Slow; and irregular in volume and beat. Irregular.


      Soreness at lower cervical vertebra, extending to points of and under scapulae, first felt at night, on getting out of bed and moving arms and shoulders. Stiffness; of l. side, with soreness.


      Soreness; and in abdomen. Sticking between scapulae on deep inspiration. Pain between scapulae on inspiration, from 8 till 9 A.M., causing inclination to bend forward, gradually passing around below point of r. scapula to r. side below ninth and across tenth rib.

Lumbar Region. Pain, across sacrum; in kidneys; in region of r, kidney, (<) walking; in kidney region, with profuse urine; in evening, extending over back, (<) between shoulders, and even affecting arms; across sacrum and down thighs, (>) walking, returning on sitting down. Tenderness in renal region; in sacrum on walking or stooping, first felt in morning on getting out of bed, (<) pressure on each side of sacrum on a line with acetabulum, (<) l. side, (>) walking some time. Weakness in sacral region; from crest of ilium down outer side of thighs to knees, beginning in afternoon.


      Aching in all; wandering, (<) joints and l side; rheumatic, (<) lower, running from hips to toes, (<) rest, (>) motion, these pains remain a few moments in muscles supplied by sciatic nerve, (<) flexors of thighs and legs. Joints felt stiff.

Upper Extremities

      Neuralgic pain from axilla along inside of arms to little finger at 9 P.M. Shoulder-joints crack on raising or depressing arm, the pain in shoulder passes down median nerve to finger-tip. Rheumatic aching in r. arm, (<) shoulder and wrist. Weary aching in l. arm on raising it, (<) pressure and motion. Aching in flexors of l. forearm, near their insertion at elbow, in morning when riding. Stiffness of flexors of l. forearm on holding anything in hand with arm flexed.

Sticking along palmar surface of fourth metacarpal bones, not in both hands at the same time. Metacarpo-phalangeal bone of r. index sore on pressure, so that it is painful to hold a pencil for any time. Twitching of l. middle and index fingers. Pain in second joints of fingers, from tips of l. fourth and fifth F. to elbow; sharp, in r. little F. at 9.45 A.M.; rheumatic, in r. index; flying, in F.; palms and forearms.

Lower Extremities

      Neuralgia in nerves supplying flexors, (<) l. pain in flexors; P. in l. iliac region, hip and knee, with occasional twinges in r. knee. Heaviness. Pain in l. hip-joint; and inner aspect of thigh; in l. hip-joint when walking; bruised, in l. hip-joint and along thigh in crural nerve, (<) beginning to move the part, (>) continuing to move it.

Thigh. Sudden sharp pain below l. trochanter on moving, extending to l. spermatic cord, which is sore to touch, returning on crossing thighs, next day occasional aching under trochanter. Rheumatic pain shooting from acetabulum to knee, (<) moving about. Aching; in anterior and inner part of l. about noon; in anterior muscles on walking, with tenderness on touch; in sciatic nerve, (<) walking, with soreness; anteriorly, extending to leg and ankle, increasing till it caused restlessness, also at 3 P.M., lasting till he went to bed at 9.30 P.M., on inner side from groin to inner edge of popliteal space, (<) l., with soreness. Soreness; of extensors.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.